Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

TO THE RIGHT ·HONO· RABLE EVWA'R.,V, LORD $..VSSELL, EARLE OF BEDFORD: GRACE AND PEACE BE MV LTIP LIED. ~~!i?§~~rrr;:~ I 6 HT Honourable, if you confider what is one of rhe chiefdl ornaments ofthis Noble /tare, vnto which God hath aduanced you, it will appeare, tharthereisnoue more excejlentfhen (a)rhe fpirir of •Zatb.,. grace and prayer.Forwhardoth your heartaf!eel?woula you fpeake the u. languages? Behold,by prayer you may fpeake the rno£t heauenly tongue that euerwas(b)euen the language of Canaan. Would you haue the va- • El>t~ lour ofKnighthood?l!y prayer you may ftand in place where Gods hand "· hath(c)madeabreach, and doe as much as(d)all the chariots and horfe- men in a kingdome. Would you enioy Gods bleC.ings which you wiintl. By prayeryou may (as 6 • it were) put your hands into the cofers of Gods treafures(e)and e<irich yourfelfe. Doe you de- ;Pfa.•o6 lire the fauour of Mouarches and Princes? By prayer you may come in pre(ence, and haue r/;.,.,; 6 fpeech withIehouahtheKingofheauen and earth· Laftly,would you know,whether now liuing ' '·King you be dead, that being dead you may liueforeuer! By prayeramanmay know, wherhor bee '·"· be dead to finne,dead to the world,aliue toGod,liue to Chri!t,and liue eternally. 'M•.H Prayerthen, beingfo excellent a pointof reljgion?'t a]Jl emboldenedto commend this fmall treatifeto your Honoor: notfo much for itfelfe, as beoapfeit doth fer out the matter and true mannerofinuocation ofGods holy name. And I hope foryour fauour in acceptingofir, the ra– ther, becaufeI doubtnot but your_defire is to be an.iive.r~ble toJour!"o£t honourable , and for religion moft worthy ance!louos, m the care ofmamtammg an countcnancmg any good thmg that may any way ferue for the furthering ofthe Gofpel of Chrift. • Now Iefus Chriftour Lord, and God euen the Father which'hatH,)oued vs, and giuenv• e– uerla!ting coufolation,andgoodhope through grace, ftablilh your Honour in euery good word and worketo the end. · 1 , -I: ,I . !i %ur H. to commaund, .~~ '· 1/ "rJV I b L I A M p E R K INS'. >