Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

An aduertifementtotheReader. 11 Ood Readtr, there wa,.tbookt ofj.,; publij/Jtdin Londonvnder thu title, PER– KIN S vpon the Lords prayer. In it I haue double iniurie. Firft, it'""' printed without mykeow~edgeor conftnt.Andflcondiy,th~ bo(lk! isfa~t!tie both in the m4tter andmannerof writing. ln the matter,thefcthings are notwe!ljetdowne. Firjf, thecqmmandement ofprayer, verye<fle tobek.r;pt. p. 3. b. z, 'l'rayeru therejJaurationof the GofPel, 7· b. . 3· The three ftrft petitions concerm ,GodJgWry; thetlrtee/lltter, theme~~nes of Gods glory. P"':· I. b. · 4· Godsn~tmetakt_nfcr hUdeitie, mufnotfor hUattri.bxtesortitles. IS·b• 5· Am<nmuf/prayfor the dayofhudearh. z6. a. 6. Repentance isfofficimt not onely to hring a truef~ith,bM alfo to renew it. 34• If. 7. A lej[onin theLordsprayertaf<tnout of'l'opery. 45. d, 8. The J.[/rine offotufaE/iollforfinneu amoft vile doUrine, 52· b. 9. GfJdandthe diMilagreeinthem~tnnerofumptation. 6x.b. zo, Godoffemh mm the occaflonofjinne. 62. a, Lik_ewifethe ·mannerofwriting hathothtrfaHiu. Firf/, in tbemiddleofehe Lords prayer there u placedadifcour{e ofrhe Lords Supper. ,, Thtendofthe Lord• prayeru not expoundedat an but ftiuoloufly. 3. Thereareverymany places~ rvhich haue n~ common reafon in tiJem, a.s Firft~ God.J Angels d~e hUwillincokntenance. 39· b. 2· Our dailybreadMcommunicatingbread. 45. b. · 3· Towalk! bifore Godinthetmth of thefotufaUionof God, iuj/ice, 51· •· 4· TopHrgeackareconfcience. sr.h. s. The p4ge 65, 66,67• are fo penned# 114 the readercannot k!;tuwwhttt WtU mymeaning." Now,confidmng by thu vng•d!ypraUift,ChriflianandwdldifPoftdpeopleare muchabuftd,to omit the iniurie dDneto myftlfe, 1thought it myd•tie tom•~<!aretlreffiby publifhing thu treatiftaccording tU the pointstherein were ddiuered: otherwife 1w.unot willing }o ht~~Hejh dorvne4".] thi11g in theway of Ex– pofltionofthe Lordsprayer: ~ecauft it iulreadyfojjicientlyptrformedby othm. -----------------..-''-'-' ; ____ ---------- 1- ,. , Ee 4 AN