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vpotJtbeLordspr4Jer. 3z.71 t commaunded vs to vs, we are in nowife to A J2·>0· where wee may fee whata marudlous prayfor.x.Ioh.5.I4•Thu utheafJJtY~ewhicb detire they hadtoobtail!C their requctl. So alwe ha"t ofhim,that ifweasktarrythmgaccordMg fo, Rom. &16. Thefjliii~tfjak(thrq~eft witb tohu will he heambvs. TrJs.then is a fpeciall gra.vru, fOgn!atthat rhey.uanriot bevttered,as claufe to 'bee marked, thanlll!nmufr pray in they ardelt.D.widfaith,Pfal.x4J·6· That bee knowledg,notin igaorace:he•oweighthe cali: defocth4ferthe Lord, Mthe thirjliefand.Now ofpoore tgnorant people• they talke much of weknow that the grqund parched with heate praying for thenifelues &othcr~,they imagine opens it fel~ituifts aod cranies, & gapes tothatth~y pray very deuoutly to. God: but alas ward hdurn~s.thongh:it would deuourc th~ theydoe nothin&le!fe 1· bccaufe they know tiot cloudeHorwanto.fmoifrure, and thus mufr what to asko according to -()ods:wdl. They. the hearrbe-.difpofedtoGods g~ac~, tillit obtherefore mufr learne Gods word, and pray taine it. The people of Ifrael be10gm gneuous according to the fame, els it willproOMe in rhe atBiCiiot1>;1\ow-doe they pray? They p4wmm• end t~at all their praying was nothin~ but :1SJ their foH,i&s>uh!, water before the ofthe-Lord, mockinfoandBatdilhonourof:God. ' Lammt.·2·19· ' - · The ourrh quefiion is, with what affh"tion B The lift quefrion, is in whofe name·Jlrayer a man mufr pray? Anfw.1'tayermufr proceed mufl b•made.Anf. It mufl not be made.iii the from a broken and coRtrite bearr. This is the nameofany crcature,but onely in the name & focrificcwhich Godaccepteth. Pfal. 51• 17· mediati<>n ofChrifr, !oh. 14·14· lfyeask£1111J WhenAhababafed himfelfe, though he did it thing namelwilldoeit. A"lnanisnotro inhypocriftc, yet God had fume refpect vnteit. pr<fi:nt his prayers to God in any worrhine!fe r_. Kin. H. 29· foith the lArd to Eliah, Seejf ofhisowne lnerits. Fotwhatishe, to make 'th•u hew Ahab u humbledbefore"'"?This conthe bdl ofhimfdfc,what.can'he makeofhimtrition ofheart flands in two things. The firfl felfro by natnre lle is no bt>rteP then the very ofthem is,aliuely feeling ofour own lin,nitfe, firebrand.ofhell,andofairGods creatutfs on rie,and wretched dtate,hoW.that we are com' earrh the mefr·ourtagious tebdl to God, and pa!fed about with inoomerable enemies, euen therefore cannot be hdrd for his owne fake. withthediueland hisangel$, & withinabound A.s for Saintsthey can be no medlatoors, fee, euen with huge feas ofwits &'rebellious cOili10g eueri thoy themfelues in heauen are·acccpruptions,wherby·we moflgrieuoufly difpleafe eed of Gollnotfor themfelues , but ondy for God, •nd are vile in our owne ei<:s. !leeing theble!fed merits ofChcifr. lfarry mnn {mnt thereforethus befet on euery fide , weart to c (faith,x. epiff:chap.••x.)we h•11<~n be touched with the fenfe of this our great atiN«atn•iththe FAtbtr JefU.Chrijl. But now mifcrie.And he·that will pray aright,muit pun pro.oues he this?Itfollowes then, Andheu the on the perli;m andthevery affection ofapoore re<oncili•tion for••r finn", His rea!On.frands wretched begger, and certainely not beeing thus: He which mufr be an aduocate,mufr lirfl gneucd with the rufulcondition in which wee ofa! be arec<>nciliatio for_vs: no Saintscan be are in our felues, it is not pQil.~bk for vs to arecenciliatit'n for vs; therfore no Saints can pray cff<Ctoally. Pfal. 1;o.I. O•tofrhedeepes be aduocats. Therfore irithis place ismanifefl hAOedvponthet o Lord: that is, wben I was in an other fault ofignor:itptople. Thq cry ofmy greate!tmifery,and as it were not far from ten,Lord help me,Lord haue mercy vpon me: the gulfes ofhell,then I cried to God• Ifa. >6. Butin whofename praythey?poore loulslike I 6.LordintroHble hautthey vijittdtbec,thgpowblind bayards the)' mlh vpon the Lord, they red~ut when thychaflening w.u vprm tht. know no mediatour in whofe name they I·Sam. I·I5. I amawomau(fatth Ann~Jofan O>ould prefent their praiers to him. Litle doe hardfPirit: that is, a troubled foule, andhaue they confider with themRlues, that God is as powrcdmyJoule biforerhe Lord.Hence it appeawe! a mofr terrible Iudge,as a merciful father. reth, that the ordinarie praiers of malt men D The fixt queflion is; Whether faith be reI gneuonfly <hfpleafe God , feeiag they are quilite to prayer ornot.Anfw.Prayer is tobee made for falhion ondy, without any fenfe and made witloi fairh,wherby a manmufr haue ccrfeelingoftheir rniferies: common men come taine a!furanceto beheard. For he that pr.iwith the Pbarilie in oflentation of their ineth, mull freodfafrly beleeue, that God in tegritie, aadthey take great paines with their Chnfr will granthis petitio.Thisaffiiice being lips, but their heartswaoder from the Lord. wanting,it makerhprayerro be no praier.For The fecond thing required in acontrite heart, how can he pray f<>r auy thingeffeetually,who ts a longmg delire and hungring after Gods doubteth whether he lhallobtaineit or no! graces and benefitswherof we ftand inneede. Wherefore it is anefpeciall point ofpraier, It is not fufficient for a man to buckle as it to be perfwadcd,that God to whom prayer is were,and to goc crooked vnder hislinncsand made, notGlnclycan, bm alfo wilgrant his remiferies ; buralf<>heemufr haue adelireto be quefr. Mark.I I. •4·What[ocuery•d.ftrrwhr"?.e eafed ofthem, and to be inrichcd with graces pray, heleexethAtyejhallhaoe;r, anditjhall et needefull. ~one "'?tfJyon. Here we fee two things required Thus Hmchi.u theKin~, and the Prophet mprater: the firfr, adefire ofthe good things lf<Ut~hrhe tonne of .Anws prayedagainf!Sewhtchwe want:the fecod,is faith,wherby we nfl'Cbertb ~ ~nd ~~dvmoheauen, 2. Chrou.. beleeue that God wil grant the things dcfired. ~ lite ,