vpon the Lordsprayer. . 319( llirrevpourdulndfe, and to allure V...byall A wiUing1andfecondly,hiso!lllli~otency,whermeanes tG the beauenly exerofc: of praye~: byhe~ 1s able to grant our requefi...One of whettfore llilll fay, imploy your fc:liles In thefc: 1~boldenell tbe leper'to pray, 'L.rd, if prayer feruently and continually' an&if you thoH"(f'l/t thouCA11ft 1?Uk! im cleane. Matth.s .•• can nor doe it Jearne to pray. Thus' much of Therefore botht~crherarc more eff<tluall. the commmdement of our Sauiour Chtilb · Nowletvscome to the prefucelr f<lfc,OMT now follow the words dfthe prayc{. Fatherw/ti<IJarfin hw<en. !t cdntames a de0 u l h' ·t' ' fc,iption of tlie 'due Jehouah i~~twhom wee Ur uat 1.0r W lC 1 J>ray,andthat,&Y.~.argninetft,g: . th~fir.llis. & orawrie from ir~lauon, Our 1-...t'her :' the fe· ar'tJ c. ~ond is taken from t~e· fubi~ct i>t place, wh~h THefc words conta[rte thru'paits: I. a •rt.jn'he•um, ·•· ' prcrace.u.tlie prayer it fc:lfe,containing pather. fixe petitions. 11 I. the rcllification of faith intbelalhvord,Amen. I• ' T-hni,.aning. , · Which altboughit'be fborr,yerit d0thnot B J~'-rt"" openingoftHi;word,ortitleofGod; cotainethefmallell pointinrheprayer.Itis(I fwo que!lions art to be opened., ,. , uy)a tcllificarionofour faith, wherasthe peI." fl.!t•ft· Whetlietby thistitleFathtr, is titiousthatgo beforeare only tellilications of flgnified the whole ninitie,or fume oneperourdelires.Nowofthefothreeparts in order. fonthereof. .Ahfo; <Jrherwhiles this mime is Wemull confider how ourSauiour Chrill: attributed to all the porfons in Trinity, or any doth not fetdown ehe petitionsabruptly; but ofthem. Mal.l·IO· HaNt we""d/Jonefotbtr, heiirft beginswith afolemne preface,.Wher· &c. Lul:.,3.3g; Wh~h ,.;,. thef.nne •f eAa,,n; by Weare taughtthislelfon; that hl:'whid\ Is whichw;u the fonne •f God. .1\nd inEf4. 9· 6. topray vnto God, is firll to preparehimlelfe, <l:hri!l is calleq rheF41her afeternitu, becaufe and not boldly wit!)dilt conlideraiioh as it allrl"ltaretrulyknittohim, and borne anew wereto rulh intotheptefc:nceofOo'd. b_rhim, they a_ri:ete~naiiY.".'ad~ thefdpnesof If a man bee to cqnle before an' earthly God•.A:t;ame,ofrentJmesJtlsgmen to the firft ,Prince, hewill order himfc:lfe'inap-p~~ell; ge· perfon in Triniiy,~s i·nthofeplaces where on·e fture·,and words,thaehe'may doe a1W\ings in perfon is conferred with an other: And fo in feemelines and dutifull reuerence: how much' tllis place principally for fome fpeciall re~ more are men fuor\:ler tbemfelues,whe~ they c fi>e~s,~his title agrees to the firll:pcrfon.For are to appeare before the JiuingGod! eccte[. lirft;hi: is the father ofChrillas heisthe eter5·1· Benotrajlnmh.t~m•Hth, andk~ notthj iial word ofthe father,and thatby nature,behe,.,t bee h-fly to vtter• thing befort the lArd. citufeheis of th~ fame elftnce wirh him. Se• AndDauid,Pfo1.:6.6.w•Jbedhuhandsininno. condly,_he i> thefather of Chrillinttfpell:of renry,before he came tG the altar of theLord hts manhood, not by nature or adoption but to offer !acrifice. by perfonall voion, becaufe the hu.nan; naThe meane$- whereby men may fl:irre vp ture doth fublill in ehe perfon of the word. their dull and heauy hearts, and·fo prepare Thirdly, he is afather to all thefl'.itr,fullbyathemfelues to prayer,arethree. The firfl;isto doption in Chrill:.· read diligently the word ofGod, concerning •· f<.ueft. Whether are we to pray to the thofe matters about which they arero·pray: & Sonne and the holy Ghofl: as to the _Father? I what then! this will be a'meanes notonely to An[. Inuocation belongs to all the three perldire<l him,Dut alfotoquitkenthe hearrmore fonsih 1'ri•>iiie, and notonely to the'Father. l ferutntlytodeliuerhis prayer.Tbis is euldent (;!.Ei:7•59.·Sr<nenprayeth,Lordleft# r-ceiHemy byacomparifon. Thebeames of the Sunne ~:_irii. t.Theff.3·I'r. NowGodourFatherand ,dcfcending, heat_not before they cometo the D dur [-ordlefu• ChriJ!guide:•r iour7ry """you. earth,or fome foltde body where theymay re2 ·P"·' 3. I 3.7-hegr•uif 011r Lord1efmChrift, flea , and then by that meanes the earthand rb~ IJJ~e if G,.,j·, aiM t'h~ co'>Jmurlion Of theholy ayre adioyning ismadehot : euen fo theLord' i"i-h/JjFbt ll'itb.z•ll.'·And·rllen'are ll'ajJihed in the fendsdowne vnro vs h'" blefftd word,cuenas name ofthe F~th~r; the-Sorlne, and tHe holy beames ami the goodly fun-lhioe,and thereby Ghofl:; tha\: i~; by caliing on tile name of the hefpeakes to our hearts: now when we make Farfi·er,Sonnt,and holy Gholl'. our prayers ofthat whichwchaueread;Gods ' ·some may fa}:., this prayer isa perfetlplatword is asitwererdletted,and our hearts are forme ofall pra}'ers, and yetwe are taughtto therby warmed with the cornfortable'heat of dire~ourprayer" to the Father, not to the Gods holy fpirit, to peure outour prayors to Sonne;orho\y fpirit·I anfwer,t~e Father Son · God more feruently.The fecond meanes is.ro and holy Gholl,are three dill:in~perfon's,ye~ pray·toGod that he would llrength~dvs With they'are nor ro.be feueted ordtutded becaufe his fpirit,that we might be able to pray asitis they all fubfill ia one an·d the fame Godhead pracnfed,'1' fo. I 43. I • The thirdmeane~ is,the ordiuine nature. Apd'further in alloutward confiderati?n of Gods moll: glorious "_laic. att1ons, as in t~ecreation and preferuation of fite,wherem we are toremember fir~,h1• fatlie World, and thefaluationol the elect, they therl~_!;oodnelfe and kmdnelfe, whereby he IS are not fc:uered or diuided ;- for they all worke