Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

eAnExpojition worke together, oncly they arc cliftmguilhcd A turcs, they are nor able to procure by ;;;;y in the mannerofworl<int:.Nowiftheybenot mcanesthat God lhould become aFather, no diuided in riaturc oroperation ; thea they are not fo much as to one man. nor to bci feueredin worlhip. -· 4· Againe, ifthcGodtowhom wee pray And in this place we principally dircCl: our beafather, wee mutt lcarnc to acquaintour prayers to the Father becaufe he is the firlt in fclucs with the promift:s wllich he bathmade order: yet fo,asthen wcimplythc Sonne and in his word·, to quicken our hearts in all our holy Gholl:. For we pray to rhe Father inthe prayers vuro him, andthereb'y to gather affi. name of r!f Sonne by the alfurancc S>f the ance to our felues and perfWilfion thathe will holyGhofi. And to whatperfon foeuer th !lran~ourre"'u.elts. Fort~is.word [Fatber] prayer is diret'ted, we mull: alwaies rcmem· 1mphcsa re'li<lmclfe and .wtlhngnes in God to ~er inmindc and bean to include the rclt, heare and bemercifolll to'our prayers. Anda 2· T~evfts, father cannot but mufi needs make promife T H • vfes ofthis pointare manifold. offauourtothofc that behischildren, & therr .Firlt,whereaswearetaughttocome fore itcannot be that bee lhould call toGod toGodasto afather, &thereforein the name B his fatherrruly, which bath not in his heart ofhis Sorineour Sauiour Chrift : weclearne this alt:urance,thatGod will fulfil! all his protolaythefirll:groundofalourprayers,which mifes made vnto him. Promifes made to is,to hold and maintainethcvnion and the diprayer, asrhcfe B< fuch like,orerobe marked, llint'tion ofthe threeperfons in Trinity. This asfollow. z.Chr.7. r+Ifmypeople,amongwhom being the loweft and the firiHountlation of "'J"Ameuc.ltulvpon,d.humbinhemft/Jm,411d prayer, it is requifite that all which would fY"Y• 4ndjiek[my preftn<t, ""tumef•m their pray aright,lhouldhaue this-knowledg,rightwkktdwaies.then I wia heare;,hwun, a.rtdbu ly to bcleeue the Trinitie, and to know how mmifullvntothtirfins•••Cbr•·I5·•· The Lord the three perfons agree, and how they are cliuwithyou wml•y bewith him,& ifyeftek!him, l!inguifhed, and the order ofthem, how the h•willbe/oH11dt{you.EfA.6S. •4·Beforethryc•ll Father is the firll, the Sonne thefccond, and lwiliAnfwor,andwhiltstheyjf~a~dwiO·ht•re. the holy Ghofl: the third : and therefore how M••·7·7·Ask§""'"Jhafl begmenyouJeel,tanJ the Fatheris to be called vpon in the nameof eeJh•llfin.le, kt!ock!1111ditjha/Jbeopened. I,ukt the Sonby the holy Ghoft.Bythis the prayers II·I3·lfy•whkhceeuillc•n.giuegoodgifts_v•· ofGods Church, and the prayers of heathen toyour<biidnn,how""'ehmoreJh•lyour heaN<nmen are diftinguilhed, who inuocate God as C ly F..rhtrgiue the hoiJ Ghoft to them th.r dtfin aCreator out ofthe Father, Sonne, and holy hm•l u. H•ethat u Lordo•er•O,~ Ghofl:. Andhenceitismanifelt,thatignorant richvnro~fl thattallonbim. lam. 4· 8. Dr"" and filly people which doe not fo much as ~~<trrvmoGod,.uuihe,.;Udr•wneerev•t•)'•· dreame ofthe vnion,diftintlion,and order of 5. IfGod bea Father wl;o i~ called vpon, the perfons ia Trinitie , make but a cold and then praieris rhe note ofGodschilde.S.Luk[ flender kinde ofpraying. and S. Pau/fetout the faithful feruants ofGod •· Sccondly,wc may learnehereby thatwe by this note, Acr. 9· 14• He hathauthoritin• are not in any wife to inuocate Saints & Anbinde~r/1 thatctt/Jonthyn11me.t.Cor.x.2. Tothem gels, but onely the true lehoU4h. The reafon th<t arefwEiijiul.bylefiwChrif/,S4iwtsbycR0ing ltandsthus:Thispraicriseitheraperfet'tplatwithal/that coOon the •~nmeofour Lordlefm forme for allpraiers,or not:to fay it were not, Cbrift.Andconrrariwife, Pfoi·I4+it is made were an iniurie to our Sauiour Chrift;to fay it oneofthe properties of anA:heift, 'l{Juerr• is fo, is alfo to grant th•t it doth fully fer collonthon•meofGodAnd fuch pcrfonsasnei· downeto whom all prayers are to be made. thtrl\lillnorcan,orvfenothcarttlytoprayro Now,in thefewordsthere isfetdowneno in· God, they may fay that they are pcrfwaded uocation but ofGod alone : .Forin prayer to D there is a God, but in their doings they beare be rearmcd,O•r Father,isproperroGod,Efo. themfelues as iftheir were noGod. 63.r6.Thourt ourfather: tho~gh .Abrabamb• . 6. He which w~uld pr~yaright, muft bee ignor~~~~tofvs,andlfAe/ey.., vs7Uit:ytthoH,O hkethepro!UgaNchiid,that !!,he mult,notoncLm/,Art ourfathertU<dredeemn-.PapiQs therelyconfelfe his fin, faying, Father 1ha•efumed Lult fore that are the great patrons ofinuocation •g4i•ft hoautn, A!tdagainft thee, &c. but alfo , 1 . ·•!· ofSaints, intheirreformed breuiaries&: mifhauca fall purpofe neuer after to offend h1s uls deale very fondly: for lirft they pray to farber. For how canachildecallhim father M;ry,thatfhcwould pray to Chrift tor them, whom bee cares notc?~tinually to difple,fe and when they haue fo done, like iuglers they tJtroug~ h•s lewd condmens I H~ car: not doe cometo Chriftandpray Vlltohim, that bee tt~ neither car: any father dehghtm fucha would accept Maries prayer• for them. chdd:thereforemprayerwe muftcall to mmd 3· Thirdly, welearne that there can be no ourlewdnelfe and rebelhons agamltour hea· intercclfour berweeuc God and vs, but onely uenly father, and With the PubhcanmheamCluift. Forherewee aretaughtto comete nelfeoffoule ~y; Lordbe mmif_•Hvntom<" God notas ai•dge, but as to a kiude and lofim:er• Hewh1chcantruly doe thJS, IS akmde uingfather. Now he is afath~rtovsonely by childe. lf we confider our felues as wee ar~ Chrift: as for Angelsand Samts and all creaby nature, wee are the chddren of the d~t~ell . no