Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

.9 ' W· .lfn 8~pojition - Now towards all thefe , how ought a man to A another. For.howihould he call God his Fabehaue himfelfe in prayer?Anf. Hee isto pray ther, who will nottakethe childe ofGod for fdrthemall. Mat·)· 44· Prayforthemwhich htsbrother?Matth.. s. 23,24. Whmthouarr to hHrtyou,andperficuuyou. I.Tint.2·I. I exhort uffcrthygift vnto God, if t';;, brother h•th ought. l that prayers,interceffiom,&c.betmideforal mew, .tgainft thee: firfl bereconci d,andthencomeand fork._ings, &c. Yet whenPaul gaue thiscomujferthygift. So alfoEfo.I.I 5· the Lord faith mandement,we readc notthatthere were any that whc they pray vntohim he wil notheare: Chrillian kings,butall infidels.And the Iews Why?. becaufe their handsaref~/1 of bl08d, In are commanded to pray for Babylon , where thefe ttmes many men can be content formal- >hey were captiue,Ier. 29.7. Andfeel:.§ theproly topray; butyet they will not leaue bribing J)eritie ofthe citie, whither1hauecaufedyoutobe opprefsion, deceit, vfury, &c. Thecomma~ carried captiue,andpray vnto the Lordfor it. fong ofthe world is,Enery man f0r h1mfelfe Quej/. How andin what manner are weto and God for vs all: th1s is the common loo~ prayforour enemies? Anf Weearetopray and care that men haue each toother. The againfl:their finnes, Counfc::ls, enterprifes, but prayers of fuch are abominable, euen as rho not againll their perfons. Thus prayed 'IJa- B focrifice ofad.g, asEfo.66.3• faith. For how eidagainll Achitophci,I. Sam·I5·3'• Lf1rd) can they call God their Father, that haue no Pift!, thee turne thc co•nfeRof ..Achitopheltofoo· loue to their brethren? li mes.And thus did theApofrlespray againll · 3· Jhirdly,bevcewemaylearnethatGod theirperfecutours. A<l-4-29· 0 Lordbeholdi isnoacceprerofperfons.Forthisprayer isgitheir threamings, andgraunt vntothy ftruaflts uen toall menofwhat llateor degree foeuer. with allboldneffi to JP«k! thy word, All then, as well poore as rich, vnlearned as Q.uejl. Dauid vfeth imprecations againll learnedlubielh asrulers,may fay,Ourfather, his enemies, in whichhe prayethfor theirvtIt is notwiththe Lord as it is with theworld terconfufion, as Pfal.59• and I09.&c. The butallare his children that doe beleeue. Th~ likeisdonebyPa11l, Gal·5·1.>• ••Tim·4·I4· poore man hath as good intcrell in Gods andPeter, Ael.8.2o.though afterwards hee kingdome , and may callGod Father as well mitigates his execration. But how could tHey asrhe king. Therefore theweaker fort are to .doeit? Anf. I .Theywere endued with an ex· comfort themfclues ·hereby, knowing that traordinarie meafure ofGods fpirit,andhcreGod is a Father tothem·aswellasro eAbra. by they wereenabled to difcerneoftheir eneham, D•~titl, Peter. And fuch as are endued mits, and certainely to iudge that their wic- c with more grace, mull not therefore fwelt in kednetfe and malice was incurable, and that pride , becaufe they haue not God to ~e their they lhould neuer repent.And the like praiers Father morethentheir iuferiours haue. did tbeprimitiue church conceiue againlllu- \~'Vhieh art inheauen. lian the Apollata, becaufe they perceiued him to be a malicious and defperate enemie. Secondly, they were endued with a pure zeale, J. Tbe me41Jit:g. aod nut carried withdefireofreuenge againll .Qf<ql.HOwmay God befaid tobeinheatheirenemies, intending nothingelk but the uen,feeing he is infinite, and thcr- "' glorie of God. Now forvsirisgood that wee fore mull ne~ds be euery where? I.Kin.8. 27. lhould ll1fpec't our zeale, becaut< finiiler affe• The beaum~fheauens grtnot nbletoc~ntaine him. dions,as hatred,enuy,emulation,defire ofre. AnfGod isfaid to be in heauen: lirll, becaufe I uenge,will eafily mingle themfelues therwith. his maiefiie, that is,his power, wifedome,iu:. ~How farre fOrth may wee vfe thofe ilice,mercy,ismade manifell from thence vnPfalmes in which J?auidyfeth imprecations tovs. 'Pfoi.I I5·3·0urGoduin heauen,anddtieh 1 again!! his enemies? Anf They are tobe read whatfoeuer he will, 'Pfo/.,.4.He that dwellerhiti and fung with thcfecaueats:I. Wee are to~Ce D he.uenjhall u~~<gh them toftorne '. ""~!heLord t!Jpfe imprecatioas indefinitely agaiull thee- ~:nhaue themmderijion, EfoyCuth,66.t.Thm ) . nemies ofGod and his Church: for wee may ~th the Lord,Heamn is my t~rone~andtbeearth pcrfwade oilrfelues,thatalwaies ther be fome u myfootj/1(11<, Secondly,afterthis life he will ft!ch obfrinate enemies : but we mwll not ap- . manifell aadexhibite the fulnetfe of his glory plythemparticularly. Secondly wee mullvfe to his Angels and Saints in the highell heathem (as Auguf/ine faith) as certaine propheuens,and that immediately and vifibly. ticall femenccsof the holy Gholl, pronoun- •· The vfes. cing.the !all fentence ofdellructionvpon fi. nail impenitent Gnners, whichoppofe themI. Hereby we firlllcarne,that Romilh pil· fduesagainll: Godskingdome·l· They may grimages, whereby men wear from place to bevfed again(I: our fpiritual enernics,the flelh, place to worlhip God, are vaine audfoolilh. ' the diuell,and his angels,and the world. The God to whom wee mull pray is in hea- •· Furthermorewhereas wee art taughtto uen, Now let men traue!l to what place, or fay~OJtr Father, this fcruesto ptttvs in minde, counrrey they will' they !hall not some the that iu praying to God, wee mull briugloue neerer to heauen, or neerer toGod by ~ra'!elto men with vs. Wee mufr all bee the chil-, ling, feeing the earth isiu euery part alike d1· dten ofone father, louingly difpoftd one to llant fro01 heauen. · · •· Se·