I 'I - 'VfOn the Lords Prayer. m ;. Secondly, thisouerthrowespopifh ido- A allyrocome vntoir. In aword, to make an latry as wodhipping ofcro!fes, crucifixes, endof the prefacc:in it is contained adouble rood;s &c. vfcdtoputmeninmindeofGod fray or prop of all our prayers. The one,isco and Chrift. We aretaoght to lift vp our eyes bdeeue that God can grant onr requefts, beioheauen ; (ccing God is the~e : and how can caufe he is almightie, and thusmuch is figni· wedoe this,as long asout mmds and eye• are lied when hee is (aid to be in h<Rum. The fcpoaringvpon an im•ge made by mans art ? cond is,to belecue that God is ready and wil3• Againe, we are here admonifhed to vfe lingto grant the fame, and thiswearetanght the aCtion of prayer with as great rcuerence in the titleFather, which femes to pot vs in aspofsible may be, ai1d not to thinkeof God minderhat God acc(,ts our prayers, lob. 16. in any earttly manner. Well reafons Salomon, 23.and hathacare o vs inallourmiferies and Ecckf5·I· Be notr•Jh with tby mouth to {Peak! necefsities ,. Matth. 6. 32. and pittieth vs as awordbiforeGod: why? heUinhtttNm,thoH~trt much as any earthly father canpittie hischild, intArth: therefortl<tthywordsbefew . This rePfoi.IOJ·l 3• · uerence mu!t appearc in holindle of ail our Yet mufl we not imaginethat God will inthoughts and aff,<'lions, and in all comeline!fe B deede giue vnto vs whatfocuer we doe vpon ofgc!lure.And for this coufe all wandringbyourownheads fancie and defim but we mu!t thoughts, and all vaine-babling is to be auoiin ourpraiers haue recourfe to the promifeof ded : but howgoes the cafe with vs, that on God, and according to the tencilr therofmufl the time appointed come totheaffembliesto we frame and fquare our petitions. Things pray? Many, by reafon oftheir blindnespray promifed abiOlutely, as all graces ncce!fary to withoutvnderflar\ding. Many,when they are faluation,may be asked abfelutely: and things prefent at prayer, yet haue their heartsoccupromifed with c6dition,as graces le!fe necefpied about other matters, about their goods facie, and temporall blefsin~s are to be asked and worldlybu!inelfe: fuch men haueno ioy with condition, namely,fo farre forth as they or gladnes in praying ;it is aburthen to them. fh~l be tor Gods glorieinvs,& for our good: Many come to the afiembly for cullome onex ept it be fo that Ged promife any tempoly,or forfeare ofptmifllment:ifthey might be rail blefsing abfolutdy, as he promifed iffi1e left free they could linde in their hearts not to toAbr.rh..,. in.his old age: Thekingdome to pray at all. But letall fuch men know,that this D..,.idafterSal:Adeliuerance from captiuity mannerofprayingisa verygrieuousfin, nay in BabyIon after 70.yeercs to the Ifraclites. - greater then mocking of father or mother, C Againe, the preface ferues to frirrc vp loue killing or ltealing, for it is directly ~gainll and teare inthe hearts<>f them thar are about God, the other againft men. This fin l:iecailfe to pray: Loue,becaufe they pray to a Father; itis againltthe lirlt Table,and thereferemore Fcare, becaufe he isfull ofmaieltiein heau.cn. hard to be difcerned , it is lightly elleemed, Hallowed be thyName. and it ldfe troubles the confciencesoffgoo" rant men: yea, as it is indeede,foic Is ~o beeI. TheC.hernrct. ltcemed as a difgrace and plaine mockerie of THus much ofthe preface: nowfollow the Gods maieltie. Wherefore feeing Godis in petitions. They be fixe innumber, the heauen,away with alldrowfie and dead praythree lirlt concerne God , the three loft our it1g, let vs comewithreuercnce in our hearts felucs. The three former petitions arc againe before the Lord. diuided into two parts: the firlt concernes 4· Againe,we are hereto con!iderthat our Gods~ory it felfe; theothertwo,the meanes hearts in prayer 1.nufl: mount vp into heauenJ where y Gods glory is manifdled and enlar• -and there be prefentwiththe Lord,Pfa/.>5 .I . gcd among men. For Gods name is gloriliVnto thee 0 Lord lift 1vp my fou/e, Thelittle ed among men when his kingdomc doth childe is neuer well but when it is in the fa- D come,and his will is done. thers lap,or vndcr the motherswing: and the ft!!eft. Why is this petition, H•DO!Ifed ber children ofGod are neuor in bettercafe, then thy"""''' fet in the lirft place? A~f Becaufe when in affeCtion and fpirit they can come inGods glory mull be preferd before all things, to the prefence of their heauenly Father, and becaufe it isthe end of allcreamres,and ofall by prayer, as it were'to creepe into hisbothe counfels ofGod.'1'roH.t6.4-The Lordharh fome. madeallthi•gs for huowne foil!: Y"', exen the 5· And hcrewemu£1: further learne, fpeciwi<f1!dforthe thy of<Hill. Andfrom theorderof ally to feeke for heauenly things, and to aske the petitions here arifetha worthy inllrultio earthly things, fo farre forth as they ferue to namely, that eueryone·in all things they tak~ bring vs to an euerlafting and immortal! inin hand,are topropound tothemfe!uesand t<> heritance in heauen, to which we arecalled, intend the glory ofGod. The reafon is this: I ·'1'tt.I·4• The end which God hath~poiot.eq to allour 6. La£lly,whereasour Father is in heauen, doings,we are topr0poun ro our felues: but Wearetolearne that our life on earthistmt God hath appointed that the highelt end of a pilgrimage,aodthat ourdefirc muft be to at· all oor doingslhould behisglory:therforeour taine to abetter countrey, namely, he·auen it hearrs mull bee to feeke it 6rlt ofall. That felfe, and that we mullvfe~11 meanesconrinuGod wil haue his nameglorified by vs,appea• F(i ------rcth