Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

334 Jfn Bxpojition reth in this; that he puniiheththofe which of cbllinacie fetthemfduesto dilhonour him,or by negligence did not fanl!tifie him, whe they lhould haue done fo. Hmd fitting inhisroy– altie, made filch an oration , that the people cried, ThevoiuufaGod,andnotofaman: and immediatly the Angelofthe Lord [mote him, becaHfehegauenotglory to God•·And Mofcs, becaufe he did not fanl!tifie the Lord in the prefenceofthe childrenoflfrael,therfore hecame not int0the landofpromife; yet hee did not altogither(aileindoingofit.Thus we may fee by thefe punilhments,and alfo by the order of the petitions , that it is our dutie to prefer theglory of God l)efore all things clfo• A that is,fetapattto an holyvfe; and the Priefis \•ere fanClified,that is,fc:rapanto the fernice of God. And all that belecne in C)1rifi are fanl!tified,that is,fetapart from finne to ferue God.!nlike manner Gods name ishallowed whenic is put apart from cbliuion,contempt' prophanation,pollution, blafp~cmie, and ali ab_ufes to an holy, reuc:rent, and honourable vie,whether wethinke, fpeakeofit, orvfeit anymannerofway,L•uit.tO·~· E<eeh.38 , 3 , !?.!'if/. How can a finfilil man hallowGods name which is pure and holy in it fdfe! Anf. Wce doe not here pray that we might make Gods nameholy , as though wee could adde .f2..ueft. Whether are wee tG preferre the B glory of God before the faluation of our fouies I .Ah.f. ~f the cafe !land thus,thatGods name mull bediJhonourcd, or our foules con– cemned, we mull accoum the glorieof God more pretious tbenthefaluation ofour foulcs. This is manifell in theorder of the petitions. The petitions that concerne Gods glorie are firll, and the petitions that concerne Jirealy ourfaluation are thdift and fixt. Wherby we are <aught, that beforeGod lhould want any partoHis glory, we mull let body and foule and allgoe, that God may haueallhisglory. This atfeaion hadMtfos, Exod. 32.3 2. when he laid, Eithtrforgiue thetn, or if thou wiltmt, bkt my name out of thy btfo~. In thispetition as alfo in the reil, we mull C obferue three things: the firll,is the meaning ofthe words : the fccond , the wants which men mnlllearne to bewaile: the third, the gracesofGod which aretobedelired. I• Thtmeaning. fomethmg vnro it to make it holy : but that wemight be meancs to .1edareand makema· nife!l to the world by the rightvfageofit,that tt IS holy, pure , and honourable The like P• rafc isv fed ,M•tth,ft·l9•Wifed.m.euiufli– Ji,tdtry herr:h1ldrm, that is, ack110Wledgedand aeclared .o be tuft, Ezech.38.23· The kop<. thenforc: ot the firfr petition, is an carnoffdtfircthat we might fct fvrth Gqds glory, whatfoeuer becomeof vs : and it may be exprclfed thus: 0 Lord open our eyes that we lllay aright know thee, and acknowledge the gre<~.tnes ofthy power,wifcdome,iufiice., & rr:ercy,which appearos in thy titles,words, crearurcs, and iudgements: and grant that when wevfe any ofthefe, we may therein honourthee,& vfe them reucremly to tby glory. ::. Tht W~t11ts which11rer• be~ew4iled. J, Thewants, whichwein this place are taughttobewaile,arefpccially foure.The fidl, is an inward and fpirituall prideofour hearts; afinnethat none or very few can fee in them– felues,vnleffe the Lordopen their eyes.When ourfir.ll parent~ were tempted in paradife,the diuell tolde them they lhould be as Gods : which leffon not only they, but we hauelear– ned: and we conceiue of ourfelues, as little Gods, tho•gh to the world wee !hew it not. This hidden pride, when other finnts die, it begins togetllrength,and to!hewit felfe: and appearcs in vaine thoughts, continually one· uery occafionafcending in the minde. As may Very few among the people can giue the right meaning of the words of this prayer. They pretend, rhat fceing God knowes their good meaniog, it is fufficient for them to fay rhowords and to meaue well. Butfaitti being one ofthe grounds ofprayer, aodthere.being no faith without knowledge, neither can there be prayer withoutknowledge,andther– fore ignorant men are to learne the right meaning ofthe words. ·Name. D appeare in the Pharifie, whofe thoughts were thc(e whenbee prayed thus within himfelfe, Nameinthis place fignifieth. 0 GodI thank!thu thAt I amnet.u I· God himfelfe,t.Kings 5 . 5 .Hejb 4 Rbuild tJthffmcn~extortioners;r.miH}l,ttdHlterers, or tHen An hsufero mJiwne, .u this P•blic•n,&c. And as this was iri him,fo •· His attributes,as his iullice,mercy,&c. it is in vstill Godgiues grace: for fo thatmea 3· His wm:kes,crearurcs,and iudgements. may haue praife and glory in the world, they 4· His word. care not for Gods glory thoughit bedefaced. 5.His honor &praifc:arifing from all thefe. Wee muftrherefore learne to difcerne this For God is knowne to vs by all thefe, as hidden corruption,and to mourne for it:forit men are knowne by their names; and asall a doth poyfon and hinder all good delires of mans praifc and glory lies in his name, fo all glorifying God, fo long as it cloth or !hall the glory ofGod in thefc. pre•aile inthe heart. H 11 d 2· Secondly,wearetaughtherctobewaile a o·we • the hardncffe ofour hearts: whereby wear< T<;> hallowis tofeuer or fet apart any thing llindred from knowingGod arighr, and from trom the; common vfe,to fome proper & difcerfling the glory and maieltie of Gc:J Ill peculi •rend: a<rheTcmple was hallowed, hiscreatures.M•rlt.!6.verf.52· Thed,fc~s ----~------------------------------------------------------~·--m~g~-----