Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vponthe Lords prayer. thronghthe h4rdnrffioftheir ht4rts, could ':'ot A king_· Herethe fpiritofGod borrowes acornfee liods power in the miracle of fecdtng panfon from men, thus : _As hee whtch.hath many thoufands with afew loanes, though fomewhatlytng heauy tnhts ll:om1cke, ts nethemfelues were infiruments of it, and the uer qutet ttl he haue call: " vp:euen fo the care foode did increafe in their hands. Our reand defire toglorifie Gods name mufllie vpdemption, what a wonderful! worke is it,but on amaos heart as an heauy burden: and he_is how few confiderofit, orregardtt? Ifwee notto b: at cafe and qmet wtth htmfelfe, ttll fc:e amanh>uc more wit wealth orhcnour, he be dtsburdened, Ill foundmg forth G0ds. then wee hau~ wee £h;ightwo~der at him: praif<.Lutherfaithwell,that th!sisSanltacra. but beholdingGods creatures,we fee nothing pu/a:that ts,an holy furfet:& tt ts no~urtconin them, becaufe wedoe not goe higherto"actmuaiiY'tO haue onr he.arts ouercharg~d thus. knowledge the loue, power, wifc:dome, and ~· Ade/ire to leade agodly and vpnght ltfe iu£\iceof the Creator. And this-isthe caufe before God and men.We fee menthatln fome why Gods nameis fo 11enderly honoured agreat callingvnder honorable perfonages,wil mongmen. fo order and behaue themfelues, as they may 3• The thirdcorruption is our greatingra- B pleafe and honourthetr ma£\ers: euen fo mull titudc, forthe Lord hath made heauen and ourliuesbe well ordered, &we are to labour earth,and allorh<rcreatures to ferue man:yet to walkeworthyofthe Lord(as Paul fpeakes) he isthe moflvnthankfitll ofall creatures:Bethat we may honour our heauenly Father. fi:ow many iewds, orakiogsranfomeona T1 1 yKt"ngdolne o'me dead man,hewil neuerreturne anykindnes:fo C • men beingdeadinlin,dealewit!iGod. Corn. 1. TheCohuence. monly men are like the fwine that ruune with THis petition depends on tlie former moll their groines and earevp the mafl, bnt neuer excellently. For in it is laid downe the looke vp to the tree from whenccit fals. But meanes to procurethe fir£\. God.s name mu£\ · thegodly arewithD4•id, to feele this want in be hallowed among·men: but now is it done? themfelues,and to befeech Godtoopen, &as by the ereCling of Gods kingdome in the it weretovnlockctheir lips,thatthey may in·' hearts ofmen. Weecannotglorifie God vndeauourtobethankful!toGod,Pfoi.SI·l5· till he rule in our hearts by his word and 4• The fourth isthe vngodlines and theinfpirit. ' numerabkwants thatbe in ourliues, and the z. Thhneaning. linnes committed in the world. Pfo.ll9·136· C Tlry] This word doth put vs in mindethat Mineeyes (faith 'Dauid) g•fh••t with riumof there is twokingdomes:oneGods, and that is water,btc•ufemm k£e1en•tthyt.wes. The rea• the kingdome ofheauen: the other thediuels, . foR is,becaufe he which liuesin Gn,'reproches calledthekingdomeofdarkne!fe. Cot.jf. I ·I 3• Gods name; euen as an euill child difhonours Forwhenalhad finned inAdam.,GodIJid this his father.Now (ome will fay that thiscannot punifhmenton all, that fedng they" could not be;becaufe our finnescanoot hurt God. True be contentto obeytheir Crearor, they lhould iodeede : yet are they a caufe of lhndcring be in bondage vnder Satan:fo that by nature Gods name amongmen: for as wco honour weareal! the children ofwrath,and thediuell ' him by our good workes, fo wedifhonor him 1 holdes vp the fcepter ofhis kingdome in the byour offences. Matth. 5. 16. Lttyourlightfo hearts ofmen.This kinjldomttis fpirituall,and Jhine befmm<n, that thry may foe your good thepillarsofitare igoorance;ertour,impicl'y, workf,andglwijieyourFather which is inheauen. and all difobedknce to God, in which the di• 3· GrACes tobt rkfired. uell wholly .de!ights;which alfoareas ir were I· Thegraces to bedelired, and to be praithe lawe5 ofhis kingdome. ..Blindeignorant ed for at Godshand,arethree. The fir£\, is the people cannotabide rhisdoClrine,thatthe diknowle~geofGod, that is, that wee might D uelllhould rule·in·theirhearts:,they.fpit at the know htmas he hath reuealed himfdfe in his namingofhim, and fay•, thatthey delie him word,workes,andcreatures.Forhowfhalany with all their hearts: but whereas theyliue in glonlie God beforehe know him?Ourknowliime, and pra<'life it as occalion is:ol!ered, ledge inthislifeis imperfeCl. exod.33.Mofos though they l:annot difcerne of themfelues, may not fee Godsface,buthis hinder.parrs.1. yetthey make plaine proofe, .that they fit in Corinth. 13•12, We may fee God as men doe the kingdome of.finne and darknelfc, and are through fpeClacles, in his word, Sacraments, flat valfals ofSatan, and fhall fo continue flill a~dcreatures. AndrhereforeasPau/prayed Chrill: the Jlrong man come andbinde him forthe Colofsians,Coi.I.IO· Thatth<y might and call him out. And this fs rhe eflate of all mcreaftiwthekt;owledgeofGod:[o~re we taught the childrenof.Ad!minthemfelues. Whereto pray for our fdues inthio petition. fore our Sauiour in this petitioteocherh vs tO •· A defire thatthezeale ofGodsglorie confider our naturallellate, andtopraythat may be ktndledinour hearts, & thatwe may he would giuevshis fpirirro fetvsatlibertie be kept from prophaning and abufing of his in the kingdome ofliis owne Sonne. name. Pfal.69·9· Thezealtofthine houfth~th Kingdo..e] Gods kingdoe in Scripture is tatatenm~ 'Vp.P/.45 ·I. My he<rt Jh•ll vtter,orcaft km twowaies.Fir£\.,generally,&fo it Ggnifies vp 4 goodmatter, l•wllfP~k£ in my wordJ ofthe that adminifiration by which.theLord gouer- _______________________!F_!f.J3 ntth l I