vfnExpo{ttion neth all.thin!ls• yeaeuenthe_dfu~ls them~eues. A Anj Kiagdome in this placeis uottakea for OfWh!C~ kmgdome mention 1S madem the that abfolute and foueraigne powerof God <nd oftht<prayer. And mthePfol·97·ver[. ': whereby he rulesall things, for that canhot The Lordre.gntth,lettheearthrmyce. Agam,Jt be hmdred; but for th< kingdome of grace is taken ~c_>re fp_ecially, an? then itf~gnifieth which inthe vfing of theoutward meanes, a; t!Je admmdlr~t!On of Chn!hhe head ofthe muufters,word&Sacramets,may behindred Churc_h 1 mwhtch he fra.mes men by his word by the dtuell,the world,and manscorruption. and fpmt to the fubte~honofthe fame word. 3. The wants whicharerobe b"ew.<iled. And fo it istaken in this petition. The wants, which we in this petition are to Inakingdome th~re ate foure things to be mourne for, are oftwo forts: fome concerne noted. t • There mu!l be aKing••• There muft oar owp felucs,fome others.Thatwhich conbe fubietls.~.There are la~V<S·4·Au~hovir!e·. cernes our own< perfonsis a bonqage and flaIn thts kmgdome Chnft 1StheKmg: Jt ts ucry vnderfinneand Satan. This bonaage inhe to whom the Father bath giuen all authoridecde is weakened in Gods feruants,butnone tie,in beauen :md earth. is whollyfreed from it in this life. P ••I cornIn thi• kingdome all are not ft!bietls, but B plaines that he is fold vnder finne and cries {uchas are willing to giue free and franke opitifully, 0 mifcrab)eman that I a~ whofhall bedience to Gods word;or atthe leafl:,thgogh deliuer me from this body ofdeath? their hearts be,not fo foand,make •n outward .f/.?f/. What ditfe.e11ce is then betweene profefsi_on ofit. the goalyand the wicked?AnfiTheeuil& vnThe !awes ofthis kingdome,is the word of godly man in the very midfl: of his bondage God in the bookesoftheold and n~w Teflahath amerty heart: finis no trouble rohim ment.Thereforeitis calledthel:ingdo~•ifhe... nayi~ is meatc & drinketo him. Butthe godly ~<en,M<tth.x 3->4. The GojfeB.ufthekf.nga'ome, man 1S otherw1fe mmded: who contidering M<rk!·I ·'4• Therodifhu mouth, E[ay.u + the power ofthe diuel,&o his craftin manifold The<rmeifgod; EfoY·53· I. Asa king by his fearefi:l temptations, and feeing the pronenes law.ts brings his people in order, and keepes ofhis rebellious nature euer & anon to !tart them in fubietlion; fo Chrift by his word,and away from God,is grieued and confounded in the preaching of it, asit wer.c by a mightie hunfelfe, and his heart bleedes within him 11rme,draweshis eletl into his kingdome,and that he dote offend fo merciful! a Father. fafhions them to all holy obedience. Many men line in this world & thatmany The power and auth<>ritieisthaf, where- C yeares, & yetneuer feelethis bondage vnder by Chrill conuerts effet'tually thofe which Satan and fin. Such vndoubtedly ca•not tdl . are to be conuerted by the iowarcl operation what this praytr meanes: buthe that would ofhisfpirit, aad glorifies himfelfe in the con• haue the right vfeofthis petition, muflbe acfufion ofthe reft. quainted withhisowne efl:ate,andbetouched Kingdome being taken thus fpecially, isalin his confcience, thatthe flelh and the diuell (o two-fold.The firfl:,isthe kingdomofgrace ~eare fuch fway in him. As the poorecaptiue ofwhichmentionismade, Rom.J4•I7· Th• tsalwaies creeping to the prifondoore, alki.•gdom•ifqodjlantbnotinmt4teanddrink! ,bHt · waies labouring toget offhis bolts & fetters, inrighm•Jneffe: that is; the affurance ofour and toefcapeoutofprifou:fo muft we alwaies iulhfication before God,inthe righteoufneife. crietotbe Lord for his fpirit to free vsoutof ofGhrifl;'Peaceifconfcienf',which proceedes this bondage and prifon of fin & corruption: ,from thiufli~<ance; andwy in the holy qhof/, and euery day come neerer the prifon doore, which comes from them both. , In this kinglooking when ourble!fed Sauiour willvnbind dome all men liue not, but!onely thofe that vs ofall the fetters offinne and Satan,andfulare fubietl.to Chrift,obediont to the !awes of ly eretl his kingdome invs. hiskingdome, &ruledbyliisaathoritie, and D 2. The wants whichconcerne othersare are continually taught itl hisword by his fpitwo·fold.The former is the want oftheg:JOd rit. Butthofe that refufe to liue according to meanes which ferue for the furthering ot the the!awesofthisking,and chofeto liue at their kingdom ofChrifl,as preaching,Sacraments,. ownc libertie, areinthe kingdomeofdarkanddifcipline. When wee !hall fee apeople neife,that is,finnc and Satan. , Without knowledge, & Without good gmdcs The fecond, is the kingdome ofglorie iR &teacher~,orwhen we fee one flandvpmthe heauen which isthe bleifed eftareofallGods congregation notable toteach,here IS matter people; in which God himfe!fdball be all in for mournin;:. This petitio ~uts vs inmmd to all v.ro them. And the former ktngdome of bewatlethele wants.OurSauJoar when he faw grace is an eutrance and preparation to this the Iewes"as.lheepe without afheepheard he kiugdome ofglorie. had compafs16 on then: & he weptouer IeruCome] God• kinrrdome comes when it fale, becaufetheyknewnotthethmgswh!Ch takes place and is efiaplifhed and ~'"'firmed belongedtotheirpeace, LH~·•9·4' ,4>· Therin meus hearts, and made.manifeft to all the fore when preachers want to hold vp Gods people, the impedimentsheing.remooued. fcepter befor~ the people, and.to hold om the f2!<ojl. This comming impiies a.llopping: word, whiChIs as 1t wererhe armeofGod to but how fhould Gods kingdome be hindred I puf menfrom the bondage of the dJUellto t~ · · kiog-