Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

kingdome of Chrifr; then it:~:: ::~t~:S1::~e:. • When Jehojhuathe high ;,;c~\ Lord /er thy kjngtbmeco1f1t. frood before the Angell of the Lord, Satan J.'Thethird want which we are to bewaile floodat hu right hand, namely, to reufr him. ) is thatthere be fo many impediments &hinTherefore alfo we arc to prayfor them , that d:rances ofthe kingdomeofgrace, as thedithe Lord would keepethem,and furnilb them I uelland·all his angels, their infrruments, the with gifts, and withall make them fait:;(ull. l'ope,theTurke, •nd all the refrofthe profefFor wherevifonf ailerh, thep<ople arclift Rak[d, fed wickedofthe world, which by fubullm· faith Sawmon. z. Thejf. 3· I. Bmhren,p>·ayfor ticements and tyranny,kcepe backe and r<pcll VJ,thatthe wordofthe Lordmay h<Ma:free paf- ' I the mcanes whereby Chrilt rukthas akingln foge, andbeglorified. his Church. Whe the diuell fees one that was Thirdly , wee mull: pray for all Chritl:ian fometime ofhis kingdome,but to can alookc Schooles oflearning.Howfoeuer fame thinke I towards the hcanenly leruhlem, he ll:raight· but bafely ofthem; yet they are the ordinary way rageth againfl him,& labours quite toomeanes to maintaine theminiflery,and fo the uerthrow him.Wherfore in regard ofal thefe Church of Gqd.A man that bath diuers orchimpedimets,we mull pra)•,ThyJ,ingtb,ecome, B yards, will alfo haue a fcminary full ofyoung . 4• Gr•m tobt dejired. plants«> maintaine it. Schooles, they ar~ as t. In this petition we arctaughtfirfl, that lemmanes to Gods Church, Without which weare rohaue aferuent def)re,and to hunger, the Cl)urch falsto decay: becaufe they ferue thatGodwouldgiue vs his fpiritto raigneand to make a li•pplyofminitl:ers. rule inour hearts,and tobowthemro all obe3· Thirdly,wc ar< to defire, that the Lord diencc andfubietl:ibn ofhis will:and further, would hallen the fecond commingof Chrifl, whereas our hearts haue bin as ir were filthy as the Sa~nts inheaucn pray, ComeL(ff'd/tj,u, ll:ycsand flables ofthe diuell, that hee would comequi<kf,> ; aQdtheroforcthe godly are faid ao. renucthcm, and make them fit temples to ento louethe comrning.ofChrift. o.Tim.4.S. Apeterraine his holy fpitir. Pfal.)I.IO·~ 2. G_rMte nitent!innerfoabhorres his own corruptions, inme,;cleAneh!art,O God,andrene-waright (Pi. and the irkefome temptations of Satan, rhat: ritinme,&c. St•blijhmewith thy:freejpirit. If in this refpect hee delires that Chnfr wcu!d wefhallconfiderthe conuerfation olthe wichaflen his particular fOmming to him by ked and the godly, and tlreir c,orrupt hearts death, for noother caufe, .bu;that bee might together, wee !ball feelittle diff<ren>e butin ritake an end of/inning aad difplealing God. this, thatthe wicked is delighted andglad to c finne : butthegodly do wreltle,as for life and death with their tel)lptations , and doe refill thediuell , and doe defire the grace ofGods fpirit, andcry to hcauen to be freed from this bondage,howfoeuer their hearts ~re alwaies ready to rebell again(\ God. z. Forafmucn asthekingdorneofgrace is ered ed in Gods Churchbere vpon earth , in this petition we are commanded to pray for the Church of Gnd, and the parts thereof l'fal.t zz.6.Prayforthepeaceof/erufolem.- they Jh•llpro!p<r that loueth«, Efay 6>·7·ree which are the Lords remembrancers, giuc himno reft, <Jnti/lhe Jet "P lerofokm tht praiftofthe world. And that Gods Church may Aourilb aud be in good ellate,we arcto pray forChriflian D Kings&Princes;that God would blelfe them, and increafethe number ofthem.Forthey are as nurjing J.rhm and nurfmg mothm to the Ch11rch•.And we efpecially are bound to pray for the Kings mofl: excellent Maiellie, asalfo for other ChriiHan Kings, that tbey may bee ble{fed,& Gods kingdom< by themaduanced. And againc,becaufe minitl:ers are the lords watchmenin the Churdr,we are here alfoput in mind to feeke their good ; and to pray that their hearts may bee fet for the building of Gods kingdom<, for the !>,eating downe of the kiugdomc of uune and Satan , and for the f.1uing ofthe foules ofhis people. And the ra– ther bccaufe thcaiuell laboureth night.$< day to ouerrhrow chCm in this glorious worke,& to refill:them intheir miuil\ery; as appeareth T~ywillbe done. . I· The Coherence. IN the fecond petition,we defired that God would let his kingdomecome, vi<. That he would rule in our hems. If hec then mull: raigne,we mull: be his fubiects ' andtherefore ~ere we crauc,that being hh fi.Jblrll:s we may obeyhim,anddoehis will. Mal.r.6. lflbea fother,_ where u my honour ? If I bee a mafte,., whereu myfeare ?- , · .•· The menniug. Win]Here itlignifleth Gods word written, in the old & new Teflament: For in his word, his will isreuealed. Ofthe whole will ofGod there be threo fpeciall points,whichare in th(s place meant. I. To belecue in Chrifl:, John 6. 4o.Th~ Uthewill ofhim th~tflnt melthat mery.·l one whtehfeetb the Sonne;, and be!eeueth in him 11 fhou/d haueenerlaf/ing life. •· Sancbficationof' body and fou!e. I. TheJJ:4·3· Thu u thewill of God~eHenyo~rfontlification~&c. 3• The bearing 1 ofaffliction in'this!ife. Rom. 8. v. 29. Tho/e · whi<h hu kzfe~• biforc, bee did predefli•~ate tobt~ 1 macfe 11/etto rh:im>geofhuowne Sonne.Phil. 3, I 10. That l1mghr kzf•w hzm andthe vmHe ofhu refomfJron, andthethefdlowjhip •f hu aJJMii- 1 ons,andbe madeconformablet~ hM death. Thywill] Not mine: for mans owne will is wi,ked and corrupt , yea, it isflat enmhy tQ God. Rom.8.verf.7· J Done)Thatis,cb_eyed and accomplilbedof men. Then the cft<ct of the prayer is this , I ..:...--'--------------------F~~!..f -14~ 0 Lord~ '