d nExpojition 0 Lord , feei•g thou art our King, giuc vs grace to fhew our fclues good fu~ie8:s ino– beyingthy will. ;. The W<lttstobepr•y•d•g•inJf. '·HEre fidhve are to bcwailethis, that A aaion wee are to fearch what is the will ;;f God, and then to doe it. Here then wee are taught to vfe the meanes, and to pray for knowledge. ourhearts are fo prone to rebellion<!< difobedience ofGods commandements. Put amatcbto a h<ape ofgun-powder, on a fud- . den it will be all on a flame ; and as long as we addematter tothe fire,it.burnes:fo byna– turewearcmoft ready tofinne,fo fooneasthe leaft occafionis giuen. D•uidhad experience ofthis when he prayed, Knitmyhearttothee 0 Lcrd:&c. Pfal.86.tt.and,Imlmemyheartto thycom~r~andements.Pfal.rt9·J6. Thofe which find notthis want in rhemfelues,& the likeaf- B fefiion to bewaile it, are in a miferable and dangerous cafe: euen as a man that bath a greatdifeafe vpon him, and knowes nor e(it. ;. Againe,wearet,ughtto haneadefirein our hearts , and an indeauour in our lilcs itl all things to performe obedience to G~ds word in our Hues and conuerfations , and in our particular callings. . 4· Laflly,wedefire patience and llrength when it fhall pleafe God at any time to exer: cifevswiththe crolfe, as P••lyrayesforthe Colofsians , That G,d wouldjtrengthm them bythe.po..erof·his might, vnto •Rp•tim&t •nd t.ng-fojfering witbioyfKlmf[e. Celoj[l.u. S. Err~HrconjHtrd. THE Churchofltometeacheth,thatmen by naturehauefree will to doe good: and tbarmen being ftirred vp bythe holy Gholl:, can ofthemfelues wil that which isgood. :But ifthis were fo, why might we notprat, Let my willbe done, fo farre forth as thewill of man !hall agree with Gods will? but rhiscan– notbe,as we fee in the tenour ofthis petition. Inearth as it isin heauen. •· Againe, wee muft here bewaile the fins ofrhe world,as ignorance, fchifmes,hypocri– fie,pdde,ambition,contempt ofGods word, couetoufiles,opprefsion,wantofloue ofGod and his word,&c. •· Pet.>. 7• LotJIV4sv<xed, and his righttom beJJrt WM vexed with the vn· cie•neconuerfationofthe Sodomites from day to day : fo oughtour foules tobevexed and grieued continually at the wickedneffe of our r. The meaning. - time, and wee are to fend vp our prayersto H Auing !hewed the meaning ofthis petiGod for vnbcleeuing and vnrepentant fintion,Tirywillbedone:nowweoretofpeak ners, that they may be brought to the obediofthe condition, whichlhewes in what manene<ofGodswill. Ezech·9-4- Inacommon c nerwefhoulddoeit. Forthequeflionmight iudgementvpon Ierufalem,Thryaremar~dilf be how wee would doe Gods will: and the theforehead, thatmoHrntA1td cry fortheabo,;. anfwcr is, that hiswillmuft bedone inearth nAti4ns that be done inthe middejlifit. ..it isin heauen. 3· Here alfowe muft humble ourfeluesfor Htauen] By heauen here ismeant:the foules our vnquietneffe of mindc, and impatience offaithful! men departed, and the elea Anwhen God !ayes any ctoffe on vs. It is Gods gels, Pfal.ro;.•o.,PrAiftthe LordyehisAttgels, willthat welhould futfer afllidion,and wirhthat txcell in jlrength, th.r doehis•ommwtkallhnmbleour felues vnder his mightiehand. ments inobeyingthevoice ofhisword. Our Sauiour prayed that thecup might betaE•rrh] By earth isvnderftood nothing but ken away , but with fubmifsion tohis fathers men on earth, beca•fe all other creatures in will. Luk, 22·4•· Andthis D•uidhadlearned theirkindobeyGod: onelymanheis rebelliwhen he faid, But if he thUI[AJ, I haut node· ousand d1fobedient.Then the meaning is,Let ' light in thce,behold, hereI am, let him doe tome thy will be done byvson earth, asthe Angels lf4 ftemethgoodinhis eyes.••sam.15.26. and Saints departed doe thy w!llio heauen. 4• Gram tobe dejim/. .Queft.Doewe here deftre to do the willof I· TH E•firft thing which wee ore hereto D God in that perfection it isdonebyAngels? defireis, that wee mayhaue grace to muftwebeasperfeehstheyiAnf.Thewords deny our fdues,wils, and affections: becaufe herevfedinearthMit,&c.donotfignitie an<· herein we are vnlikc to God, and hke rhe diquality(asthough ourobediencecould in this uell. This is the firft Leffon thatour Sauiour life be in the farrte degree of perfection with doth giue his Difciples, thatthey mull: ,deny Angels) but a fimilitude, ftanding inthelike themfelues and follow him. mannerofobedience.Now itmay beasked,in •· Thefecond thing is the knowledge of whatmannerdoetheAngclsobeyGod?Anf. Gods will:for othcrwife how fhall we doeitl They doe the will efGod wilfingly,fpeedily, Howcanthat feruant pleafe hismafter,which and faithfully:and this is fignified,inthatthey cannot tell whathe would haue done ofhim I are faid in the Scriptures to be winged, and to Moft men wil haue bookesofStatutes in their lhnd continually beholding the face of o~r houfes, & ifthey be to deale in any greatmatheauenly Father. And this is the manner lli ter, they will doe nothingbeforetheyhaue which wedcfi'retoperformeGodswill. looked on the Statute. IH like manner men z. Thewants tobe hewailed. fhouldhauethe Bible, that is, thebookeof Wee are here admonilhed to bee difGods Statutes in their houfes; the !awes of pleafed with our felues , for our flacke Godmull:bethemenofour<oiijill:beforeeuery and imperfect obedience to God, andJor our