Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vpon the Lords Prayer. 339 our hypocrifie, priuie pride, prefumption , A ! •· The,rmaning. deodnes offpirit & many other wants whiCh BRead]By bread mthts place, many ofthe breakeout when'we are in doinl5 Gc;,ds will. ancient Fathers, as al!o the Papilts at this There is no feruant of Golf , but hath wants day,vnderlland the elemet ofbread in the Sain his bell: works;fo we mull: vnderfl:ad Paul, crament, and the bodieofChrifl: wHch isd1e when he faith, T• will u prcfontwithmc, bm I bread oflife.Bnt that caRnot bc:for S. Luk£ flnde no meaNes to performe that which u good. calsitbre<dfortheday, that is, bread fuflicitt)t Rom. 7· 18. where he fignifies thus much in topreferue vs forthe prcfentday: and by this etfdt, that he could begin good things, but he 1~1~kes itmanifefl:, that the words. ~f this not perfect them and goe through-fl:itch, as pettuon mull be vnderllcod notoffpmtuall, wef>y. Whenthegodlydoe good, as heare, but of b_odily foode:. and the bread oflife is fpeakeGodsword,pray,praifeGod,&c-th~y mo~e. dmttlyaskedm .the fecondor fourth performe things acceptable to God: b~t m Pe;ltlon. As_for ~heopmton ofErafmm,who thefe actions they finde matter of moprnmg; thmkes that mthts fo heauenly a prayer made namely,the imperfectionofthe worke:thereto God the Father,there iliould be no menti6' fore ::Vauidprayerh,Pfai.J43·'· Enter not into B made ofbread,thatis,ofearthly things,which iudgementwiththy (cruant. Aadherewe may euen.the Gen~il~sbefrowonth~irchildren; it fee how farre wide the Church of Rome is, Is vameand frmolous.For It IS Gods wtll,that that holdeth good workes to beany way me· we iliould not cafr the care ofheauenly things ritorious,that becuery wayimperfect•. Ifthe O!lely, bur all out care vpon him-1. P<t.5.7· men ofthat Church had grace,they mtght fee And hee hath dfewhere commanded that that the corruptions of the fle{h were gyues e'rtbly things iliould be asked at his hand,t. and fetters about their legges, that whenthey Kmg.S. 31• and the fame hath becne asked in would faine run the waycs ofGodscomandethe prayer ofI .cob, Gen.28. 20. and Salomon, ments, they ate conllrained to haltdowne Prou.lo·7·AndwhereastheLordsprayerisa right,and to trailetbeir Ioynes after them. perfett platforme ofpraicr, teporal blefsings 3. Gr4ees to bedefired. mull haue fome place there, vnldli: we wil af. THs graceheretobee defired, is finceritie cribe the hauing aod inioying of them to our ' of heart, or a ready and confrantpurpofe owne indufrry,as though they were no giftsof and indeauour not to finne in any thing,but to God,which tothinke were great impietie. doe GodS\~ill, fo as wee may keepe a good By bread then we mufr vnderlhnd properconfcienee before God and men• Act. 24-16. C Iy,a kind offood madeofthe floure ofgraine Andfor thu cauft 1 endeAuour a/waiesto·haue a that is baked & eaten: and thus itmufr bee tac/eareconftiencetowards God, andtow~rds mm, ~en in thofe places ofScripture where bread This mull: we hungerafrer,and puyfor; foeIS oppofed to water or wine:and by a figure ing it is cor fufficient to abfraine from euill, more generallyit iignifies all things whereby botalfo do to good, alld indoing good, firiue te!"porall lifeispreferued; inthis fenfegoates to come to perte<l:ion. A confcrmitie with m•lk!iscalledbread,Pm•.:7·27.andthcfruit AngelsiJ.J thisdutie is to be fought for, and to oftrees,Ier.n.r9.~nd allthing<that pa!fe to be begun in this life, thatin the life to come and fro in trafficke, Pro"·3'·'4· And folik<- we may be like them in glory. Wtfe m thisplace by this one me>nes offufraiG . J · d ·hmgourbodiesandtemporallliues, all other !Ue VS t liS ay OUr , meanswhatfoeuermufrbevnderfrood,asmcat daily bread. drtnke,cloathing,health,liberty,peace,&c. I. The Cohmn". And whereas our Sauiour Chrifr vndcr the fHus m•ch of the three firfr petitions nameotbrcad,andnotvnderthenameofany whtchcoocerne God : now follow the oother plomiful or dainty foode,teacheth vs to ther three, whteh concerne our felues. In D ternporall blefsings; he doth it for two wh~chorderwelearneto pray forthofe things caufcs.Thelirfr is,that we mighthereby Iearne whtch concerne Godabfolutely:andfor thofe frugality and moderationin our diet,apparcl, thtngs wluch concerne our felues, not abfo.. houfes; & be contentifwe haue no more but lutely,but fo farre forth as they iliall make for bread,thatis,things nece!fary to preferue life Gods!;lory,the buildingofhis kingdome,and whichP•11lcomprehends vnderfoodandc/oa~ thedomgofhts wtll. th•ng. For we are taught'inthispetitio to aske But how depends this petition on the forno more.We mutt not with the Jfraelites murmer? In the firfr wee are tau5ilt to pray that mure,becauforhey hadnothinabut M>n!la. Gods name might be hallowed :which is done !L.ueft. Mufr wee then vfe Gods creatures '- ~hen God reignesin our hearts, and his will onely forneccfsitie?.A'if"w. We may vfe them IS done. Now further, his will is obeyed in notonelyfornecefsitie,butalfoforhonelldethreethmgs: firfr, by depending on his prolightandpleafure.Pfolo~o4.15: Godgiueswmt mdence forrhe things of this life : fecondly, to mak!gladtheh-.rt if man.a!ldoyleto mak£ his by dcpendwgon hts mercy for the p>rdon of foe•Jhine. Andluh. u;,. ourSauiour Chrifr finne '· tlmdly, by dependmg on htspower I allowed ofrh, fad: of M•rie whkhtookea and rntght,in refifring temptations. A,nd~hus pound ofoyntment ofSpike~ard very cofrly, Gods wtllts obeyed. . and annointed his very feete, fo that all the houfe J.Tim.6. 8.