.An Bxpojition houfe was fil!ed with the. ~mell , though1Hd.u A 1 And whereas we call it ourbre.cd,we leame did eftecme it waft. Yet!f!tfofall~utthatthe I that e.uery man muft liue of his .owne calling Lord doegrauntvs but bread, that!s,fo much .andhisowne goods. He~e alfoiscondemned asJhall hold body and foule together,we muft all opprefswn 1 fteahng,lyJng,cogging, andothankefully content our felues therewith. 1. ther fuch deceitfull meanes, which men vfero Tim.6. 8. Thercforewhmw<hag<feedandr"Jgetwealth and good.s. Many thinkoitnofi ~ent~let vs the~ewith bt content.This contenta- ~o pr~uide ~or th~i~ families in fuchorder, bu~ t10n was pralhfcd oflaceb. Gen.~8.2o. in faymg thispet!tlon they pray againllthemA fecond caufe,is to teachvst~a~ there i.a feiues ·•· The!f. 3.xo. Heth.rlabo•mh Nlit ,fer particular prouidence..Ail men wdlmglyconhsmnet ••tt, Eph+22. He whichfloie,let hi"' fe~e the generall prouidence of Godouer all .fle~/enomore,butratherl4ourwithhi< handstht tlungs:but belidethat, we mull acknowledge thmgth•tgootiil. anothc~more fpeciall prouidence, euen in the Thil ""'Y J We fay not here this weeke, this leail,th!Ags that can be: becaufe euery mormoneth, rlu.s age, but thisday: what meanes fell ofbread which.we eatc , would no more thts? May not wee prouide for the time to nounlh vsr.hcn ~pieceot earth,or aHone vn• B ~ome? .Anfw. Itislawfull,yca aman isbound lc!fe Godgi~e his bldlwg VAto.": . mgooq manner to prouide for time to come. 'Da;ty] Tne word m the ongmalbs thus .Ati. i 1•. •8. The Apo!Hes prouided for the muchi,n cffed:,Brt.cd'llmoyoHrejfmr:eorfobjlan~ Church m Judca againtl the time ofdearth cu : men the mcan.ng IS, gm< :vs fuch br~ad foretold by ~g•b111: And Ioftpb in Egypt in from day to day, as may nourilh ourft1bllanc the yeates ot plenue llored vp againft the c~s. Thus praycth Agur,Prou.;o.s.Feetle"" yeares off,mine. Wherefore in thefo words ~Jth foode CQnHmient for mce. Some there are our Sauiour his meaning is onely to coowr,Ichput onAngelicall perfe<'l:ion in falling; demne all dillrullfull care, that di!lratts the butweare raughtin Scriptures, that a.s aboue mindesofmen , and to teach vs to rell on his all' things wee areto feeke for life eteroall; fo fatherly goodneffe from day re day in euery wee mull in this life haue care to fuflaine and feafon: this isnotedvntovs, Exod.t6·I9;2o. maintaine our naturalllife, thatwemay haue where the Jfraelites werecommanded toga· conuenienr fpace and time to repent,and pre· ther no more Manna then would feme for p~reour felues to the kingdomeofheauen.Fa• oneday,andiftheydid,itputrified. Whereby llmginit fc:lfe,as it is anabllinencdrommeat Gnd t:wght them to rell OA his pt"OOidenceeiS no part ofGods worlhip,but in it owne na- c uery particular day and noton the meanes. ture, a thing inditfe•ent: and thereforeitis GiHe vs] Not me. This feraes to ttach vs ~o be vfed fo farre forth as it Jhallfurther vs that a man mull: oot onely regard himfelfe, mGods feruice, and not further. And feebut alfo bee mindfull of others. Fot a man ing wee are taught to pray for fuch foode as that bath wealth is made a fteward to dillri. lhall prcferue nature, and maintaine thevitall bure his goods to the poore and the good of blood, weought not to vfe falling to thehinGods Church. Trucloue feekes notherownc dranceand dellruttion of n•rure. things; the branches of the vine arcloden Ourbrtad] 1. Q._Htj1. How is bread ours ~ with du!lers ofgrapes,not for tbemfelues,but .An{~>er.Paul lllewes'how,r.Cor.3·••·T•ear< for others; the candle fpends it ftlfe to giue Chrifls, and AB things arey•urs. So then by others light. meanes ofChrill, bread is called ours. For G:u.]Ifbreadbeou~s, whereforeare we to Godluuinggiuen Chrifl to \'s, dothinhim askeitl itmayfeemeneedlefle• .Anfw. Not and by him giuc all things elfe to vs. •· .0!!.fl· fo:for hereby we are taught to waire onGod, How may I know that the things I enioy are whoisthefountaine andgluer ofallblefsings. mine by Chrifl,& that! doe notvfurpethem! Men vfually driuen to any dillrdli:, vfeeuill An{. t.Tim·4· 4· Paul faith that the creatures D mcan<,as robbing,deceiuing, confultingwith ofGod are good, and that the vfe of them is wizzards,&c.>. Again• here we learne,that fand:ifiedtovsbytheword a"d prayer. Then thougha man had all the wealth in the world, ifwe haue theword of God to tell vs that we all is nothing without Gods blefsing. fl.!ttJ. may enioy and vfe them; and alfo ifwe pray The rich need not fay, Giue v.s, &c. for they to God for the right and pure vfoofthem,we haueabundance already, and whatnetd they are no vfurpers, but indeede right owners of aske that w~ich they haue l .An(. Let a man them, not onely before men, but alfo before beneuer fot1ch, & want nothmg that can be ·God. 3• £2.!!ej/. Ifthecreatures mull be made delired,yet ifhe wantGods blcfsm~, ineifelt vuts by Chrifl, how comesit to paffethat the hee wants all. Wherefore euen Kmgs, and vngodly haue filch abundance of them? .Anf. the greatcft perfonages rhat be, are as much We loll the title and ioterell ofthe creatures bound tovfe this petition as the pooreft. qods in eAdam: yet God of his merde bellowes bieffing uri&ht~' faith Sa/omon, 'ProH.20• ••• tempor4rie blcfsings vpon the vniufi: as well as Thou maielleatet~nd not haucenough ~ be~c~A· vpon roe iuil : but for all that,vnie!fcthey bee thed lfnd notwarme, earne~wages tmdput Jt ma In Chrill , and hold the titleofrhcm by him, brof<tn bagge. H•g·l·6· it God doenotblclfe - they !ha! in theend turne to theirgreater conthee-. This blefsing ofGod iscalled theftaff< I d<tnnatio•. ofbre.u/. Ef'!J· 3• 1. In bread therebee.cwo , '-----------------------------------------------------------------t_h.'_ng2~