Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vpon the Lords Prayer. 341 thin s the fi 1 bflance & the vertue therofpro· A !iuflification in this life• .But how can this be? ceedl,;g fro Gods bl;fsing:the feco~,that is, I for heere we fee that euery bit ofbr~ad which the powerofnourilhing,is the fraf!eofbread. wecare, IS the free giftof God WJthout any For take away frorn anaged man hisfraffe, & merit of ours. Now, it wee canoot merit a he fals: and fo rake away Gods blefsmg from poeceof bread, what madndfe1s tt rorhmke bread, and the flrength there?f isgone, itbethat we can merit life euerlafring? . comesvnprofitable and ceafern ra no•nfh. z. They alfoaredecemed whothmke,that Lafily,herewe fee tl;atallabour &·toile taken any thing comes by_meere chance or fortune, in any kind ofcallingis norhmg,& auatles not, wtthout Gods proutdencc. Indeede mr;fpel'l vnl<ai:God flill giuehisblefsing,.PfaLIZ]·I . of men who know not the caufcs of thtngs, 3 . Thewantswhichareto be many chances there are, but fo, as thac:hey bewailed, · are ordered, and come to paife by Gods pros Inncs which we are taught in this petition uider>ec. Luk,1o. 31 .Bychance therecamedpwne to bewailcare two efpecially,I.Couetoufacertamepr!ef/ that way. • nes,a vice which isRaturallyeng~aftedin cueForgiue vs our debts rrmanshean; tttswhenamantsnotcontent B • with this prcfentefrare.This delire is vnC1tiaI. The Coherence. ble, & men that ~aue enough would flill haue THis is the lifch petition,and the focond of more.Wherefore hewhich fhaU vfe this petithofe which concerne our felues : 10 the tion mufl begrieued fur this finne, and pray former wecraued temporal! blef>iPgs, in t_his with Dauid. Pfol. 1'9·36· Incline mineheart to & the next which followeth 1 we craue fpirituthy commandemenu,andn.rtocolmoufoeffi.And all bJefsings. Where we may note, that feeing he mufrforrow,not fo much for the ac!t ofthis there is two,petitions,whichcocerne fpirirual linne , as forthe corruptio~of nature in this rhings,and but Gne oftemporal!; that the care behalfe.Couetous people will pleJld that they for our foules mufr be double , to the care of are free fionl thisvice,but marke mens liues~ our bodies. In rhe world men.carefor their and we !hall f•• it is acommondife~fe,as Da- \ ~odics,theirhearts are fer for wealth and pro• uidnoted, Pfol. 4· 6· where l_>c bru1gs mthe mottons: they can bee conre~tto heare rhe people, faying :' Wi>o jha/lJhew vs anygood? word on the Sabbath, yet neither then, nor in This then is a common finne, that wee are the weeke daY. doo they lay it vp in their taught to mournc for. . hcarts,audpra~ife it;·whic!J argues,that they 2• The fccond waoris diffidence& dif!rufl- C. haue littleO[·nO£arc for their foules. fultiesin Gods prou,idece touching the things fl.ueft. Wh~t is the caufe that lirfl wecraue ofthislife. Men alfowill fi:ifr rhis offand fay, things for the body., and in the fecond_place they would be forry to diflrufl Gofl. Butifwe thole which coucerhe the foule I Anj.Theordo bm a Jitle looke into the corruption ofou.r der of the holy Ghofr in thefe petiti(}tis is nature,we !ball fee that we are dcceiued. For wonderfull:far the Lord confiders the dulne$ being in profperiry 1,y~arc norrro;!bfed:bur if and backwardneife ofmeqs nacures:and theronce we be pr<;lleil·wtth aduerfitle, then.we fore he-t1amcs them vp, and drawc:s them qn (Joule and wecP.e,and as Paul faith. I. 'T•m:(i, by littley euen as a fchookmafler doth his ro.Mep pierce themji/ues throughwith manyforyoung fchollers,: propounding vmo them roll'"· Ifa manlhal!Jofe a part ofhis goods, fome fin all ~lements&principles, and¥> carwhat tbcn doth he? frraighr he goes out to a rying them to higher ppi~ts.0Eor the f<?l!litx wife man.:is tliis to lieleeue in G0d? No: it is petitian is a frep or d~gree to thefe two f.oJ- .ro Jifrrull: GO<\, andbcleeue the iliuell. !owing~ Th~ltuier !iY ilie 'healing ofth,c; ~~y ..·· 4: Gram to be dcjired. ofhis chil~ is qrought, to bel<:ene in C~liit, THe grace to be_defired, ,is areadineife iO: loh-4-5~· He then that will refr onGod~ rzw~ . all cfrates o~ ltfc to re![ on Gods proui- D .cie for the,pa~don ofhis fins., mufr fir~ofall dcnfs,whatfoeuer (allout. Pfol:n·i .Commit, refr on, p~ouic\ence for this life: ;~qc) he t~Y/'!ill'o th~ Lor.d, an,dmiff mh'":•!"'d~'}hall that caq110t put bis affiance ,in God fqqhe krmg !' ro paffc. .'J!>;QJ,•.I6. l• Comnm or'<o/1 tlrf proui!ion,ofmeate and drinke,".how ll}all ~c~ ·f!,~r.k!J.vpon theLord;~ndthythontht{Jha0be4f. trufl Goes mercie for .the ·falyation of hi~ r,ef.f;,'i< Whercpy,wee are ad'!'ondlied rotake foule? Herewee may feerhefaith of ~~·!<fr. P:•.ui'es mour ~allmgs~to get meate anddhnkf-,; th_~Xfay "-hat GQ<i i>(llercifull,and t,h~t /l<t. ~f thl' Lord ll!eOe not oudabc:ur,we m~!l nhey belceue in Chri~: whicl)_ cannot qe lt:qe: ~e cotent:t~he do,we mufr-gme htm thankes. (eeingin lefier m:uters,;. ~,srl\,e~'~"ndd~ipj<>,' Now for thts ca~fnvee are furth~rto pray to they dtllr~fr ~od , as by therr eoGod, that he wou)d apen our eyes, and by his uetoufi1effe. .Againe, by this.order wee are f~irit teachvs in all his good creatures to fee taught as ear'neitly to feeke for thepardon of hl.! promdcnce, and when meano~ fade and our fins,1s we feeke for temporal! blefsings. •· ar.e fOn.trary,then alfo to belceue,.m the fame,. 1 2; The _meaning. · :- agcl,to follow Pa111, e~ample, Phil-4.-1 2· DEbt(] By dcqt fins are-meant:, as itis i9 ' r . i · Errorsconfu\ed,. , Lllk,II·4· and ~h~y aref9ca1kd,becaufe , p Ap1frs tcachrhat men by,,~or~es of gra,~e ofthe refemblance betW<e\1-them.For euen as); hfe eternal!, and tncreafe of a debt d9th•yindearnan,eirhj:r ro make fari~::.l '--------"----~-----.......::__:_____________________ f_al'l_ion