vpon the Lords Prayer. H3 mer ciuill debts a man may exal'hhcm, fo he A 'point, lerthem defcend into their own !Oules doe it with !he~iogofmercy. · · ·and fcarch narrowly, if the:t can finde their 2. f2Jteft. Howmay any :nan forgiuetreC :hearts os rc~dy to forgiue,aS theyare rc ..dy to palfcs,fecing God ondy forgltlesfins: An( In I defire fi"gmenes.at G~o:!s h"nd,rhen they_may cuery rrefp.:lle wh1ch any doe to chm ne1ghaffure themfdues ofGodsmerete 111 Chnft,as bours tht:re be twooff..:nccs, one to God, awe are taught byour S1t1iourChrifi, M:1th.5. nothe~ to mlA· In the firfl refpctl:, as it is a7-Blcffid.re the m<r<ifHil, foreheyjhall ubtai!Je gainfi God and hiscommandement, it is caJ. f mcrci:. ConGder thef~ com~arifons. A man led alinhe; and that God onely forgiues; in I ;~alkmg vndcr a wall macoJde ftmny day, is thcotherrefpetl:itis called an iniurie or damheated ofthe wall,which lirl< receined heate mage, and fo man may forgiue it. Wllen a from the Sunne' fo·he_that·!heweth mercic to man is robbed, the lav.;_is broken by £\ealing, othors, hach fir£\ recewed mewe from God. and ti.einiury that is ddr.e, is again£\ a man Alfo take a p1cceofwaxe, and pntto a fcak; that hath goods £\olen. This iniury, as iris lt leaueth an inprefsion or marke like it fclfe an .U)iury aman may forgiue; but as it is afin,. tn the waxe: which when amanlookes on)he he canno;,but God onely. B doth c_ertenly know that the~e horh bin a feale, 3· f0eft. whether may a man lawfully :hepnntwhereof1s leftbehmde. Euen fo,it i£ pray thispetition, andyet fuehim at the law, In euory one that bath areadmelfe to forgiue whohath dvne him wrong I eAn[wer: A man othemby whicha Chrifiianmayeafilyknow man in an holymanner fue another for aninthat. God bath fealedto him theforgiueneffi: iury: and as..fouldiourin lawfull.warre may ofhiS finnesinhisvery heart:therfore let men killhis enemic, and yecloue him: fo may a lo<?kinto their hearts, whcthertheyhaue any mayforgiueaniniury, &yetfeekeina Chrigffetl:'?" to fotgiue others, f"r tharis as it £\ian manner theremedie~ but in doing ofthis wer.ethe pnnt in their hearts ofGods mcrcie we mu£\ obferuc fiue t:1ings.1. We are to take rowards tpem in forgiuing them. heedcofallprinate reuei1gein inwad hatred; -Many there are which pray for pardon at which ifwee cohceiue, we doe notforgiue.2. 1Godshands, b)J(they caunot brooke it, that Wemull take heede of otfenc.e,and l!auecare they thould forgiue their neighbonrs.Hereupthat our doings bee not fcandalous to the oncomethefelityings:lmayforgiuehim,but Church' 1• Ourfiiitesmuftbe taken inhaAd I wdl ryot forget him:he may comein my P•- to maintainc godly peace: forifalliniuries ter-nofter;b(Jthdh.allne.uercome in myCreM. were putVJ>, there would be no ciuill !late or C Behold the diuels logick,whichmakes malice goue<nment. 4· This muCI: be, that the partie to bee chatitie. Blinde people play with the of!<ndingmay be cha£\ifed, andbebrooghtto ~ordsprayer,as the flie doth with the candle repentance for hisfault:forifmanymen were till iliee~eburnt:forthe morethey pray thefe not reprelfed,they wouldgrow worfe.5. Law words,tliemorethey ea! for vengeance again£\ mn£\ bethela£\ remedie.As Phylitians vfedethemfdues,l•m. >·I 3. Neither ~vi! ithelp rooli>erate remedies,when weaker wilnot feme: mit th1s claufc, as_ tome haue donein Chrxfoeuenfo mu£\ wevfe law, as thela£\meanes . 01/'esd;ues:forthlsiSeuentomockeGod:& when al others faile.Thedealing ofthe world Ifwe doe Hot forgiue,we !hallnot be forgiucn. inthiscafeisnoexampleforvstofollow.For Leade · t · t · through rageand£\omackemenwillabideno VS no 111 0 . tempta~ I priuate agreement, and therefore they vfe the lion, but deliuer vs from e~ill. Lnv in the fir£\ place, as the Corinthians did: 1. The Cuhtrence. butwlmfaithP•ul, I· Cor.6.7.ltisvtterly• JTmightfeemeto fome, that this petition is l fault amongyou. But ifthe law be vfed aright, f~perfluous,forwhatneed he carefor tempaChnft~an man may fuelns neighbour atlaw, tanons, that hath the pardon ofhis fins ? but and loue tho partie fued:for thereis ditfer•ncc D our Sauiourdid notteach vs thus to pray with becweene dealing agam£\ aman before a ma- J ou.t fpcCiall reafon. I· Becaufc forgiuenelfe of ,g•£\rate, and the dealing ofone priuati: man I fins, and grieuous temptations bee infepara- .Wlthanoth~r.Forpriuatedealing is COnilhonble ~ompanions in this life: which thing we . '1. ly reuenge, and thereforevnlawfull. / find to be true,both inGods word. & in Chri3· The vfo. fl:ian experience~ for there is no man in this 1 • The vfe afthis claufeis very proJitable, for world to beaten and buffeted wi~h temptatilltfhc:,ves vs a lll!cly figne, whereby our conons,as the penitent finnerthat cnes mofi bit- \fciences may be alfured ofthe pardon ofour [ terly for the pardoo ofhis finnes. This is the 1 finnes, namely,a readinelfe and willing delire eftatethat few men in the world are acquaini to forgwe men. Many vfe thefe words long ' I ted With. For many are neuer troubled with , 1 ·and often, yetfir.de no alfurance ofpardon: & 1 temptation, bnt liue in all peace and quietnes rhe caufe is_; becaufe they haue nc;_ defire ofl b01h in body and foule. Luk. 1 1. 21. When rhe I Go?s m~rci~1 _norwtllmgne!fe to rorgme Oflrongman4rm:dk£epahu bold;> the things t~Mt thers,which•f.mdeed~hey had,thcn no doubt I ! hepoffiffithareon peace. Whereby is fignified, '! the forg1uenefie oftheir finncs !hould bf thl8 that the WICked of rh~ world being pofielfed , meanes bee fealcd vntothem.Wherfore1fany of Satan,are not a wlllt molefled by himwith I would be per!\vac!ed ofGods mercie in this any temptations : n!i~~r neede hee rr0uble Gg themL--