344d nExpojition them, fceing he bath them atcommandement A. thatas thereisamaiAeorab(olute good featto doe what he will.But when a manonce bofo there is a maincor abfolute euil. Thu;then gins to make confcience offtnne, and to fue temptat~on bc~ngan actiO.it _is not inemeryre~ vnto the Lord torpardon ofhis offences and fpcll cud:but mfome good,m fame euil. And flill continues in diflike of finne and S;tan; fo farreforthasitis good,tllc Lordworkcsit· theo theencmie beflirrcs him, and vfeth all but as it is cuill,he dothnot workcit but wil: meancs to bring that man to confufion: hec Jingly permits it tobe done by man & Sathan. offereth all manner of temptationsto molefr And there be fourc refpe<'ts in which God htm,and ncuer affoards thispoorc !inner any may bea worker in temptations, and yet bee refl. Hereupon,for fearc ofbeing oucrcomc, free from finnc.r . Firfl, hce tcmpteth byoffe. he mu£1: pray continually vnto the Lord, that rmg occafonsandlint/its to trie whether a man hemay not be led intotemptation. Wtll finn.eO~· not. Amafler fufpe<'tinghis ferHere fomc Chriflian confcience may reauan~whtchm:vo~dprofetfeth ~dclitie,laiesa fon thus:Noman is fo troubled with finne and purleofmony tAhtsway,totrytfhewilllleaic Satan,asl: thcrfarc I am not ioGodsfauour, 1t: _wluch tfhc llealet~, he hathfound by warbutam a plainc cafl-away. .A~[. If pardon of B ch'!'g h1m,a fe~ret thiefc;and fo hath !aidhim finnc and temptations goctogethcr,all is conopefordecetumgany more. Now,thtStrying trary.Ifthou hadfl nogriefc for finne,no bufofhtm ts no fin, though heefinne inflealing. fetings ofthine enemies, the flefh,rhe world, In the fame manner God tempteth his ownc and thediuell; thou couldfrnot be in Godsfaferuams,to proouc and trie thcm.Dcut. 1 3 • 3 • uour,but vndcr thepower of Satan: now this Thou fh~ltnot hearlt.f" 'IJntl the -dsofth<pro· great meafure ofthe fpitituall remptations, is ph<t ordrtAnm•f dsta111ts :for the L.rdthy God a figne rather of Godsloue. For whom God pr,.utthyou,to IQ;ow whtthtryet.•ttheLordyour loues,the diudl hates;and where God works Godwitballyo•rhMrt. in loue, thediuell workes in malice. •· Secondly, God leadcsintotcmptation 2· Secondly, this petition is ioynedwiththe by withdrawing hi.<gracr.Neithcr canthis be a former, to teach vs, that as we mull be carefinne in God: becaufe heubound to no man full to pray for pardon offins pafl; fo alfo we to giue himgrace.And hereis a dtffcrencc bemufrendcauourto preucut finnesro come:wc twcenethctempting ofGod and Satan. God mufl not fall againc intoourold li•nes,ncither holdcs backc grace whenbetempts, the diuel ,mufl we i>e owertaken with new Gnnes. fuggells euill motions. 2• Tht meaning. c 3•Euery a<'tion,fo farce forth asiris an•lliThefc words be but all one petition;which •nJsgood,&ofGod.Act.l7·•8.lnhimwtiU.e hath.two parts, the latterbeinga declaration , ...,,lfiUlhaut~ur btting. Therefore God isa ofthe former. Ltadt 'IJt not into ttt~~ptati~m : workerin temptations fof:u- forth asrhey arc how is that done ? by dsliutring 'IJt ft•m tui/1. a&ions. One mankils anothcr:thc verymooTemptation,] Tcmptation isnotning elfe, uing of the body in tht doing of this villany but theenticement ofthe foule or heart , eiisofGod•but the wickcdnetfeoftheat'lion is thcr by the corruption ofmans nature, orthe from man and thcdiuell. A manridesvpon a aliurements of rhc world, or the diuell,to any lame horfe, and flirres him : the rider is the finnc, 1-.1·13• G•dttmptsno"'""' that is, caufeofthemotion, butthehorfchimfelfeof Godmoouesnomantofinne. thehaltingio the motion. So Godisauthor Ltnde 'IJs not] Or carry vsnot into tempraofthe adion,butnot oftheeuill ofthe action. tion.To be led,isto be ouercome ofthe temp4• The fourth way is inregard ofthe tndr. tation, when it preuailes and wholly gets the God tempts his fcruantsooely to corret'land vielory, fo as men tempred are brought to humble them for theirfins, to tric how they perdition. Then the meaning is this. WhtMWt will abide the croffe, and to mooue them the art ~mouedor tnticed toftnne, Lordfe!tpt'IJsthat D more to loue him. Dcur.8.1.God afflidsthe we be notoutrcsmti<ndgiutthouan ijfoewith tht childrenoflfracl,totrythm•whtthtrthryw••ld tttnpwion. k!tphil tom,..dtmms.,.Chr-3'·31·Hetri<th .fl.ueft. God is iufland cannot fin: butifhe E<tchi.u toftewhat w~t~inhuh.art. Thcdiuds Jeade men into temptation,fhall he not be the end in tcmpting,is oneJy tObringthe partie tO authoroffinne? Anf Indeed many fearing to dcfrrudion. Thus wee ncede not fearc to Jay, <hargc God with linne,reade the words rhus, that God in fome refpe<'ts doth tempt his Sufftr 'IJS nottobt Itd. But the textisveryplaine, owne feruants. · Ltadt orcarry 'IJs not.And the ScriptureselfeDtliutrvsfromtoiR]That is,freev• from the where vfethe like phrafes ofGod:Exod.7·•· power ofthe llefh,ofthe diuell, & the world. God is faid tohardsn Pharashshtart, a. So.a4. Some take euilin thisplace only for the diuel, 1 . The LordmooutdDauidto rmmbtrthepeoplt. but we may take it more largly for al fpirituail •· Theff.z.ll· .G•dftntj/rongdslofons that mtn enemies.t.Ioh.5·19.Thtwholt worldlitsintllil. mightbele<uelits, Thefe and fuch places haue a viz. vnder thepoweroffin and Satan. Thefe fpecial meaning,thus to be gathered. There is words(as I haue faid)are aproofe& explanano aC!ion ofman,or ofthe diudl,abfolutely e• tion ofthe former: for when a man isdeliueuil:but althcugh in fomc refpcelsit be euil,yet red from euill, he is not ledinto temptation: inf~::eorher irisgood:for weare not to think the caufebeingtakenaway, theeffect ceafeth: - --- ~