Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vpon the Lords Prayer. H-5 ;.Thevfit. A felfour and owner ofall things that are; and I. Hencewe learnewhat a righteous God, alfo hath foueraigne ruleoucr all things at his lthouah is,that can worke in euill achons,and will. Now out ofthe lirll propertie ofGoq yet bevoid offinne. we may gather a!l:rong 111otiuc to induce vs •· Whereasweefay,leadewnot,(joc. Wee to pray vnto him alone. For feeing all things note that thediuelin temptations can goeno are his, borh in heauen andearth whatfocuer; further then God permits him· therefore we mull come to him for the graces ;• We are not to pray thattemptationsbe and blefsings which wee defire. ' , (,uite taken from vs, or thatwe be wholly The power]Oftentimesearthly Princes haue reedfrom them: bot thattheydoe not ou'erkiilgdomes, yet want power: but God ~ath come vs. For it is the Lords will that his klilgdomeand pbweralfo;yea his poweris inChurch fhould betempted. Nay,Dauiddefi~ finite,and he can doe_all thathe will,~nd more red (ome kindeoftemptations. Pfal. 26. I \ thenhe wil: as for thofe things which ccime of I ~~ooueme,O Lord. And lames faith,.Account it impotencie, hecannotdoethem; and ifhee r cxceedingi"} ,. whenyeeJhaU faYintodU<trt could,hefh0uld not beomnipotent. Andas he temptatitms,{am·l •%• B is omnipotentin himfdfe, foal! the power 4· Note alfothat eucry man by nature is which any.creature hath,is.from him alone. the bondilaue offinne and Sataa.For where is ~eft. How can thisb<, feeing the diuell deliuerance, there wasa bondage fi.rft. This bath J>OWer to finne; whichis not !Tom God? confures the Papifrs who maintaine freewil: Anf.T0 llrtne is nopower, but rather awant for weare dead in Gnoeby nature, asamanin ofpower;otherwife al rhe llrengrhand power agrauc; andwemu!l:llill pray thus till we,e be Satan hath,isGfGod. . .. , fully ddiuered. . And from this fecond properrieistakena4· wantt 10 be ht'41a!led. nother motiue to moue vsto pray vnto God. Thecorruption, which inthis petition wee Becaufe allpowerbeinghis,we can neuer doe ought to mourne for, is the continulll rebelliany ofthe things which we aske,bur bypower on ofour wickednatures; andour pronc:neffe \receiued from him. ., to yeeldvp our felues in euery temptation to Thtne u the glorie J The third propertie of Jinneand Satan. And the remnaritsofthe old God,arifeth from the two former, fer feeing bondagevnder Satan mull be grieuous &irkthe title and inrere!l: inall things, & the powfome vntovs, and we mull bewailethembiter whereby they are difpofed and gouerned,is terly. The I ewes in abodily capduitie, wept C ofGod: therefore it followes, that all glory whm thenre,.,embredSitn.Pf.t;7• Howmuch is his:yea in him is fulne!leofglory,& theglo· morefhould weweepe,when wcfeelethelaw ry ofthecreatures is all ofhim.To finfull men of our members rebellmg againll the lawof belongt nothilrgbNtJhamc& confHjim. Dan.9·7· our mindes,and leading vscaptiue to finne/ The third propertie minillreth a third mo5.GrAct1to edefiml. tiue to induce men to pray vnto God alone. The contrarie bleiSingtobedefired, is that For feeing ail glory by rightis his,therfore we God would!l:ablilh vs byhisfreejfirit,Pfal.p mullinuocate his holy name, thatin fo doing, I 2· Which is fo called,becaufe it fets vseuery we may giue him the glory due vnto him. . day moreand more atliberticoutofthe reach Foreuer]Thewords in the originall arefor ofGnne and Satan. agu. Now anagefignifies the fpace ofan 1 oo. For thine is the king~ yeeres:buthere it is taken for eternity;becaufe eternity is nqthing but multiplication ofages. And as ere.rnity is here noted by ages , fo on dome,thepower,and glorie, the contrary we reade, that eternitit istaken for euer. fora certcn and dillinCI: time,Gen,, 7.8. God I. Th~meAning. D promifeth Abr.ham ro giuc him the land of THefc words comaine a reafon of all the Canaanfor an euerlaftingpoffiffwn: that is,fora formerpetitions:wherby we aremooued long feafon• For dfe Abr.hamt feede fhould tocrauethings needful! at Gods hand. inherit theland vntill this time,which it doth Thine u]Earthly kings haue,pow. not. Wheretore,as often the whole is put for er, andt,l•ry, Dan·•·37· yet not lrom themthe part: vit:. eternity for a certaine time: fo felues, but from God,whofe vicegerents they here the part isput for the whole, ages foreare on earth. Therefore to make a difference rornity.This alfo makes a difference betwem betweene Gods kingdomc,power and glory, earthly princes and the mightie leho~~ah.They &thofe ofearthly kings, itisfaid, Thineu the hone kingdomc, power, and glory for a lhort l:_ingdo=,&c.that is,that God hathall thefe in time, but he abfolutefy aqd for euer. himfelfe,and from hirnfelfe,& men from him. •• Tht'!ft!. Thekingdo.,e]Thtfewords,I·Chron.29 1 I· 2· Here wee learne in prayer to abafe our are fully expou1:1ded, Thine,O Lord,~greatnesJ felues before God, &vtterly to denie all that power,eendvifJory,t:ndpraife:and~Jlthat Uin hea. is in vs:Kingdome,power,andglory is all his, Henand Mrthio thine: thine Uthekjngdome, and not ours : wee are no better then rebels and thou_exceOeft .uheadoueraY,&c.The kingdomc traitours to him:ifwe haue any good thing, it IS fa~d tobe Gods, becaufe heis abfolute pof- ~s from him,euen the grace wherebywepray. Gg • And