Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

eAnExpojition And hee that in prayer will not confeffe this, A i Amen. Andit containes more then me h !hall no more beheard, then the infolentbeg- \firft.wouldimagine.Itfignifies cemnlyJ:~t e gar that will not~cknowl<dge his want. or itj/>afl bt fo.,.c.,.,. 20. It rs~ftcntak;nV;; •· Secondly, 10 prayer welearne, that wee aba~eaffent ofrhe people, f~ylng Amm to the muft be perfwaded oftwo thmgs,&budd vpMtmO:er: but 10 this placeit containes mo . on the~; Gods .Po~er ~nd will: ~ispower,in f~r eu~ry P.oint in this prayer is not one: led thathe 1S able;las wtll, tn that he tscarefull to dtrclhon for publike prayer. 6tit for priu{t pcrformeour re'lueft, as it was noted in th() alfo,andmuO: be faidas well·~fthcminifler • prefac<: the firftofthefe is fignified by kingof the people. Now then there beein_g ,\.,as do!l'e.&power,the fecod is noted in th,tglopriucipallthings in prayer: the firft, a'dt!lr~ ~y tshts. 2 .Cor.r. 20. ForaOthepromiftsof qod ofgrace; the fecond,faith,wherby we belecile mh11n, ·~·yea,AJJdAmen, vnmhegloryufqod. ~hat God wi_ll graunt things defircd; The fi'rft .3: Agame, we gatherthat Prayer& thankfIs exprdfed1~ the fixe Petitions: the latter is gmmg muft go tog.tber:for asmthe fixe pertfet forth m thiSword.Am,.,carryi•i;this fe\ift dons wee make requeO: Vt>to God; foin thefe in effdt. As.wee hauecranedthef~ thingsat words we praife him , _and thereby giue him B thy ~ands,0 _Lordifo We doe be!eeue thatfor thanks. Ph•l-4-6. But m all rhmgs,letyourreChttfts fake,m thy good ttme thou wiltgrant qNejfsbcj/mvedto G•dmpray<riWdfoppi~<4tlon, them to vs.Thereroro thi•partis more excel· wuhthank!Ji,wmg. ·• • . lent then the former,.by how·much our fJithis There ts none butm Want willbereadieto more excellent then our defire. For in this pra~:butwhenw~haue receiued, weare !lack word is corained the teftifiqtionofour faith, m gmmgth~nkes: but hee wlnch wtll pray awh~r<as the pet1t10ns are onely reftifications ttght,muftioyne them bothtogither. And the ofour dcfires. And asit is the end,foalfo it is 1iunmeofall Godspraife ftands in thefe three the feale ofourprayers to make them authenpoints.r. Thathe isanabfoluteKing.•• That tJcall,& it is nor only to bevfed(as mencomhee bath abfolute powerto role all rhings.3. monly take ir) forthis endtoanlwcrthe MiThat hauing power and akingdom<, he hath 1 niO:er,praying in the Congregation, bur alfo· glorie alfo, which appeares in the holding of to teftifie our faith for the thing deiired.- . ~is kingdome, and the!hewingofhis power •· Gram tobe ilefired. mgouerniugofir. · · Hereby wearc taught,whorgrace weare to 4· Whatfoeuer we aske,wemftft referreit fuew in prayer. We muft labourtogiue affent to Gods glory' this is the firftthing which we C to Gods promifes when\~epray,and ftriueaare taught to craue,andthelaO:weareto pergaiRO:doubting and vnbelicfe. Mar"k!.9. : 4 . forme, becaufe it Is notedboth in the beginLordlbekeue,Lordhelpeminevnbe/jife.Pfo.4•· ·:ning,andin theendcof the prayer. 1 I .Why•rt twll c4]1 downe myfoule,andwhy•rt Thus much ofthe vfeofthefe words altothoudifiiMieredwitbinmelwamon !jod. gither:nowletvsmakevfeofrhem particularMany there are that will ftand vpon the Jy. I. Wher<as we fay ,, ftrengthofrheirfaith,&pleadeforrhemfelues Magiftrates and rulets nmft know,that all tne that they neucrdoubted,burtheyare far wide: authoritie& rule which they h•ue is from the for true faith being impcrfelt, is ahvaics acLord;& therefore thoy muft remember to orcompanied 'with doubting more or leffe. d<r thcmfdues asGods.viceg~rets,vfingtheir _'IVher<forc theheart that neuer felt doubting, power to brmg .men 1<1 fubterhon to Gods IS not filled wtth fattb, bur wtth prcfumption. !awes,& rcferringaltheircallingstohis glory. As for them which are molefted wil'h doub- •· Where we fay,Thine.i<thepower,we are ring§, and compldne ofthem, they haue leffe admonifued, when wee are to perferme any caufe to fcare: for as fire and waterdoe neuer worke,asto doefernice to God, to keepeour ftriue till they metre; no more cloth doubting felnes-in the compaffeofour callings, that we D and faith,till faith be wrought in theheart. haue no power ofourfelu•s :and forthis caufe To conclude , we~ fee what an excellent we muft askepower arGodshaads, that wee worke prayer is: in which twomoll:excellent may beinabled to walkc vpright!y beforehim, gracesof a Chriftian man bee !hewed forth, and doe ourdutie•. 3• In faying. Thine;, the hungringafrer mercy; and faith,whereby we ~/Qry,wc learne,that ifwe would hau: a good beleeue the obtainingofit.This mightmooue report and praife among men, we muft aboue Rlen to learne to pray, prayer bcmg rheexerall tbings feeke G.odsglory, not regarding fo cife ofgrace. much our owne. If he giue the praife among OfthevfouftheLordspra;er. men, giuehim thankes: .ifnot,be content be· The principall vfe ofthe Lordsprayer,isto caufe all glory is his. direlt Gods Church in making their prayers A in all places,atall rimes,& 11ponall occafions, men. though their prayers fuould be innumerabk, I. Themeaning. and vnlelfc they be framed after rhis prayer, Vv Ehaneheard the preface, & the pethey cannot bqcceptable vnto God. In the titions, what they arc: now followvfing ofit there bee three things required.. I• cth the third part,which is the allentor teftifiThe firftis,the knowledgeofthe Lords praier cationoffaith required inPEY<rinthis word, andall the partsrhercof. He that would pray ----~---------------------------------------bL__--