Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

vpon the Lords Prayer. - 3471 by it, mnft vndedbnd the meaning thereof, .A I mitted,for it i• nota~(oltttdy nece!farie.M•– thewanrsthereinrobe bewatied,and the gra-~ fts andAnn• prayed mlilenc~. . ces to be defired, for which end it hathbeene fl..nejl. z, What geflure ts to be~vfed m expounded-z. Knowingthis,thereisinthe fe· pray~r? Anj: The word dorhnot af!oar_d any didplace required thus much sktl,that he be p~rttcular_dnecbon. Our Sautour and Ins d,(. able to referre enery want and grace to one of'l· et_Piesprate~ mdmer:' gefrurcs:kncelmg,Jbn· the fixe petilions.;for example,feeling in htm· dmg,grouehng,l.:>oktngvp t~hcauen,lookmg felfe pride ofheart, bee mufi bee able eo fay, downe to the earth,liwng,fymg,&c.Luk. xx , this isawantin the firftpetitionand feelinga 4•· A&.7.. God tefpech north~ gcll:ure, but rebellion and flowndle in doina Gods cornche affectton ofthe heart! yet two rhmgs mull: mandements he mull:be able i:I Ciy ,.this is a alwaics be in ~(\\lre>fir!l:, that it becomely, finne to be p~ayed againft in ;hethird petitifecondly, that it dotil fi~y'expre!fe the affection. Thuscuery w::mt hec mufi referre to hts on oftl,1e heart: as when wee as_ke mercie,,to proper need: againe, hee rnuft refcHe cu<ry lookc to heauen:when we bewatle our finnes, grace to be delired to one ofthe fixe petitios: t~lookedowneward, and tu humble our bo· asfirengthinternptation,to the fixth;affiance B dxes,&c.. . in Gods prouidence,tothe foutth;knowledge .Qt;eflwn. 3•.Wh~tplace mnO: we pray m! ofGod tothefirfl:,&c-and fo in rherdl.3. In. Anf. llteplacetsfet3owne,t.Tsm.,.8, Wee thethird place, he muflbefore he p;ay, co~liI!! ay pray in aUplaces: of ~~hi<;h ther~ is no der what behiswants& imperfechons wh1ch dtfference. Some wtll6y, tnat 10 rhe tune of mofl <rouble him, .. alfo thegraces which he the law.the tabernacfeand temple were_plawouldobtaine:thenforthehclpingofhi~ me-. cesofdiuine prayer. An[. The temple and ta· mory,he mull: goe to the petitions, & he mufl b.rnacle were types of Chrifl & his Church, fetthofethings firft in his minde, which con· and the vn#y oftt: but now wee hauing the ceraethc firO; petirium and tho.fc which co.nJ thmg1t r,Ife lignified thereby, may pray in ccrne the fecond petition, mu(l:;haqe ~he fe all pllccs. -Our Sauiour prayed i11 the wildqcond place in his minde, and,fo,l;e.rjl~ll:.pw1• nes,ol\thc.Mount: Peteron the houfe roppe, ceedin order a• be; fhallpaucp"l;alj.~n.·;Ihl)S,a Paulby ~he fea lhorc:yetfo,th~tpub!ikc; praic man keepinginmipde t.he order ofrhc petifier rituft qcvfed in pubiikeplaces,as Chmcbes, I onus they ftand, !hall beaq!e by refcrring.eChappc)s, &c. not bccaufe in them is more uer'ygrace& wantto hls proper.head,t;> mal,:e holindfe,but for order fake. . dil!inft prayer: andtovary astime,place, and C f!.!!ejl. 4· What is the time appointed for other occa!ions Otall mooue llim; . . pcayer?Anfw. Praycontin,ally, J. Thell:5•17• .Q.uefl. Mull: we ofnecelsity follow all tbe lhat is,vponall occafions: or when a man bepetitions inconcciuingaprayer?eA"nf.No,bqt, gins !\W. /?uli_nelfe, _y;h~tbetirbee in word·or onely thofe which doe Plincipally belong to decde, Cqlolf.3·'7• orasDaniel,who prayed the time,place,:md occafioh:asPaul makerh a. thrK"IIf'Y lzy, D•n.9.11 .or as Dauid, who p,rayer, Co!ojf.I : ~' 10. a_nd ~II t~e poin~s;.qfit. praye~ ~f/~~ning 41fdmo~~ng J an'dnoone tide.._. 1naybereferred to the thtrd and!aft peunons. P{al. 55., 8. ancftmtentmnsad9:rhat is,ma- . Againe, ;tChriftiait man may makeaoexn)•.Pfol.u9.364. T(!us wdhallprayconrinu· cellentcoofefsion ofhis Jiniiesby this prayer; ally.Eucry day affoards three fpeciJI!yoccaliifhe lhall, kecl'ing the order cif the,petitions, ons. I. The.entrance to Out callings in rho· confclfe and 5cwailc the finnes which cuery morning:z, The rccciuing ofGods creaturei petition requires'vsto prayagainft. And it atnoonetide.;. Thegoingroref!atnighr.Aferues to make~ thanklgiuing to God,. thus: gaioe, ~elide fet and·folemne prayers, there let t 11\an .«member all the g~~E<S whtch hee be certa10e k:ndes ofIJlott prayers,which the hath recemed fr_o!n God, ~et htm then referre Fathers calEiaculat)ones, that is,tlie lifting vp the:n to th~ P,~tmons,& gm~ thankes to Gpd D Gf the hcartinto heaueo li:cretly aBd fudden• afretthe order oirhcm,turmng euery p<tttion ly : and this kinde ofpraying may be vkd as lntt>athank(<;tllmg. occalion is offered euery hourefn tlie day. Oftbe.circHmfl•nccl ofprayer, :2!!~11.5. Whether may WC pray for al men 2,Hejl.j. Whether aman is tovfe a voyce, or no?· eA'nf.. Wemay,and\vemay not.Wee in prayerI Anf.~n publike prayerit is requifite may,ifal me~, or a! rnankinde be taken dJjlri. that there be a voyce: for the Minifter is the bHtiueiy,or feuerally. Forthere isno particular ,mouth ofthe pcople,and to the prayer which country, kingdome, townc, perfon, but wee 'hee conceiues, theygiue a!fcnt. For ptiuatc may make prayers for it.And tbo::igh men bee prayer,vling ofvoyce isconuenient; yet fo as Atheifts,Infidels,Hereticks,yea diudii incar· lt may bedonem filence.I. The L0rd gauevs nate,yet for any :hing we know, they may be." th~ voyce, as well as the heart to blelfe htm the elelbon·ofGod:except they fin aW_Ith~l,l•tm 3·9-II.Godcreated thetooguoas gai11ftthe H. Ghoft, which fin \svery [eldome we! as the heart;and fo wtl b: pratfedbyboth. & hardly dtfcerned ofmen. And ia'this fence Ill~ Thevoyce oftenftitresv!lthe heart:and muft the commaiJdenient of P•ul be vnderagame, thevehemency of ~ffeCl:ion doth..of 7 flood: 1exhort therefore thatjirjlofailfoppl~c•· tendra~oilt avotcc:the voKe then 111 pnuate ttom~prayers,&c:be nMdefor 111/ men, x. Ti1n. 2: P~ycrtsrcquifitc,ycr in fomecafes inay b'e·o· 1. We may notpray for all men, ifall men~r G 3· man