... Pauls prt~yers• mankinde betakencolkl1iue!J,that is,ifa! men A becontidered wholly together as they make one body or company, and be taken as we fay in gro!fe: forin this body or ma!fc of man– kind there be f<>me,th<>ughthey bevnknc>wne :ovs,yetI fay,there be f<>me whomG<>d in his mfrmdgement hath refufed, wbofe faluatioa by prayer fholl netter be <>brained. I!!!_eft.6.Whetheds it pofsiblefor amanto pray in reading of aprayer? Anf. It pleafeth fome to mooue this quef\ion; but there is no doobtofit.For prayer is a part ofGods wor– fhip, and therefore a fpiritaall at9:ionofthe heart ofman ftanding fpecially il\adelireof that which we want, andfaith wherby we be– leeue,thatour detirefhal be granted.Now the B voice or vtterance J whether it be: reading, or otherwife,is nopartofthe prayer,butan out– ward meanes wherby prayer is vrcered&ex– preffed. Therefore there is no reaf<>n why a forme ofprayerbeingread,fhould ceafe tobe his feruams,and giues in fl:ead theroffrrengrh &pati••ce.Chrifr prayeth that the cup might b7remooued-. Itwas not remooued, he yet in h<s manhood was enabled to beare the wrath ofGod.When PaHI prayedthree times thRt the pricJ:.mtheflejhm.ghtberemqued,itw.unn[wmiJ Myf/rmgth M fojficientfor thee,2. Cor,, •·7,9: .Q!f<fl+Why doth not God alwaies heare m~nsprayers? Anf. There be many caufes of thrs.The lidl:,becaufe oftctimes we kn<>w nor to aske as we ought,Mat. 20.22. The fc:cond becaufeweaske amifie,l•m·4· 3.Thethird be: ca¥fe otherwhiles,the things which we .;ke thoughthey begood in thcmfelues, yet they ar~ not good vnto vs, and for that caufe are w~thheld, a.Cor. r•·7· The lafr, becaufe God wrll for forlle long time deferre the granting ottha:wh•ch weaske, that he may !lirre vp our fa1th and hope, and our diligence inpray– er:an~ that we might the better ell:eeme of the g1fts of God when wee haue them, and lhew our felues more thankfull. To the Reader. a prayer,becaufe iris read;fo beit the fpirit of grace and prayer be not wanting in the party reading and the hearers.Obielr.Toreade afer monis not to preach:and therefore to reade a p Autin hMBpij/les, h"'hJet downethefumof prayer is notto pray•.An[. The rcafon is n<>t ""'"Jofhu praym:thryare verygr•ciousand like in both.For the gift ofpreaching or proheanmly,&J'•••hfft[et them downe,tha: th91i phecy cannot be !hewed or praCtifed in the m.ghteft lct!owthem,& inthypraymfollowthem. readingofaSermon:& f<>rthiscaafetherea- _ _ Ephif.J, ding ofa Sermon is not preaching or propbe- -. I 6. I c~afe notto ji;iue thankes for yem,macy:butthe grace& giftofprayermaybelhewkmgmennonofyoum my prayers. · edin reading ofaprayer: otherwife it would C I 7· That the God ofour Lord Iefus Chrill, go very llard with them thatwant CGnuenient the Fatherofglorie, might giue Vnt<> you the vtterance , by reafon offome defeR ia the fpirit ofl"ifedome, and ofreuelation, in the tongue,or ba{l>fulnes inthe prefence of'Other~ acknowledgement ofhim. OfG.Js heMing oHr prayers. - " I 8. The eyesof your minde beingenligliteHitherto wehaue fpoken oftlie"ll\~klng' ned1thatwemay.knowwhatrhe~opeisofhis ofprayerto God, a word ort\vaine of calhng,and whattherichesare ofhisglori<>us Godshearingourprayers. '· ''. i<iheriranceintheSaints. . ,•. fl.!<efl. fl.ow many waies dothGod 'heare -.. I 9 .And what is ihe exceeding greatnes bf mens prayersIAaf.Twowaies.The lirll:,inliis his powerin vs that beleeue; accordingro'the mercy, when he grants the requdl: offuch as working ofhis mightie power. ea!vpon him inthe feareofhisname.Second- •o. Which he wrought in Chrifl, when he ly,he heares mens prayers in his wrath. Thus raifedhim frotn the dead, and fcthim athis hce gaue theifraelites ~iles according to righthand in heauenlyplaces: . · · theirdefire,Pfa.78·>9,30,3 I.Thusoftcnmen Theexpojition. "- · ' · curfe thefelues,&wifh that they werehanged I'}{_ thM <:«tRent prayer wee dt~ t~ mark£ two: or dead,and accordinglythey haue their wifh. D things:tbefof/,to whom it u m4ll.:thefecondu' f0efl, •·Why dothGod deferretoheare the matter. - the praiersofhis feruants?Anf.Fidl:,toprobue Forthefir}l,it M"'"'" toGodthe Father,whoM them by delay. Secondly, toexercife their dt.fcribedbytwotit/es. Thejir}f,TheGodofour faith. Thirdly; t<>make them acknowledge Lordlefus Chrifr,namely,.u Chrifl uman:for. that the things which they receiue are Gods "' Chriflis God,heiseq••llwith the Father. Tht gifts,aad not from themfelues. Fourthly,that 1 l't<ond, The Father ofglorie, rh••is, •gloriouo ' graces quickly giuenmight not be lightly e. . Father, •ndheisfoc.!ledrodiflmg•ifh himfom Jreemed.Fifthly,that an hungring after grace eorthiyf•thm. might be fharpened and increafed. Thematttrof thrprayerf/•ndJ in two princi- 1 .Q.uefl,3·AfterwhatmanerdothGod heare paBpoints. Firf/, he MktthofGod, rhdpirit cf his feruantsprayersl Anf.Twowaies.Firfr,by w1fedome, whmby thejiruants of God4Ye enagrantingtllethingwhichwasaskedaccording bledtodifccrneoNt oftht word, in cuery bujineffe to his will.Secondly,,by denying thething deWhichthey tab,; in hand, whether it be in wordor fired and by giuing iomcthing proportionall dude,whatough• to bedtne, •ndwhatoughttobe toit.Thus Gods denies tcmporarie blefs~ngs, left vndane : a; 4/fo the ctrcumjlances~ the timeJ & in the roome therofgiues eternall in heauc. pl4cc,mannerofdo;ngany thing. · ' T:.:l.:::m:.:s;.: h::<;.:rc:.:fi:::uf<::c::th:.:t::o:..:r::e::.:m:::o::o::.:n:::•~th::.:c:..:::'r::o::.:ffi:::e~fr:.:o::m::.l.....:........::S.:.:ec.:.:on.:.:dJ:<ryc:'..:.h_ee.;.p_raLry_et_h.<.fi_or_r_he_Ct:rp.::.ir..:.ir'-o-f_r~«;:;-'c;;;;la- !1011~----