Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

Pau!s prayers. • 349 tion,whmbythcfaithfis/1 haue their whole cft4te t fulnelfe ofGod. before God reuealed vnto thenntccorcbng to the 20. Vnto him therfore thatis able to do ex- ,.ord: thething itfelfebcing othemifofecret and ceeding abpRdantly, abone all that we as)<e or hidden. 1. Cur.z.9, t8,J2 Further~the Wt»'k!of rhink,accordingto the powc.rrhatworks in vs thu ffitritin )hegodly MtW~»fold,theoneconcernes 21· Eepraifein the Church by Chrift Jefus, GoJhimfeife,the other the things ofGad. , thro"gho)Jt all generations for eucr, Amen. Theworfttofthejpiritof renelation, which re- ' '· The Expojition, JPefls Gadhim(e/fe; it an acknowledgement of · THrfewords contain< two parts,nprayer, and the Father, or ofChrift. 'l'{_awtoacktJowledge • . a thank!Jii~ting. In the pr"Jer theft poinu God the'Father.. is notonely toftnow, andconfeffo. i are to betiJar~d. FJrjl, r'begeflure, Ibowmy th<t heMafather ofthefaithfull,hKt «ifetobere· ·knees,whereby Pan/jignifies hM humblefnbmif- [foluedin confcience that he is afather tome inpar- ]ionto Godin prllJer.Seconf4j 3 to whom he prayes, tirular. Secondly,th<t Chrift i4 irot6nely ingtne. Tothe Fath9r., whou deferibcdby mo titles : the raila Snni•uroftheekfJ, bNtthat he u inJPtciafl firjf, the Fatherofour Lord Iefus Chrill:, and mj StmioHrandRtdeemer. thatbyn~ttllrt as heu God, tmdas huu m4nby Thefec.ndworir<ofthMjJJt'rit,ua~_illuminatwn B per[ona/1 vnion. Theothtr mle, Of whom the oftheeyes ofthemindetofee& ktJow tfuthingsof whole family which is is in heauen and earth Godwhichhe harhpreparedfor them.rhat doe.bc. is named:{!. .rhichwordsM ftt dawn A defiription leeue: ~ndtheyareewo. Theftrft,u life ete(n,all; oftheChurc~':'fttfl, it M• Family, brcaufe it M whechu deftribedby 5. arguments. r./Ju theEth<eompanie if Gods e/cffchildren vnderthego. phejias hopc,thAtM,thethinghopelif.rinthMlife. uernment of of one Father, 1.Tim-3- 15.ItMcal, ,.Itu the hope ofthecalling ofGod: b«allje ledthehpufe of God, Eph. :, 19· TheythRt be. bythepreachingofthe<JofPelit u of{er<ii, &men keuearefold tobe ofthe hsufholdafGodficomily, arecalle!ltowaltefor thefome.,.Al)inheritiice, tDt·p4rts of the Catholrk! Church are noted, properly to Chrift, b'ecauftheil the natlf-ra/JSonne name!J,the S4ints inhMuendep11rted, 11vdSllitus ofGod:andby himtoa(/ thatjhalt6eleeut, 4• The lruingonearth:th~rdiy,itl•foidtabenamed ofthe exce/lencie,becaufe it Ma·richandgloriou. inheriFather ofCh'tl~;becaufe "'the Father ofChrift tance. 5· J;.a/liy, it Mmade~raper to thf S~ints, ueheFaeherofthMfamely,fealfothMf•m•/yuca/. Thefecomfthing Mrhe_groatn~s ofthe power lidby hem.Gen.6••.Dan.9·'9·Thsrdly them•tofGod,wherebyjimi(Mo/"tifi,ed,ihtcorrupt n~- m ofthMP"';J"ftands of4• majlworthypomu. tHre renued, andm1ghts!jftrengthn'tJ in te•ptaThefirfl JU' flrength to beare thecrojje~&to re_ tios.ThMpawer ufetforth bytwoarguments.The C jifl f}iritual fif.ltati•ns, v. r6.where thejlrength ftrft MthejHbie5i orRerfons in whom ihM power U, ufer oiei'b'y'diuers arguments. ,.Firjl,that it Mthe made manifeft. In them that' beleeue: JJecaufe meeregift ofGod,that he would grant you: SenonecanfielethM,bm~eywhichapprehm1c;h~ift condly,:he cauji off/rength,by his fpirir• thirdly, byfattb. ·The ficond,utlle manner Of 11fonifeftmg theJHbseClor place where thuJlrmgth muft be, ill thi5p9Werin them, # accor.ding to the the inner man, tliat U,in the whole man.:fofarr:J workingofhismighr,Yiiower,which he fhew. forth"' he is rtn•cdbygrace, Eph. 6.14. Thefe. ed in Chrift. Andthat.V.Uinfhreethings.FirjJ. eandM,the dwelling of Chrilt in their hearts inputtingallhM enenli·eJvJder hi•Jtere;V:. ~o Se. by faith: Faith Mwhen a man beeing ferio•fly conlliy>•n;Aifing himftifli,eath.ThirtljJ.,inplacing humblfdforhi4Jinnes,ufimher in canfoienceperhem•t h:< right hand.'Now therofor<PilJ!Ipra>es j'wlidedandrcfelmdof thepard.nofthem,·andof that thln>io1derf•llpbwfr'ij God, wpich?lid'foew' recolicilwianUG•rl. No••'wherethM pci[w"fion forth,}flffe in the he.df:hfjft,>,igi/tlik.;wip]hew u mdeede, thmfol/owes n~efforily Chnjls dwel. itftlfein tbe membp'' 'l!,f:hri,ff.Fi,:ft,in treading ling i~theheart, wlliohJiandrin """things : the Satan&'ft~vndertlieir(,ecoitdftrji,M the roungJ<nd ord.-dngif.ihe tho~tghts,'if. !:{Jin .Yd"iJ!n$th.imfoM-J}~, .. -.u out oft>t:_grf'He ~tJ ht~- Jtf!Wnr~-aNddifird -~the_ heart~ accordmg·~Qhif lmelfe of life. ThmJ/y, m a.!J~<ncmg thtmm tht D w•ll;.ua.mafterrnlesmhu·hoHfe:theficond,u the time,ofgt.ry in he~uen. c6ntin11imce <i}' his risle. -Fahee,cannot~fold to . ., EphcJ 3• · dwe/1-inap!llct,who'rule; ·;nithhtforaday. ' 14- Forrhis caufe'I bow mf.,'k~ees ·~nro . ',, Therliinl;ihhekt,Jowledge&,nowltdge, the F~the~ofour Lo:~_I.~fus Chrrft;· ' . mmrsfth~ infiniteg~eatftes ofGOds luHein Chr:ft, 15,. Ot whom r• nall\ed thewnole family an'<JfiElofth•for?"<r, v. r8, 19· rbe words are inheatien'alldeatth. , ·' .' '· -·' ' · lthk·explaned:Rootcdandgi6tinded.fimthe 16. Thai he wouldgr~btyouaccording to /oueofGadwherewith he louesrh.eelea •iiAU ra>t the riches ofhi•glory; thatye may be fr.reng1 •ndfoundatianofal Gods benefits, eleElion,vocatithened by!ifs fpiciritlthe inner man~· I • 0 wn;iitflifidatioir,&gloriftcation.Menare rooted& 17. That Chrirt rna'y (!well in YO\lt'h~arts l',('ounded i:e I~He, when Gods JPirst afJures their byfaith. : ' · ,, 1 , 1 llhe~rtsafGo'ds/aKe,(j-dothgiltet~emfomeinw~rd 18:· Thatye·being rooted and gr01r~dle~in' '/'rilfo•ndfeeli!f[, ofit,' Fonhen they•re a<itwere loue , may bee able to comprehend with all , r]/itifiblyput,nta the root; andlaidont~efoundui– Samts, wha.tis rhc~read~h., an. d length, and I 1•on. yYith all Saints:_Taul defires thisbeneftt,not depth,and he1ght. " 'd~ely to the Ephefean~,"but alfo to allthefaithful! 19-A:1dknow"the loue of Chrift;,\'hich paf- , ll>tth'them. What is the length, the breadth: ferhknowledge,thar yee may be filleMvith aJI Here isajpeech borrowedfrom the Geometricians, · ' Gg- 4 •nd