Pauls prayers. anditfignijiesthe .hfob.ttgrratneffior infinitents A in whichhecommtth to 'IJS, eith'Y'by oordeAth or ofGodslo#e,andthat itislikt•wt>Tid,whichfor frythel.ftiudgemmt. ' length,bre•dth, height,.nddepth,iund"f[e.Here Thirdly, he praytth thatth~y may•GDHndin nott ihurrdtrofreceiuinggri/Ct.Firft,Chriftdwels g•"!workf'., whichare defcrib.edby aJimilitude, in the heart byfaith. Ser:ontlly, thenc0'17Us A Jinft frultes of r.ghteoufuelfc: Chrijilant beingfroitAndfeebng ofGods !oH<, M it werr by certain< fu!erm.Ezech 47·•o.Efa.6t.>·3· By thecauft 1 'jr•ps thereof. Thirdly,ifur this arijith • plmtiefficient,:"hichareby Chri!t.3• Bythttnd,vnto ~HNktt"Fiedge,andapprehenfion ofGods''"', and theglouc andpmfe ofGod. . MUwerethepoHringtJHt.jafl4intoamansheart, Coloff. J. ·thatforgrratneffehathlflitherbommenorbanf«. 9· I ceafe not to pray for you and toclefire And know rhe loue ofChri!l: Theft words("' th~t ye mi&ht be filled wi:h kno:._,kdgepfhis lt•fe! it ) •re an expofttionoftheformtr: for to wil,malw&dome& fpmtual vnder£landing comprehenrlthtloue ofGod, imothing elft, but to 10· That ye mightwalkworthy ofthe Lord· k!Jow theloueofChrift: confitlering th•tallwhom and pleafehim in all things, frutlifyiog in ali the Father /ourth, het t.utth them in Chrift: goodworkcs, andincreafingintheacknowwhich palfeth knowkdge,th6t u,whichforthe B lcdgemeat ofGod. grwneffi ofitno man cllftfully f<?!ow. 11 •Strengthenedwithall mightthrough his ThefOHrththingu, tbtf#IJteffeofGodsgraces, gloriouspower, Vnto all patience and Iongverfe.19• Here the fulnelfe of·Gqd, doth not fufferiogwith ioyfulnelfe. fignijitthefubtes oftbe Godhead b diuinenature, ll·Giuiog thankes to the Father which hath buttheperfefli<m ofthe inner man, whichJhaU not madevs !itto be partakers oftheinheritance bte till after thu life. ofthe Saints in light. ?{gwfollowtstbethanfe!fgiuing,orthr praifi q· Whoharhdcliuered vs from the power ofGod,vcrf. 20. or. containingthtjipoints. The ol darkencffe, and hath tranfiated vsinto the matterofpr<ife,hu power& b 0 umifubtttwherekingdomc ofhis owne Sonne. · byh•can work exceeding aboundantly.aboue all we aske or thinkc:andb0ththefearenotonly The E~tpofttion. tobeconceiHcdinminde 1 bxtalfomAyhtfeltinth_t he.rt,accordingro.the power that worketh.ill THefo words <~ntaine fl prayer,anluhankif.. vs. ~·Theforme ofpraifi, glorie vntoGod b)\ g'"'"g• In thepr")tr threethingsare .ufe!d. Chufl ,Mallbenefit~ are receiuedfromtheFmher Thefirft, 14 the mmaft of the kuowledge of lryChrift.3 .The properplaces{tr•.epr6'fiofG~d, C 9odsrtuea/edwillin hu word, tmdhedirlidesit the Church·'I·Thecontmuance ofpispraifi, tho- ' onto tll'~p~rts : wifedome, which u not o.Uyto rough allgenerations for eucr_, . kj!Dll' GMmord,bNt alft t..pplJ ittoruery«llion ' Philip.1. . , F~rthertghtandho!1ptrformingtbem;f;aodfpi9• And this I pray, tharyo~rloue may a· rJtuall vnd~£landing,whichis,whenmmbythe bound yetmore andmore, inknowledge and 4fiflanceofGodsJPirit,doeconceiu<thewillr;fGod ail fenfe. ingentrAR without Applying. 1o.Thatye may difcerne thingsthatdifttr ; Ser:onJ/y,paHIpr•yesfor;t hefuits ofthu f<?!ow: to the end, yee may be pure and without of. ledge,which •refourt.i. To wAlk! wmlij of God, fencetotheday ofChri£1. . "'g.o4ftruants doe,wh• intheir App•rell,gefl•re, n. Filled with fruites of righteoufnelfe, anilall~heirJ.ings,fo6ehauethtmftlueuhAtthey which are by Iefus Chri!t,vnto.the praife an<\ may.rrdit their maflers. •· To pleafe pod in glory ofGod. . , . .. ' , ; . all thi•,•gs, by•pproouing their h<arts vnto him,. . The Expojition. , . i • Tobe plentiful/ ino/1goodwork,rs·4·Toinm-Ji TH14pray<r containes threeparts. ln th~Jirf{ ~· th~~{k!Jowledgemmtof. Go_d_. For_th• 1111Jreany Paulprayethfor irrcrtA{eofloueinthe Philip , mcrtafo tn kzzowledg~ ~ expe~~ence :u Gods word, pi•ns,wh<~h<r it ber. Godor m(n,yerf.9. ~~4.he D tht mfYf Jh~ll they.,kttolfl;Jge Godthe F<rherto jbewes the meanu of increaft, ~ which Are tWO;' be the1rjarher, Chrift toke thesr Recke.~er~ and knowledge,And(enfcorfeeling.For(togoebac/z, the fioly Ghoj/theirfonEiifier. ' w<rd)the 11iorMgodlym•nfeeles .Gotht.ue, and Thirdly, h' pr")ts thattheColoffians '"')'bee h.uhexperien"ofGods wordinhimft/ft;the 7111J"(e ftrengthened,v·Il·Where he ."totes thecaufe,Gods hu k!fuwesofGods word,andpe~eiuts hid loile-vtJglorious power;ii»dthe effells~whicb IP"t thrte. to him; tbe more htlones God agltine. Mii};js I. Patience)b«au.foitUnece.J/ilrie th::tthegod!J• neighbourfor hu fok!. . ., lff_jfer '!"'"JAff/if:tions. •: Long fuffering,becaufc .Th1ftcondthing prayedfor, u th<giftofdifieroftenumes ~he firm• •JjltE/10ns .cont~m« ''"£· 3· nmg,whereby men kttow,whatu trite, what falft: Ioyfulnefie,becaHfl •hecroffi" bttter. · what u,.bedone,what tobe loft 'IJntbne:theei>th ~ Thtthanktfgiuing ufor abenefit,thatGodhad thugiftare two.Thefirft,that by means ofit,they madethe Colo!Jiansjitfoi·the kingdome r;fgloru: may be pureefrJincere : th•tis,kte!"atoadconfci. ani/ t~'.'lffo• u,becauft he hadmade themm:ntenubefore God& menin their li"fs andcaNings; bers0/the k!ngdome ofgrau. Th~ftcond3u tobe without otfence:thatU,inno. .:.- ., cent,giuing 110 occafi•n•feuiO to any,¬tak._ing, , r':'Tifejf. 3• . them offeredby orhers:andthccontinuanceofthifi 1~· T~e.l-ord incrcafeyot>,.at1d ryJakey\>U Hnottdcothe dayo(ChrHl:: rrhKh U the tim! abcund in loueornl: cowards.another, and toW:lrds~