Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

CJhefobs andJighes of allrepentantfinners. wards all men: euen-·as wee doe towards A yo~~. To make your hearts fiaolf~nd vn– blameable in holinelfe before God·, ·euen our Father at the coml)ling of our Lord Iefus ChriJl\liithall his Saints. ' '". 1 ' -'"' ' ~ ;') Jcl ' 2.Th'eff,2. .J. ·~ ) hath ginen vs ellerlafling confolarion and good hope through grace: · - . 17· Comfortyour hearts; and fhbhlh you in euery word and good worke. ;r "t • The/(. 5 ,'! ' •i· Nowrhe~eryGod ofpeace, fancHfie you throughout': and I pray God, that your 'whole fpirit and b foult, and body may bee kept blamc!eff<, -.:pto the, ,c,omming of our '!:did Iefus Ctmfi;" d So~ggatlieredoue.~f'th;Pfalmes,--containing·the ' • l l aThe mindeor vndtr. £tmding. bTitewJt and :Jfi(:., dicn. , • , 0 , :· · Cobs ~nd ffj:;hfs ofall ~~llem~nt finnf!s· . • .,: •· Ap«•, hear\<e"rhe plaint B ,OLord,\llbat,<;arrhlymanaorhkno)V,theer· Pfal.•9· fac:c 10 that! doemaketo thee:·: ll '{r.m 1 ~~. · 1 foursofH{is life? 1 la. ~;';!'.:;.- Lordin thy natiue truth, and in thY'iil!lice anThen ~leanfeme f~ommy fecrct fins, which pr.lyc:r. fwermce. .,_ are 1)~ .• m_,e~-0· a.r,ifc. ·. :--- ~~•. :.. . -~ .. . ~. "... _..'._; ~ :i: .:. I · Pfai.r 43 ; Regard,O Lord,for I complainc, and make t\nd~cepemerhat. prefu~.P,!~ous.qnrte~ pi:e· 1.. • my.. fUire tO thee t 1 • ·: 1 1_J ~ "· uadenor ouer mee : · , ., . P&l. 6•: Let not my words rcturne in vaine'rlbut giue Andthen I thoU be innocent, :md greato'fftn- !o.:. • anearetomce. ccs flee. t.A •••- Behold,in wickedneffe iny kinde, and thape I To thee,0 Lord my God,loe I doe firetch my feffion of did rcceiue : craeiRg hands : * :,:~f Andloe, my finfullmothereke, infinaedid Myfo•ledefirethafterthec, asdot!Jthethirheart. me conceiu•· . fiielands. Pla,.fi· · , , I\ (, , • ' '' Andiwithcuilsmanyone,amlorebefet a fC As hand-maides watch_ their miflrishands, Pf.J. 4°· hour. fome gracefor to atchteile: '+ My finnes increafe, and fo come on, I cannot So I behold thee, Lord my God, till-thou doe fpie them out. me forgiue. VcrCe16. Pfal, 90. 8. For why, iAnumbeJ: they.exeeedethe haires vpon my head: My heart doth faint for very feare, thatI am almoftdead. I Thus in me in perplexitie, ismine accumbred fpright : . t\ndinmc is my troubled heart, amazedaad affrigt1t. The wicke.a workes that I haue wrooght, D thou ti:tfi before thine eye : Myfecrct faults, .yea eke mythoughts, thy countenance dorhfpie. 0 Lordmy God,ifthouthalt weigh my fins, and them perufe : What one thall then cfcapeand fay, !Canmy fclfeexcufe? Pfa1.'4l· Iniudgement withthy fernant,iord,ohenter •· notat all: ~~.~:~5 For iufiified in thyfight, not one that liueth of finn<s thall. Lord turne thee tothy wonted grace, my filly foule vp take : 0 faue mee, not for my dofcrts, but for thy mercie fake. My foule why doefi thou faint and'quaile 1 fo fore with paine oppreft: Withthoughtswhydoft thy felf~ alfaile? fo fore withinmy breaft. • TrulHnthy Lord thy God alway, and thou the time thaltfee: To giue him thankes with laud andpraife, for healthrefiord to thee. ·Forwhy? his anger but a fpacedotb !aft, and flacke againe : Butin hisfauour and his grace,alwaydothlife remame. Though gripes of griefe and pangs full fore, doe lodge with thee airnight ? The Lord to ioy !hall theo refiore, before the day be light. Vcrfe1;. Pr,I.t4l· 6. 4, Faith 01ewing itfelfe in ddire of uconci.. l1ation WJrb God. Pral.uf. '· Pfal6, Pf:l~. ·f1· (, FJhh fighteth With Jj,. fir.11l1 1 & labou. rethtoo.. ttcrcomc it. Verfct.z. Ibid. \nowne and vn. knowne. And for thy pitieplentifuli,O Lord,Ithee inThe Lord is kind and merciful!, when finners Pfai.••J· treat: doeh1mgmne:. . is. · pr,· 10. To grant me 1\'rdon for my finne, for it is The flowd! to concetuc awrath, and readieft I . wondrousgre:.::ac: t•_____ ____:.__t:::o::f<:::o_::rg~i:::ue~·:._________-;;--, , And