'IheJobs andJighes ofaUrepentantfinners. - I Vtrfc•;. And looke what pitie parents deare, vnto A 0 Would to God it might thee pleafe my theirchildren beare: waies fo to addrelfe: ' Vafe 14• 6. Fuyer· for r~ge. ncratton and Gods holy fpi· rlt. Pf.al.sr. la, Verfcu. 7· Praytr for obe. dience to Godift eur liues and cat .. ~7a1:;xg. jo. Like pitiebearcs the Lo:d to wch,as worthip That 1 might both in heart and voice , thy Vtrfc 1 • him mfearc. !aweskeepe and confelfe. . The Lord that made mee knowes my thape, my mould and fafhion iufr: How weake and fraile mynature is,andhow I ambutdufr. 0 God, createin me an heart, vnfpsttcd in thyfight:• B And eke withi>tmy bowels,Lord,renue af!a- . ble fpright. ·, ' ' Withthy free fpirit confirme thou me;·anti I willteachtherefore 1 ..:;. • ' Sinners thy waies,and wicked!lj~ll !>(turned to thy lore. .. My foole is raui!ht withdelire,and neucr isat refr: , .•. · But feekes'to know thy iudgeincntshigh, and what may ple~fe theebelt. : I I I In righteoufne!fe I doe intend, my time an.d daies to feme: Haue mercy Lord and mee defend, fo that I doe not fwerue. ,And withiliy £10ingheaith, 0 Lord·, v~ucht. Pray~r1 Cafeto vifit me : fer life e· Th1t Ithe gre~t felicitie, ofthine elea may ""''· 1 ~fee. , . 'o, ~f;o~. ~nd.with_thy ~<oplcs ioy I may, a ioyfull : ~crfcf. ~~m~e polfefie : ·· , ., .' · And may with thine inheritance, aglorying -heartexpro!fe. The LordtheGod ofifrael, beblefrforcti'er- 9.A eo..· _ mor .. ~_: · ; , ._._ . - , ~:~on Letallthepeoplelay, Amen, praifeyee the pr:oyfing Lord therefore. , . <>f· God. Vctfo<l• ' ' • ·~· ..!; "! ... i. ' , .. I ' F I :1\(._l _S. . , I ! .. I ~ ( ' 'r ' . [ ~ 1 ' . '- ' ' - , A