r • ·r ..:r– -r .} i,.:\ < • r ( ' l Theell: ateof atrue Chrill:i;ll, in this llfc!.Yiwhic:Ra!fo fhcw.lthlboW flrre the clell' being ea fled , goebeyondal!RcJ?rol>at;sin,Chri~ianjty. _;, ,.! ...> ·~ 1 . • . . , ' . A Dialogue to the Cami ~brpofe , !i'{ilitfe<f'out of.O·Ii:'l':woriewdtipgs ofMa!ler Tind.Oand "Br11djord. ·• ' • ( ·:~ _) ~t HowaReprobate may performe all the Religionofthe Church of ll.ome• • ~ ~\ -~ •f, ' ' • • .... ' r lq~<J.nfliels betwceoeS~ttnand a'Chtillian. ' ' ' . "~ ,·, ·:, ~~.; Howtheword.,fGod istobeapplied"!jght.vntot~.t9n~i~nt~.', , - J • .;.l.~· ). -11)1:... ; -'-~ J -'· - . _,.jJ lj 1 Confolntions for the troubledconfcienoe~·q~~eal<c S~ill~ns; ' I ADeclaration ofcmainc fpirituall De~rtiont• •ul._l {~ ~~~~~~~~~~-rt.~.~"> . ' ' ... t';. TO THE RIGHT \VVORSHIPFVLL AND MY CHRI~J-~~IEND MASTER PALENT INE-'(.lf.JGH-TL~ .~IRE, 0 NE OF HE.RMAlESTIES IY"s•TIC,PS OF :~ peace in Northampton-1hirc_.,. ·~ I " , .I pray you confide;with mee an \ip~iall point of Gods word , CJrtf~lly to b< weighed: it is ;.bis, •M"'ifp"ffiffoHrs ofChrift,in the tky , Ma~th. .jgM«, per[MuulrthemfiU.esrhAtthcY'tre"{,the,eftatt if grace, andfo the '~-'• '• tnit Chur<h efleenmhoftheM110: yet wh•n t~ot.dl?, ofgrace is p.ji,they conl•M•6, trariwift jhall findethemft/ues to bemthi<ft. Jff ofi'damnationrcmedilej]i. A 7, s, 9• •9_)~ dolcfulkaf< ,"yet a mo!lrefolutetruth, aup 1h,t reafon is plaine. Men ~~£':t' •· $! that liuein the Church are greatly anno}'l;d '!iitha £'careful! fecuritit 14 • ~-W anddcadneffe cfhcarr, by which it come'~topaffe thatthcythinkeit A"'"" ') enough to makea comlneh protefi:ation ofjh'e faith, not once in all their tofu! prolife timcs,cxaminingthemfclues whether they bt in the eftate ofgrace before the eternall God ~f ,;;::; or nor. b And indcede it is a grace p<euli\li':tothe maR elcei to trie himf<:lfewhether he bc1n <fiareor the dl:atc ofaraceor nor. ~. · conditiO The furthe~ openingofthe truth of this point, as alfo the danger ofit, I hauecnterprifed in ~···~· this treatife; which I am w~lingto b_dlowqn you,.both foJthe profefsion ofthe faith, which 1 ;·.f. "'' you make,as alfo for that Chtllltan fnendfh1p you haodhewed fO me. Accept of1t I pray you Pfat. 119 . and vfeit foryour edification. 'Thus I commend you to God,and to the word ofh1s grace,that f9· is able to build you vp filrther' and g!ueyou .an inheril~llct amongthemwhich arelimelified. <Aih•· FromC•mbridgtthiS24.of Nouember, lS·86. -' I'· Your vVorihlps to command, · '- William PtrkJns. TO