Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

CERTAINE PROPOSITIONS DE~ CLARING HOW I'ARRE A MAN MAY GOE IN THE PROFESSION OF· THE GOSPEL AND yet be awicked man and a Reprobate. ' I. lA knew very well:whofaitb,dM•n;, i• ho•o•r, Re~robate bath in his d"rmdtrj/t#ldtthnot;htu/ik(tlbt4}1sth•tpmfo.· mmdacertco' knowV I. ledg ofGod, ofcornWherefore, thisknowledge whichthe remoo equitie among probate receiueth from nature , and from the men,ofthedifference creatures, albcitit is not fufficient to make of &~ from bad :I ~imd?e that which!hallpleafe God: yet be- &thia IS partly from toreGodsiudgcmeRtfeat, 'itcutsotfallex- •Aa 14 nature, partly from cofe,which he migbt alleadge, why he1hould 17. • • the contemplation of Gods creatures; in 1 not be condemned. l!.om.t. whichthe wifedome,the power,thclooe ,cl.~ I :VII. u . mercie,the maiellie ofGod is percdued. 1 lldide thisnaturall knowledge, the reproII. · ba•e may be made partakerof(J)tht prtA<hing •Htb. 6 This knowledge is onely generall an<! im- 1 of the wml, .-d be. iR•min•ted by the holy 4• ' perfct!:, much like the ruinesofa Princes pal- 'B Gh~l\, and io maycometo the knowledgeof •· Pet. •· lace: it isnot fufficient todiret!: him in doing che rcuealed will of God inhis word. · "· ofa good worke. For example;he knowsthat Vli I. there is a God, & thatthisGod mull be worThus whenthey beare thepreaching ofthe lhipped : come to particulars, who God is, word, God profercthfaluation to tliem, and herehis knowledgefaileshim, and heisalto- <Ris them, • yet this callingis ootfo cffeauall • Manb. gethervncertaine whattodoe toplcafe God. intbem asit is hllhe de a children of God. "·•· II I. Forthe reprobate whenhciscallcd,heliketh Luk.•J· Byreafon ofthiskoow!edge,the Reprobate him.felfein his owne blin4nelfe,andtherefore ;; .. 1 dothgiue coofent, and in his heart fubfcriberh . ~either will he; and ifhe would,yet could hee ,,, · · tothe equitie ofGodslaw; as may appeare by f\OI anfwer, and be obedienrro the calliryg of Ioh.,,t'· the fayiog ofMedea:P":deo,../iorapro~o~u<,tleGod. The c!ct!: being called, with fpecde he Luk. 1 4· tmorAftquor.Thatis,I knowwhatis belt to be anfwereth and commeth to the Lord, andhis 6 • done,and likeit;yet I doe the worfi. This ap- C heartbeing ready, giuethaflrongand loud«- probation in the Reprobate commeth from ~horothevoiceoftheLord. This '"h<>wefee cooftraint, & is ioyned withadifiiking ofthe mDN<ids heart: h When (faith he) rhoufiUdfl, •Prar.17. • Ro 111 • 7 , bw:in the eleabeing called, the h ~P!'>roba-~ Seek£ye myfa<e:minc anfwmdvnro thee : 8, •f· tlonofthelaw,proceedethfromawtlhngand 0 U,rd,lw•llfttlythyfRce· And God himfelfe ready mind,and is i!)yned withloue& liking. fpeaketh the fame of his children. Zach. q. I V. , 9· ThryJh•O eRa on "'Yn•me, and I l!'i0 And by reafon ofthis light of nature, a thim: Iwillfay,J<i4mypeoplt (nowmarkethc mecre naturall man, and a reprobatemay bee <«ho) •nJthryjhaDJ•y,th< Lordu my God. fubieatofometcmpcations:forexample,he , . . IX. may be tempted ofthe diueli.and ofhisowne After that bee bath an vndeitlanding of <;'{rruptflelh, to beleeuethatthere is no God .~ods word, i he mayack.(lmiedgtthttruthof 1 Hcb,to. at all.As Ovidfaith of)Umfelfe,E/eg. ;.SoOki. D lt ,andconfefliit:andifr.eederc.quire,beadtftw- ~~. r, tor n.Uouffi p~<~aredtos:I am oftentemptedto tlerif•t: AslNd.uwas,andl•iiaN the Apofl•••· ,.,, 7, thinke thereis noGod. . . X· V, The reprobate may haue a feding ofhis 'l:he reprobatefor allthiskoowledge, in his linnes,and fo acknowledge them: andthe putPI>I.r4o heart may bean Athdl\:as D..Udfaith: 'The m!Jlll)entdue vntoth~~: (U,sa~/ dtd;who • 1.Sam, r. fooie bathfaidin hu he 4 rtth<rt;, noGod. And a (ud,I ha~et finndcomeagame myftnnt Da~~•:i: :6,,., Rom.3. man maynowadaies ~oufes andtownes for lwilldutthee nqharm,.r, btca•fi myJoule w.u 10' 11 ' full offuchfooles: NaY.,this glimmering light prmou11n thmt 'J" thuday: BebukjJhmudone ofn!lture , except it be preferued with good foolijkly, ••dhmtt ~rred exmdmgly. Th~s d1<l bringing vp,with diligentinl\ruaion, &with C•m, I when hef,td;MJp11nijhmmt ugrearer 1 Gen. 4• good companic,it willbefodarkened, thata t~en 1 can bMre. m G_Al~rHw ~a:~amP-4 s a ~~l~Eurcb: man a,.uknow very little,& Ieadealife likea V!le _perfe~ur.orofCh,tlhans, had.hts bowds ls.c, ,;, very beal\ 1 as experience telleth, and 'D..UI r<?ttlllgwlthm hrm: fotharanmfimtenumber I 18 , • of