maygoe inChriflidnitie; 357 ofwormescontinnally <raukd forth ofhis~o- A yet for his lifc,hc is not able to leaue his filthy dy &fuch apoyfouing!linkecame fromhtm, Gone : and ifhe might be deliucrcd, he would th;t no man could abide him : bceing thus finne asbefore. r Efou w~pt before his father r Gm.,. ' plagued with thehand of God, h:e begant? with great yellingand cry'iug,but after he was ~~.;~r· ~~~~=~d~:~:~f~tf~d~~~~~~r~~~~~~~.~~~~·; f~~~~~~:h~i~~~t'~~~sh1:t;f~~~i~.;:~n~i~~:~~ 9 ' and aftomblingthe chiefe rulers about him, he tempt of his.fath~r, chafe himawife again!! commaundcd that all within his dominions his li,king. Pharaoh,asoft as the Lord laid any lhouldceafe totroubl< Chrillians, and in all calamirieonhim, g hee eu.ermoredefired to • Etod, ha!le he madea law for the peace and libertie, be deliuered from it,ye~ afterward alwaies be 8,8, and the publike meetings ofChri!lians. returned to hispld byas againe. Fadix tr<rf!· All. >4• X I. bf<dbefore Pauf:for all thar,hecou]j:l notleaue >f, The hath oftenrimes feare and hiscouetoufnes, buteuentbenhefQughrfora terrourofconfciencc: butthisis only,becaufe brib<,Secondly,thereprobate,when he r~pen. he cofideret!tthe wrath& vengeanceofGod, teth hecannot come vnto God; and feeke vnwhichis moll terrible. WhenP4ulpreached B to him: he hathnopower., no not fomuch as before Fa:lix: and bythemaie!lyofGods fpionce to defireto giueone little fubfor.the rerit,did(as it were)thunder from heaue agaiu!l mifsionofhis finnes : if he would giue all the his lins., doubtlelfehe madehisheart to ake, world bee cannot fo much as giueone rap at • Socra<o and euery ioynt ofhim to tremble. • E«bo. Gods mercy-gate, that heemay opento him. Mat-7,1· I.J•''"' li111 a Philofopher of Con!lantinople, in the Heis very like a manvpon a racke, whocrydaiesofConflantim, profelfed Chrillian relieth and roaretlt out for euery paine,yer cannot gion,and wentbe)•ond all other in zeale for the defire his tormentorto cafe him of his paine. fame religion : yet afterward vnder 1Nli4n,he h C•mwould haue beene voide of his tremfell from that religion vnto Gentilifme. But bling, buthe could not aske pardon ofhis fin after !Nii•ns death making meanes to be refrom his heart: neither couldS•NI, or lndM, ceiued into the Church againc, ouerwhclmed or now can thediuell. with the horror of his own confcience for his X I V. wicked reuolting, he call him!elfc downe on The Reprobate may humble himfelfe for the g<aund before the dores of the Church, fome finnes which hee bath committed, and cryingaloud,C•Ic•tem<[Aieminftpid;m.:Tram·. may declare this by fa!liogand teares. When ple on me vnfanorie Salt. And the diuell be- c El.-b reprooued Ahab for his Idolatrie, and hGen... ., 'I• 1 S~m. 31·4· Mad~o•7• !· leeuethth~wordofGod,andathisowndamthreatned him from the Lord, itisfaid, that nation he rrembleth, lam, • ·19. Thcfeferuile \\Then he had heard thefe words, l Hte rmr liu , 1 Reg. feares, though they harden the heartofthe re1/o.r~es, andpHtfacitccw<th vpon him, andfafted "• '1• probate, as heate doth yron, after it hath bin andnmztfoft!y m tok!n ofmournmg: ••drhuhut9, in the furnace: yet thefe feares in the children milhcion frayed Gods wrath for a rime. "Aa.l. 37• Hom.S. If, ofGodbare verygood preparations, to make X V, themfitroreceiuegrace:likeaswefeetheneeHe may confdfe his finnes, euen hisparti· dle which foweth noctheclo.rh, yet it makes culadinnes before men: but this isonely then a palfageand entrance for the thread , which when his foule is rormemed for them, and ea~ feruetl• for this vfe, to fow cloath together. findenoeafe.For then he fricketh nottovtter X 1I, his fecret filthines ro the hearing of all men A reprobate before he commit a finne,isof· and to the open lhaming of himfclfe. Whe 1; ten vexed within himfelf, aud feareth tocorn· God finote all that was in the fields of Egypt mit it: not becaufe he hateth and di(liketh the With haile, then 'PbaMofenr, and called for finncfodt felfe, but bccaufe he cannorabide Mofes andAaron,and faid vnto them, >IhaH: cMar.6. thepunifhment due vnt0 the fin.. c When the D nowftnned,the ~ordUrighteom,but1andmy peQ- ><>.>6. daughter of licrodi.u daunced before He111!. pit •rcwick.ed: prayy vmoth< Lord(for itu•· and pleafed him: that he might do her aplea: nough)th•tthmb<nomoronighty thundm,ejoc, fare,he bad her aske what lhe would : fhce as· So ll<dal, when hee faw that Chri!l was con. ked Iohn7iaptij/s head ina platter: Hmddid demned, and felt an hell in his confcience, !!munt her reque!l, but yet he hada grudging brakeout,and faid,Matth.27·4·/ hauejinnedin 'M•t.>7 tn heart,and he was fore grieued atit.d In like bemryingthe innocemb/eod. And the experience '9· 1 4· maner,Fil.ouwasvcrymuchtroubledim~ardofthefe daies giueth fearefull examples for c lthtth, ,, 8. Hcb. u. ''• ly before he condemned our Sauiour ChriQ. the proofe ofthis point, XI II. XVI. After he bath c9mmitted a finne, he rfor· Hehath often a defire to bee like the cbilrovmh4ndrtpcnttth: yer this repentance bath drmofGod in happines,and to be faued : not two wants in it. Fir!!, he dorhnotdete!l his becaufehe bath any loue to the kingdomc of finne, •nd his former conucrfati01i when hee God,but becaufe he is afraid ofhell. As 7Jal4· repcoteth: he doth bewalle the lolfe of many ,..,·ouerpreffed witlt the feare ofGods iudgethtngs whtci) he once coioyed, he cryeth out menr,prayed thus:Num.>3·J0.0 that myfoHk throughvery anguilh& through theperplexi· "'ightdiethe.dwh ofth< righteous, IUidthat my k Exod. 9·2.7· Rom 4 Jz. l4• ties wn~ C~~in his iudgement laiesonhim: lajt t»dmight be lif<!,.;hc.:is..:!_ ___ "7.o-:-:-:-: ,.-.~-~------------------~--------~~~~~H~h~~~----~X~V~I~I~·L· ----