Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

m4Y. goe in Chrijlianitie. 359 kinde ofnaughtie groundreceiueth the word A yet fome onefault or othcr,hecann?tabide to preachedwith wy. haue Itreformed;and by thar, ma vde manner XXIII. the diuell wholly poffefferh him. As Herod, . A reprobate often defireth them, whom who did m~ny things, yet would !'or leaue his he thinketh w be the chtldren ofGod,to pray brothers Wife. And no doubt, mh•d"' moftl aEo4,p. for him.(a)As PhAraodefiredAaronandMoofhis finnesin appearance were mortified and ,, fosropray for him. ( b)SodidSi.,on Ul1agus yet bycouetoufne~the dmel poffdfed him,and bAll. 8. defirePmrrhatnoneofthe things which hcc held him faft _cha1ne~ mbondage vnder him. ' 4 • had fpoken again£\- him, fhould come to paffe. For one finne IS f•fficu:nt to.h1m, tharbyit he oRom. 8 . B"t yet they cannot pray rhemfel~es, (c) be- !I'•Y brm~a man to damnatto!". Secondly'· in 16 ., 6 • caufe they want rhefpirit ofChrift. Infidel• hutaghoneftly, th< fp1mofGod bndXXIV. lerhrheforceoflinne, and the corrupt nature He may !hew liking ro Gods Minillers,hee that it break net our,asit dorh in manymher. may reuerence them and feare to difpleafe But in <;:hrifuans that are indeede godly, the d'AI\.8. ~hem. (d)Thus did s;,;,,n Magm, whoat ~hi- B fame fpir:r not only rcpreOerh the cor~upr_ioof 'J· lips preachingbelteud, wondertdat h1s mtra· nature ourwardly;butalfo morufiethlt wtthm e Mar. •· cles,andkepr compan} withhim. And •Herod at the root, & tegtneraterhthc whole man misfaid rofeare John, knowing that he wasaiuft toanewcrearure.Th~s then ne~ther the_faithman and holy: alfo he gaoe reuere"ce to him. ful not mfidels doe efrdhoy thmgth~tts lau· Antoniwm the Emperour, calledP11u, though dablc b~Jtby the fpmtofGod: thefa1thfull by he was no Chriflian,({)yet in a general Parlarhe fpmr ofregcneratton: mfidels by the lame f Eu',hb. ment held at Ephefus, hee made au act in the fpirir,only fuppr_dsing the outward act offin. f. behaife ofChriftians: that if any man lhould XXVII. trouble or accufe aChri!lian,for being aChriBefidethis,he may haue tlleJlift of working zo...... flian;the parry accufed lhould goe free though mmt<les,ofcalling forth diuels,ofhealing,and he were found to be a Chrilliag, andrheaccu· fuch like: (o)and this power of doing firange , M,.. 7 , fer thould be punifhed. (g) And Plm11u fecunmltacles, !hall bee vfedas an excufe offome o£ "· g'Piin.l. Io.Epifl. 49· dus, goucrnonrofSpainevnder Tr•ianJU the the reprobates in the day ofiudgement. M".9·JS Emperour, when he faw an innumerable corn. X :X: VHI. panyofChriftiansrobeexecuted; being mooOfrentimes, vnrohim isgluen the gifts of ued with compafsion,he wrote intheir behalfc C the holy Ghoft,ro difcharge the moll waigh· beeing no Chri!lian, vnro Trai4nm to fpare ry calling_tharcan bee inanycommon wealth. them that could bee charged with no crill)e : And this is meant,when God is faid(p )togiHe fx Sam. and his lettec is yet exrant. S~tNlAnotherhe•rt; tha.t Is, fuchvertucs as are I·o. 9 . XXV. meeretoraking. Heemay bee zealous in the religion which hee prokffeth,and f.u from that profefsion,as b Got,,. the Galati<ns did. h who after they had re. zs. eeiuedPtmllt414naAngel~ and wouldhaueplHC· k.!doHttheir eitsto hauedone him good : yet they fell from rhe dollrine which hee had raughrrhem , toiuflific.tion by rheworkes of theiaw, which flatly ouerrhrows iu!lificarion I i>.Kin. by faith alone. The (i) tame appeareth in le. 1o.t6. hu; wAo wasvery ze~lous for Gods caufe,and forthe defacing of idolatrie, and thereupon God bleffed him in his children : yet neucr- D rhdejfehewasawickedman, (kJ •ndfoOowed kl!tJ•·J r the vliefinnes ofIerob•amhufat her. t~.p;,;. XXVI• . (I) Afterthat he harhfinned,he dorh inman)' things in which he isfaulry,amendand reforme his life, and dorh profdfe great holineffeour– wardly. Herod did many things which !oh.• ~~~--~: Baprift in preaching mooued him vnto : S••l when hee was to bee chofen king, profelfed great humility. Theymay repreffe theirvices &corruptions,and fo m<>derar rhemfcluesrhat "· they breakenot our, (m) as did H•man; of mHcn.f. whom itis written: that whe he was full ofin– dignarion againft Mordec.U, yet he refrained himfelfe. And herein the elea and the repro- • ,.Thcr bare difier: (n) the elect are fomewhat refGr– r.•J· med inouery on oftheir fins. But the repro– bate, rhoughhcebe amended in many faults: ?, IO. XXIX. A reprobate may haue the word of God much in his mouth, &alfo may be a Preacher ofthe worcl:qfor foprophecyinginChrif/stu~me, fhallbevfed asanexcufeofreprobates: and ?:. 1"' 7 ' we know that among the 12.Apoftles (r) lu– i.uwas a reprobate. And this may be welpcr– cciued in the refembliiceoftaftin~, which the Author to the Hebrewenferh. Wee know, that cooks commonly which are occupied in pre_paring ofbankets, haue as much & fee1ng of the meare,a• anyother:& y<tthere is none that eareth leffe ofit tben they : f"r their llomackes are cloyed with the fmell & tafte of ir:fo,in like manner it may come to paffe, that rhe miuiLlcrwhich dreffethand prouideth the fpiritual food,may earetheleaftofit himfelf; and fo labouringtofaue others, bee may bee a reprobate. And it is thought, that fome of them which builtthe Arke, were not faU<d in the Arke, butperifhed in the flood. XXX, When as areprabate profelfeth thus much of~eGofpel,thoughindeed he be agoat, yet he1s taken for one ofGods,fheepe :he iskept in rhe fame pallures, and is folded in the fame rACt.t. 16,11. Col4. 2. Tirn. folde with rhem. fHea is counted a Chriftiati /lob,">• ofthe children of<S9d.,and fo he taketh )lim. j'l·'"•'f felfe to be; nodoubt·be'"ufe through the dui. neffeofhis heart, hecannot try and examine ·--------------------------------------H~h-3 hlm~