36o Howfarrea 1(.eprobate ·------~------------~--~ himfelfe, and therefore truely cannotdifcerne/ A-from rh-;; ,;icked and prophane men of the , of his e!tare, wherherhebein Chri!t or not: world. ; &itmaybe thoughtthat Satanisready with XXXIII. fo~e falfcperl\vafion to decciuehim. For this . Befides this,reprobates haue.fome preroga. 1 R ts hiS properue, that vpon whom God threatttues of God; (I) aud thathee isp(ti<ntton>a>·ds I · om.•. nerhdeath, t~<re Satan is bold topronounce thrm: tbat before he will de!tcoythem, he v- \ ;:·&.,.,, hfeand faluauon:as on the contrane,to thofe; leth many meanes to winnerhcm , that .tliey Gtn.<.J. to whom God pronounceth loue and m<rcte, comma~ly fpend all the daies oftheir liues in \ t0 thofe.(I fay) hee tbreameth dtfpleafure and profpemy:m fo much, that it is faid ofthem in damnauon; fbch mahce hath bee agamft Gods the Efalme:(m)th•tthryJ.•i•continu•llproflmi· mPr.t. childreo. · tyvntotheir death)& pine not atraya.s thechildren :7;~r:.. XXXI. •fCjodd"· But(n)after acertaine time,God in·'" '·Ptt., ,The · And l<er<by it commeth to palfe, that an(a) hisiuft iudgemcnt hardneththeiir hearts, blln-· ;~Tim. ci<ll may h~pocritemay bee in the vifible Church , and d·erh rhe eyesofthett m1ndes, h~ maketh their '·•· ~,~[~~' obey it in the word and difcipline and fo bee B heads giddy with'afpiritual.drunkenneffe and >, 1her. He taken fora true membcrofChrift, wben as a by the ilrengthoftheir inward luft asalf<>by '·6 · ~ hur. h man indeede regenerate may be excdmmunithe elfe<'tuall operation of Satan, ;hey fall 10 Efa.•.ro,, & nor of care, and end his life beforehe be receiued aopeninfideliiie aod contempt of Gods word b~e."~d g.tine: fo.cthisisrhe~ndofexc?mmunicadon, and fo tor~ headlong to their owne damnati: rh~·,; '" (b) thattheflep>,that IS, the part vnregenerate, on,and perifh finally. And iD this th<y~re like bm !,Y maybe dejlroyed: •ml the ff>mt, that rs,the part haukes, whichfo long as rhey liucare carried h< ofrhe regeuerate,maybek<p«ltHeinthedayoftheLord, on the hands of noble men: but wj)entlrev ~ifiblc & Now the man in whom is fpirit and flcfh, (s) aredead,they are ca!tonthedunghill. (•) [,!;. norofol" 11mft necdcs bee the childe of God berauf< an the Apo!lata wasfir!t a man learned and el~:rho· this .ngueth that he h"'h the fanctifiing fpirit loquent, and pro~lfed the RcligionofChri!t, b 1 ,' Cor. of Chrift, Againe,Pau/when hcbiddeth the but afte~ward heteU, & wrote abooke againft r, !0111• 8~ Corinthians to comfort the ince!tuous man, theR~hg•?"ofChnft,an_fwered byCyril, and " (d) left throughthefoight ofSatAnheJho•ldbee•· on a Umc,m a batttel agam!t thePorfians was • ~-~\:or. uerwhelmedofQuerrnuch heauines, giuethmcn to thruft into the bowels withadart, no m;nthi:: '·'· u. vnderliand, thathemight haueendedhis life C kRew how, whichdarthepullcdoutwith his in great cxrremi1ie off<>rraw , before heeilad owne hand, & prefently blood Bowed, which beene vifibly receiued into the Church a• asit gufhed·our, hec tookeit in his hand, and gaine. " flung it into t~e aire,fayingJVKljfi G~tli!tte;vici.- XXX!I. fli. OthouGaliltan (meaning Chri!t)rhoa arc Though GodwiU ncuer adop~any reprothe Conqucrour: thusheecndedhisdayesin oTheod. l.J.Hifi; c::.s. la. cob.Brrg Chro, bate, yet by the adoption of the'elc<'t they blafpheming Chri!t whom he had profcffed. may rcceine profit. Forthey findethe blefsing The reafon of this apo!tacic is euidcnt. (p) pMor.r 3 of God to bec on them by reafoo that they Seede, that isnordteplyrooted in theearth at '·'· e Gcn.7. J.&l9.1l &rH.p andy.f.J. .fr. ~a.n. 7-13· gAd'.1.7 lh G<n, r !7•7•10. iGal.3. s. dwell togirher,and haue f3cietie withthechilthe b•ginning ofthe yeare, fpringeth vp 1 i; is dren of(e) Gcd. For No•hsfake euer)' one in greene, and bringeth forth Jca!JCSat'ld flowers his family is faued in the flood. For Lots caufc: and(it may be)fome kindc offruittoo : when the men of Zoar are prefemed from the fire. the heat offummer commcth, it parcheth the And God would hauc fpared S•doJIU, ifthere earth,and thccornc wanting deepe rearing,&: hadbeene buttenne good men in it. For RA. therefore wanting moi\lure, with~reth away. ha&t caufe ' her family and kindred are at liGods word Ishke leed;whtch that It may bring butie in Jericho, Wh<n {rfiph was in Putiforthfruit vnto cuerl~fting life, it muft bE firft phars houli:,all things profpered well. (f) For D rcceiuedofthe ground : Secondly,it mull bee Sam11eis c.ufc' the Ifradites were deliuered rooted 1 the recciuing ofit:. is when themiodc from the Phili!Hmes: (g) And for P••ls caufe vnder!tandeth it, atid rcmcmbreth it: the robthey which were with him ·in the iliippe . tingofit,iswhenbeingbeleeued,itpiercethto were preferued. And •gaine , rr reprobate by the heart, and taketh holde of the aftections. mean,of thefaith ofeither ofhis parents may Thisrooring is oftwoforts: the firfl, is when beewithin Gods couenant, ·and fo bee made the word rootcth, butnot dcepe ynough, as partaker of BJptifme, one ofthe feales ofthe when the wqrd is recciued into the minde,and couenant.For fo God made his couenantwith into the heart, bythe ioy ofthe heart, but not Abraham, (h) that he would be not onely his with the relldueof the affections. Thefc:cond· God, bm alfo the God ofhis feede after him: isadeepeandliuely rootingofthe word,when (i)-which Paulexpoundcthnotofa few,butof the word is receiued into the minde and into all r.Jations. Alfo he faithmanife!tly that thofe the heart by the will and all the affeltions of children, either of whofe parents arc bclee• the hitrt.The firfrkind ofrooti•gofthe word, ~.~~Ccr, uers,(/z.)are holy,whiceJ,./incjfo is net inherent befal(eth to a reprobate, who vnderj/Andeth Rom.IL m thetr pcrfons , but onely outward: and tt , & rti~<eth in the promifespffaluatioo,yethe I6. is a fpeciall prerogatiue gratmted them of doth not put anyconfidence in them: heeca.n God,inthatlrce vnuchfaferh then' to bee in uorreft in them, hecdothnotretoycetlJathts his couenant: whereby they are di!tiuguifhed nameis written in the booke oflife, he< doth not