aACt.r6. .•. PC:U.rr9. l'· latn.z. 19Matk.ro. 10,:.1. maygoe in [hrijlianitie. not worke out his faluation with f•are and I A ence was not fi1fticiem :forChrilhelleth him, trembiing. In aword,hisheart is inpart foftthat.,, thing u r>·•nting vntohim, ~nd in anoned ro rcioyce at the preachingof the word rhcrplace h~ faith, Except your rtghteoMfne!J: Matt~. 5• ofGod:(•)yet his he<rt u notoptnedas Lydta~ exceede the r.ghreoufoesoftheSmbes and'Phart ,c. was. nor enlarged (asVAUidfaith)to imbracc fos J JOH cannot t1fttr into the k,!ngdome of heanrn• the r~uth: but the Elecr, bee receiueth the Ngw thccareleffe Gofpellcr isfarre from perword, not onlyinto his miode, lefiitlhculd forming this; in fomuchrhat «>mmonly bee be onely an imagination, but alfo it is deepely makes an open prachfe of finnc one way or rooted io hisheart. For, other· r .In fure confidence he refieth himfelfe on The caufes oftheir carelefnes are,firfia per-' Gods promifes. Rom.8.j8. Heb.1o. 11· fwafion that a man maY. repent when hewill : • 2· He bopetla and longeth to fee the acbecaofe the Scnpmre faith , At what''"'' foecomplilhmentofit. 1.Thejf.r.Io. HrrAflnmr doth repent h~~n of hw finnesftnmthe 3 • Heheartily Joueth God. for making fuch bottom~afhuheart, Godwillpnt aN hu Wt<iktdapromife to him in Chrift.r .loh.4.1o. neffi•ut of hu remembrance. But .mdeecle lat.c 4• Hce reioyceth in it, and therefore doth B repentanc.e IS feldome truerepentance : and lt meditateon it continually LHkti0•20. Rom. may bee mfily feared, lefi that repentance, 5. 2 , ' which men, when they arc dying frame to 5. Hee hateth all dotlrines which are a- · themfelucs,dre alfo ";'ltht~Jem.Secondly,they gainft it. flatter themfelues, tmagwmg that the Joefi 6. Heeis grieued when he doth any thing man that ts, bath feuen. fals euery day into that may hinder the' accomplilhment of it. grofie fins: l<'heras the place which they abafe Matth. 2ti.75• out ofthe Ptonerbes, Therighteo,.manfallcth Prou.z4. 7• He vfeththe me:anes to come to fa1uati.. : fe~en tim.~s in"d'!J andrifoth again~: is tathc:r 1f. f on,butwith feare and trembling.Phil.•.u. to bevnder!toodoffals into affliaion, then 8. He bnroeth withzeale ofthe fpirit, &c. fals into atluall finncs. Thirdly, they deceiue And fo the re!l ofthe affetl:ionsare exercifed tbemfelucs, mofifalfly thinking, linalllinnes, abontrhepromifes ofGodinChrift, and by orhiddenfinnes,ro benofinnes: andgrofiefi this meanes, i• the deepe rooting of the word finnes in which they liue, and lie mofi dangein the heart. · roully,to be but finnes ofinfirmitie. Thusitcommethtopalfe, thattheRep}o. X X XV. bate fallcth away from faith inthe day oftrial C By this which hatb becnefaid• thepmfcfand temptation; but the Elea cannot bee fours ofChriflian religion are admonilbcd of changed. :wo things. Firfi, bthat they vfe mofi paine- bPhU. • · XXXIIII. full cltl!gencemworkmgthe~r f•luation, in at-. n . Thus it appeareth, how farce a reprobate raining to faith, in dyingto fiune, in liuinoto r. Pet.~. may.proceed in religion ; the confideration newnctl~ oflife : and their heartsbt t:eue~ at ~",. u . ofthispoior I direa vnmtwo forrsof men. refi, till fuch time as they goe beyond alireCarnall Gofpellers,and Papifrs.Carnall Gofprobatesin theprofefsi6 of Chrift Iefus. Seepdlers are fuch among vs,as know the word, eft thou how far a reprobate m.tygoc? pretfc but obey itnot; or fuch,as bearing aprofefsion to the ihaight-gate with maine and might, o11n<iither know ir, nor obey it. And the belt with all violence lay hold on the kingdomeof of thefe come lbort of reprobates in two he..uen. Shall Herod feare and reuerence John points. I· In faith,thcycorile fnort ofthe oiiBaptifl, and,l1eare him gladly? and wilt thou Mar~·6• uelmofrofthem.Thediudbeleeuethandtremnegled: the Mini!lers and the preadiing of zo. blcth:butthey contrariwife liuing in their fms, the word ? Shall Pharaohcoufc!fc his fin,nay 1 belune. andhope. How comes this to paA'e? !hall Satan beleeuc and tromble? and wilt not !he diudl knoweth the Gof£el, & the points D thou bewaile and lament thy fim1es, a~id thy ofit: and withal! bee beleeueth the terrible wicked conuerfation f It behooueth thee to threatnings ofrhelaw: & therforetrembleth. feare and take heede, ieafr wicked men, and Drowfie Protefiants beleeue the Gofpell as the diuell himfelfe rife iniudgement and conthetliuelldoth;though hec6ceiues thepolats demnethee. Forif thoulbaltcome lhortof of it hetterrhen they doe: as forthe law and the duties ofartprobate,aod doe not goe bcthethreatnings thereof, they doenot bcleeue yond him in the profefsion ofthe Gofpel,fure them : and that makes them euen when they it is thou muft looke for the reward ofa reHue in t~eir finnes to hope and prefume of probate. mercy• Theref9re thediuellbeleeues more of The fecond thing is, thattheptofcffour of Gods word then they doo. Secondly , they theGof~ell , c diligeatly try & examine himcome lborr ofwicked men in outward obedifel~e,whether he isin the frate ofdamnati<m, ~:·;or. ence. The young man not yet conuerted to ormthe frate of grace: whether he yet beare Pd · 6 Chri!l:, when he was bidden to keepethe c6the yokeof Satan, oris the adopted child of a~ ;~d· mandements ofthe fecond Table, anfwered, God. )Thou wilt lily,thisneeds not,thoupro11 9 .y 9 . that heh•dktptthem fom hisyouth: and therefeffefi the6ofpcl,and art taken for a Chrilli~ fore our Sauiour Chrift looked vpon him, amyet marke and confider,that this often beand IOI"dhim : although the externall oeedifalleth reprobates to be efreemed Chrifrians : --'----------------------------~------~H~h1 and