136i. . Thee/late ofa Chriflian and they ~re often fo like them, that none A ded by his holy fpirit,togiueobediencetohis >M•nh. l "but Chnf\can d~fcerne the lheepefro~ the will, leafl: in the day ofGods triall, thoy thrr ''·l'·l3· goates, true Chnfl:~ans from apparant Chnafidefrom him like abroken bow, and fall alhans. Wherefore tt behooueth all men that gaiue totheir lirfl: vncleannelfe. lhewthemfeluestobe Chrillians, tolayafide XXXVI. all pnde,and felfe-Ioue, and withfinglenes of To come to the frcoad fort of men and to heart to put themfelues i_nro t~e ballance of c~ncl~de; let the_mofl: ualoos Papifl: that is, ~t~";,:" Gods word, andtom~ke tull tnall , whether trte btmfdfe & hts whole e[\ate with afingle of the,.. m.then:lepenrance/a.tth, .moruficauon, fan· heartas tn theprefence ofGodsmaiefiie, and ligion · cbficanon. &c. gme wetght anfwerable to he ihall finde that by his whole religion~nd of the thetr outward profefsion : which ifthey doe, profefsioR he dothcome lhort ofareprobate c1~"h let them praife God : ifnot,let them with all or at the leaft not goe beyond him in thefe 0 ome. fpeede vfe themeanes thatthey may be borne points before named: The Lord open their anew to the Lord, and may be inwardly guieyes that they may fee it• .Amm. The ellate of a Chrifl:ian man in this life, which alfo iheweth how farre the Eleel: may goe beyond the Reprobate in Chriftianily, and that6y many degrw. r. B whe aman nathany thing giuon him,hec reaEl~liion. THe b Ele<'l are they whom God of the cheth out hish_an~ and pull<th it to himfelfo, bEph.J. geed pleafure of his will ~ath decreed in and fo makes tt hts owne. Moreouer, faith is 4~S,6,7. himfelfe to choofe ro eternall life, for the calltd the 'putting onofC!Jrij/ : which cannot kG:JI.J. praife ofthe gloryofhis grace. Fotthiscaufe be vnleife Chrills righteoufnclfe bee fpecially '7· the Elect onely are f~id to haue their names applyed to the heart, as the garment to ihe c Apoc. written in ' the Booke oflife. backe,when it is put en. Laftly,this tnayap20.If. I I. peare, in that faith i• called1tht eAting and lloh.~. Vocation. Whom God electeth, them heee.Neth in dri11kj_ngo/ (hrift:for thereis noeatingofmear JC. toe time appointed for thefamereurpofe.This that noutiiheth, but firftit mullbe tailed and d:z..Thcf. caUingofthe Elect isnothingel ebut a dfingchewed in themouth, then itmuft beconuey. ling and a feuering of them out of this vile ed into the ftomacke,and there digeiled: !ail2..Ij,J4t world,and the cuilomes thereof,to bee •Citily it mull be applyed to the parts ofthe body e Eph.t. 19· ~ensofthe kingdome of glorie after this life. that are to bee nourilhed. AndPawl praycth And the time of their calling is rearmed in c for the Ephefians, that Chrifl:mmay' dwellin mEpb.J. f2.Cor.. Scripture , f The dayifvifiwion,theday of fa!- theirhearts byfaith: •~hich plainely importeth, I7. 6.1.. Hation) thetime of grace. this apprehending and applyingofChrill. Luke If,. IIJ. Iadde fimher, that faith is awonderfollgr•ce 4'· This cfeNering and choojingofthe Electout ofGod,which mayappeare : firll:, in that P•ul nCoT.t. g Col.:t. ofthe world,is then performed,when God by calleth it nthefaith of(jods power, becanfc the "· 7· his holy fpirit indueth them with true fouing power ofGod is efpeciallx lcene in the beget-" loh.Jf. '9· faith: awondetfull gift,pcculiar tothe Elect. ting offaith. Secondly, experience iheweth it Forthe better knowing ofit, there is to bee to bea wonderfull gift of God : when a man conlidercd:Firfr,wbat faith is:Secondly,how neither feeth, nor fecleth his fins, then to fay God doth worke itin the heart of the EIect. he beleeueth in Gods mercy,it is an eafie matThirdly, what drgrees there bee of faith : ter;but when a man ihal feele his heart pretfed Fonrthly, whatare the fruito and benefits 0f downe with the weight ofhis finnes, and the faith. I v. anger ofGod for them; then to apply Gods What Faith is awonderful grace ofGod,by which free mercy to hisowne foule, it is a moll:hard faith is. the Elect doe apprehend andapply Chrifl: and D mattenfor then itis theproperty ofthecurfed all his benefits vnto themfelues parttcularly. nature ofman to blafpheme God, and todeHere firfl: it is tobe coniidered, thatthe vefpaire of mercy. luriAiwho (no doubr) of- ' ry natureef faith fl:andeth in~cettai?epo~- ten preached mercy& redemption by Chriil er ofapprehending andapplyt~g Chnll. This in the fecutity ofhis heart, when Gods hand is declared byPaNl when he fanh, h Year. bu. was vpon him, and the Lord made him fee hCol.t.• riedwithhim thre11gh baptifme, bywhomyeare the vilendfe of his treachery : hee could HOt "· •lfe rifcn~gaine !Vith himbythefatth ofthe powe; comfort himfclfcin Chrifl:, ifonewoold haue ifGod, whoraifed himfromthedead. Whereu giuenhim ten thouf~nd worlds, bu_t in an he!- appearcth that faith is made ameans to cornIiih horror ofconfctence hanged htmfelfe demunicate C!uilloimfelfe, his death& buriall, fperately: which ihewethwh~ta wonderful! and fo all other benefits to the beleeuer. Ahard thing it is at ~he fame tnllant when a gaine, tob1iecue inChrift :t and eo i rc:ceiue or man is touched for hts finnes, then to apply iioh.i. to fay holdon Chrift, are put one for anotherby Gods mercy to himfclf~. Yet a true.Chri1-lom.r. Saint John: which dcdarcth that there is a ilian by the powe_r of fauh c~ndoe thts , as ol'f.J. 17. fpeci"•llapplyingofChrill; eueuaswec fee, it may appeare Ill 'lJ•••d, o [n the day of my n.:·,J· · lrfHbft