tn this life. tro11bie(faith he)1fo•ghrthe LArd:myfore ranne A enlightened toknowt~ewordofGod:ye~ the andceafodnot inthmight: myfoide tifufodcomElettinthisthing goe (a_rre beyond all reproforr: 1didthink;vpon G'odand "'"' tr?ubled:·J bates:forit is fpeciall)"illid ofthem, that God pr"JedandmyJPirit "'"'foil ofanguij!t:. and-ad;) JS theirfchoole-majler,tlia; hefoftcneththeir fiodeth the word Seiah, a note (very bkely)·!Jf ny hearts, and mali<'th themJ>Iiable, ·that hee a Pfol. fome wonderful! thing.(a)Againe,~e<ool'lg:il• 4'r4M>eth.t~e;n,that lleopelmhtheir'[.,ifh,he.m, oo 3 ,,, moll in the gulfes ofhell, euon then oried'rd earlf ·vnzlerjlandints.·~Jit tHe holy <Sholi is •toh,t;. the Lord for help.Iob faithI (b ) JfG~dfbould iho'ir!.nnclintmm, iullHITcireie.foM; to'cleare def/roy him. yet he wo~eldfor all that b•t•:.. m the eitsofrlleir milia·'; to ctinceiue themylie- ' himjliN. Vndoubtedly, itrange is the b.An<t'of riesof'Gllidsworill'Arid'tliediffefcnh'ofillufaith knitting Chrift and his members togt· minatibB·in them is'~hre~fold. ,., ther, which the angui!h of fpirit:cannot, i'n'd . I. Firli,rhe knoWT<~gewliich th!'reprobate the liroakes ofGodshand doe not.vnloo!er• harl! c'olitetniltg the' kingdome efhC'ai1en , is V. · only :~gener:ill & confufed knowlellge:tiltthe Thisapprthcndingof Chrifl imb~<lo~e by knowled£eoft~e C:!~ff.!s:p\t~e~c~rtain;wre,di· ~~~_u.~:;;::~,~~i~~~~~~:~~.~~!:~:~~~;~ ~~~~~~nx·i~~:!a~·~~;/:;~~~~}~~~,~~~~: · Pbil, fwaded in their hearts bydie·-holy·Ghoft,o£ knowne: thoughind~}i the mindofman isaI.g. theforgiuenclleof theirowneiinncs, al1\l't>6 B blenrc&ieiuemore lllefi atly ·Ghrifrian heart Gods infinite mercie cowards them in. Idfus can fede:and thisis to bekene iR{i)Paul,whe> c •• Cor... Chrill.Accordingro that of(c) Paul, 'l(_oww~ vfeth not onely to deliUer the points"?fG~ds •·"· h•uerecetued, notthe fPiritofth<world, bxtthe word •in agenerall .ma'nner, but alfo fetthli iGaLS".l7 cumRO.; Rom 3. cum Rom.8. ;8, kMar.s. a..,Z1·· llow God worketh h ithin 1 thehcnt. JP~rit which u of God, th•t we.•mght k?Jo»,.the them down fpecially in his owne experience. things whicharegiui'vsofg•d.Thechings whil!R' So ~hat the ~lilightningofthercrrliiliiteinay the fpiritOfGod makethknowne to thefatthbe comp~~ed to thefight ofth~ ( lf!.)'ltindtpan; full panicularly,aretheiriuftification,adoptik whti f(lri:tlltll lriat'<i;wglik!<VT~ro treer, th1.t!fS, iri on. fanchficatioa, eternalllife:andthus wl\on· motion like lnen,but'itltheforme liketre'cs: ac any are perfwaded of thefe things concernin!} . the eletl ~re .like th/l;fmm1JliNd m•n;ll'li• /iftel:- themfelues, they doe in theirhearts dift·indly> W4rdfow men af4rreufcleerely.' ' · • apply and appropriate Chrifr and his benefi~· .u. Seco;ndly;he knoWledge ofthe wicked tothemfelues. VI. · '' (/ypHlfclh:rhe"''YP• buttbekqowledgeofthe 'r,Cor. The nunner that God vfeth in the hegetC1 C' god!yh'Hmbleth~h-. "'· ' ~ 11. :,&14 tingoffaith is this.firli,heprcpareth the-!raro Ilt.1.~(Hy.,theeloc!t,bdidestheknowledge a;. 1 thatit Rl>Ybee capableoffuith. Secondli•,hC' ofGodsword,haue( m)~j7<eand frankeheart "'~· • caufeth faith by little and lirrle to fpring and· to performe it in their.l&esand conuerfations, Z'Ti;,. 3 • to breed intheheart. The preparation ofthe whicl\ no reprobate·tan haue:fonheir illumif: - heartis by humbling and fuftningof it: vmo nation isn~t ioyned withtttJt·and fince1·e obe- Tir,>.r6: thedoing of this there are fuure things reqtiidiencdBJ< thiS:itiseafieto:difc!erni: ofthe illufite.Thdirliofthefll, is the knowledge, oftht: minatlon ·ofAnabaptills, or Famililis, and {'fnow. word ofGod,bothof thela,w and the Gofpel, ma't\y other,Which brag ofthe fpirir1 • ' ge, Without the which there can be no faith; ac- " i '" Vl'I(•. · ' d Ef•. cordingto that f"ying of Efaiah ' (d) iJj his .Tile f<'Cond, istheftghtofp1111<ari£ingofthe Sigbrof H·"• k?!uwledgefhallmyrighteomflrHAntiujlifiem"".J• klle>wlellgeofthe law. 'To this Iercmie ex· Gnne. And thatof lohn(e)Thuis etrr/1411 bfe tharrhey ltorrcththe'Iewes6fllis·time,faying,(n)Know , , Joh, /wow theerhe onely very god, andwhom thOH haft thi~e hirft rebelledagainjlthe ,;:•·3· I7·l· ent lefu• Chrifl. The(f)onely ordinary means Lordthyqod,O""'··<rM-chtefecaufcot rhefight f Job to attainefaith by,isthewordpreached:which oflinne, IS Cbrilibyhisholyfpirit,(o)who de. ~~~~;o, muftbee hea1d,.remembred, pracHfed· l,<~i'rd D tel:lcththethoHghtr ofmany hearts , ~ndi•dg~th : Luk. •· 14 • contmually l\ldtn tho hearr. The leaftmea• theworldoffinne.Themaonerof(ee!ngourimsiJb,, 6 . 8 fur.eofknowledge Without whtch a man to.u~ mull: be 1 to ktJOWthem particularly:forthe vinothauefairh, istheknowledgeofEieml!nt!, !ell wretch In the world can generally and orthe fundamentall do~rinesofa Chrilfi'an confufealy fay, h•u• finner: hut·that the fight Religion. A fundamenrall doC!:rine is ·that; oflinncmaybe d!e~uall tofuluation·,·itmuft which beeing obltinately denied, all religion, be more fpeciall & diftind euen in particular . and all obtainingof faluarion is ouerthrowhe: fins,fo~hat a man may;fay with Dauid, r My Pf 1 This knowkdg7 hath a general! faith g<)ing fins ha!',':~ak!n Jitchh•tdofme, that lamnotable ;o.:,; &Col.l.,J. llom, 14.14; W1th1t, whtch ts an affent of the heart to the toiook!vp,t~ey art,J!')OTe:in-number then rhehaires ~nownetntthofGods word. This faith when ofmi?,e head: therefore "'J beanbath failed me, tt;s growne vpto fome great meafure,ts called Agatn~, a man lilufr nllt barely fee his parti- ""'""'el«"''"'"""", the (g) [Nil 4/foran<e of\ 'Uni cular fins;buthe inuft alfo fee tho cir<iiftances d"jlanding, anditisrobe feenc in the Martyrs ofthem,as na:mely,thefi:arefull curb& iudgwho mamtamed Gods truth agamll rhe·permenrsofGod, wbichaccompanyeucry finne: fecuuonsofthefalfeChurch,vntodeath. • for the confciences of many tell of thtir V I I. finnes inparticula~, yet they cannot bee hum- . Altho~tghboth EleCt and Reprobate may be bled for'them, and leane then;· becauferhey I ---------- ' hauc