.----3~64----------~~~he-~~a_t_e_o/.~a~[.~h~r# 7i~an------------- h:we not fecne that ougly taile of the curfe of A ~o nothing. Andthat this may be!o, ferrow · God, thateuery linne drawethafterit. · tsnot to be felt fora brunt, but very often be. IX. I fore the end ofa mans life. The godly man The mcanes to attaine·t<:J the fight bflin, is (p)fom huyouthfofiererh thetrrrosrsofGod,Ja. , Pfal.ii by a diligent examinatiQu of a mans owne cob:wrelllingwiththeA,Rgdgcrsthevictorie '!• felfe. This was the-pra.c~J:ife-Qf the ~hildren of ofhtm, ( q)but he is fainetogoe halting 1 ohi< , Geo. atun. JfraelinafBiClion:(a)L~tvJtrn(fayrhey)•nd graue, and tratleoneoflus loynes after him l'•"· M•• flarch""' wairs, &.tR~nMg~i~etothe Lord,.And contmually.(r)Thepaftha/lambwas neuer ea- , Etod. 1 Paui~ gipeth the faJlle comtfel to S~uls Cou•- tenwnhoutfowrehe.rb", to fignifiethat they a,s. bPJa • ~· tiers:(b )[remb{ea~qf(n~epgt,e>:~"!ins!foHrown which wiitbe free from the wrath of God by Za<h,u, 4 • heArt on yourbe.d,ar(f/b~f!i/1, ThisccxaminatioR Iefus Chnft, muft fecle continually the fmart muftbe-m.a~~. ~y the ~Qin!!Japd~meqrs of the and bmerntlfe of their owne finnes. The fe. Law, but,fp~cially byA1e tenth,, whichran-. cond,all men muft t.>kehcede,leail when they facketh tbe-ijearttot))' '(~.(y.qqi,ck~.!n3nd was are touched for their.fins, they befnare their .the mg!l!':' ofPau/s FJ)~werlion. forhe being e>Wne confciences: for ifrhe forrow be fome. a proud .Pharilie, (c) f}li! .commau]ld~!l)ent B what oaer.fharpe, they !ball feethemfelutsecRom.7. fhewe<!him fom,ellns. W\Jichotherwifc hehad Den brought to thesates ofhell, and to feele 7 ' 10 '• not knowue, &it i<!lleiih.if!?,that is,it humbled the pangs ofdeath: And when a man is in this him. lfJq!>~=:it,rhat~fter examination a man perplexitie,helhal findcitamoft hard matter canno~find.out his finne• (ii nq mao fiull find to be freed from it, without the marutilous d !cr.r.;, out all hisGnnes,for(d)the heartofa manisa po:-ver and frrength ofChrift'Iefus, whoone~ 9: va_ft gulfe pffinnc, withoutltither bottome or lyJS ableto helpe him and comfort him : yea - banke,_«Qp bath inliq~te ~nd hidden corruptimany when they are one< plunged in this dionsin itl;hen he muft in a godly iealoufie, fu. fireffe & anguifii offoule,fhafl neueref~:ape it, fpet'th.iwf~lfeofl]is vnkno.woefinnes: asDa. asmayappeare mCam, Sa~<l, Achitopbe/, 'fH. iliddjd,filj'ing,(e)W/}pc41!v,nderft•ndhuf.iultsl diu& now oflate mlolmHoffmeiUcr aMonk 0 Pfat. 19 cle"f'fo,'!'!fi•m myfecm.f••lts. And as PIUII an~. l,.•tomm, -who forth< fpace of certain; '>. d1d, -(f):/.k!J•w·noth!ng·.~y,myfilfe, ytt I amn•t dates neuer left crying'· that he·wa. damned, fr.Cor, •theribyiuftijled.JI.ndg®d:rtalonitis,whymen beca.ufc that he had wilfully perfecuted the · 4•4. f!).<l~J~.fu_fpefl. thel\l.felyes:ofthofe fins which Gofpell of Chrift., and fo ~e ended bis life. L k 0 asyetthey neuerfaw inthemfelucis:(g)ft»:tl<.r Therefore moft worthie is P•11is counfellfor :f ~- •' . whichi<highlyefteemed•m~jltmn,u.abomma. C th.e_rno'deratingofthisforrow:(})lti<fofficient r •Cor, •J~b, 4; tionintheftghtofG•di andthe very (h) AtJtels (Iatthhe) vnto the incefl•••s man,.th.r he w.Ui •·••7• ,s; 11re noulfan!in huJigbtz~ ..) •: ,, .., rtbllkfdofma~y,fothat nowconrr•riwiftyeought • I L xr .., '' r4ther tOforgi~te 'him tf1Jd comfort htm, le:ifl he J Sor<ow ;rhethird, is a:fp;:roW fodinne, Which is a, Jho;(/dbejiva//owtd vpWtthoHermNChhtaNineffi, for (mne, paine and pricking in the heartar.ifing ofthe Andfurtherhe gincih another reafon, which feeling of the difpleafure-ofGod, a6il ofthe foll9weth, leaft S4tanJho~tldcircurn"em vs: for iuft damnation which followethafter.fmne.• we•r<ignsrantofhi<*tnterprifls. Andindeede •oq.. This wasin the (i)Ji:wes.:lfted't;erslirll-fercornmoa experience fheweth the fame, that liciro, ~~:~~~. ~:J;~~~~:~(~~h~,~~~;.r:;J(~;~~~)~~b~; :C~~fo":'rti~:~~~:,f~fc~~~~~;~;;i~~~nfu~~ t6. trembled""} Iippes flJ<It>k! at t.hy voicc:rottenntjfe <>n. The third is,tliatall men which are humentredintomy bones: , AJZJ I trembledirlm)ftlfe; blecl,haue not likemeaft>re offorrow,butfome that I mightrcft in thed4J oftro{lblt• .J:his for11)ore1 fome lctfe .' 'f<h felt the hand of God in , Rom,S. row is called the(I)JPiritof.bondageto[etir<,beexce~dinggreat meafttre,when he cryed, '0 'lob 6 , ,S· canfe when the fpirit hath madea map fee his tb.>it,l!'ygriofe were well»tighed,andmy mijiries '•M• linnes,he fecth further the curfe ofthe.L>Il.-,&. D 'Rlrre /pidt•gerher in the bail•nce, for itwouldbet fo he lindes himfelfeto bdn bondage· vnder "'JY·h«Nier then the fmd •f theft.: therefori Satan,)ldl; death, and damnation : at which -- myW11Tds Are nowfw•ll•wedvp, for theamwesof moll: terrible fight his heart isfmitttn with tbe Almightitiireinmu,andthevemrmethereif feareang tref!lbling, throush the conGderatidothdrivk! vp myfPirit, Md the terrours of God on ofhis hellifh and dan)Hable eftate. ftght#gainf/mu. The fame did Eztchi.u, wheo This forrow if itcoR(UlUC .and increafeto on his death-bed he faid, • Hec brak! •limj •E(o.J8, fomegreatmeafure, hathcerten fymptomes bonesli/c!a Lyon, andM~{acraneora{wallow,fo IJ,1-h in the body,(m).sbNrt/ing.beot, " roulingoftht dialch~tter:I didm011rne lilt! a4om, &c. Con- '" lob lO intra/ls,(o)apiningandfaintingofthefolidepll7'tl• trariwifc,thetheefe vpon thecroffe,andLydia ~I). X[ inher conucrfion neuer f('lt any fi1ch meifure ::.~m~~; In the feeling of thi;fJ>rrow, threethings ofgriefe: forio isfaid ofher, that God• opened 'Aa,to. Oic.u.S. aretobe ob(erued. The fir(t;al menmu(Uooke hn; h~art tofu atitntiHdo th:11 rrbidJ Paul JPak!~ 14. "i'fal,p thar it be ferioufiy and foundly wrought in and prefemly after thee intettuined P•11f and 4·· their hearts: for looke as-men vfe to breake Sil.u cheerefully in her houfc, which 01e could bJrd ftones into many fmall peeces and into not haue done if fhee had bin prelfed dow<>e duil:;fo mu t thisfeelingofGods anger for fin with aoy great mc:afi1reofforrow: nen:her arc: bmife the heart ofa poore !inner a11d bring it any todifiike themfelnes, becanfe they are not ---.- --- - - - fo ~---------