F1Dits of faith. 1 Eph.lo 17. Vnion with CbriR. ;..1 b£pb.J. 10. Eplo.r, .,. 1 Ccr.3.. r6. 'Eph. 1, loJ,:I.J, dRom.6. 4,f. !eh'!· J,:l.. Eph.4o13• 16, 'The ejlateofa [hriflian G•liah and the armie ofthe Philifrims, re· A dicinesto heale all wounded confciences: and fembleth Satan and his power· He therefore they are three running frreames ofliuingwathat will be refolued,that helhallbeabletooter to bath and to fupple the bruifed and con. uercome the gates ofhell, and attaine to life trite heart. h Now then comesfaith, and fir{\ 'Col,,, euerlafring, mufr longkeepe watch aod ward la1es holdofthe fuffcrings ofChrifr , and fo a h· ouerhis owne heart, and he mufr fight again!l finneris freed from thep•nifhmentandgni/t of G•l·l·'l· his ownerebellious flelh,and crucifieit: yea, Ji»ne, and from eternall damnation , and thus lipb.,,,, hee mull haue experiences of Gods power th.e firfr deadly woundis cured.' J.gaioe,faith ;Rom, 1 . frrengthening him in many temptations, bela1es hold onthe perfect obedience ofChri{\ •8,, 9 , fore he fhall be fully allured <>fhisattaining to in fulfillingthe law,& thus the fecond wound M•otb,J, thekingdome ofheauen. is cured. k Thirdly, faith applyeth theho/imffi ~~;, X XII. ofChrifts hnmanenatureto the linner,andthen "· 1 l• Thus much concerning faith it felfe: now heJS accepted of God asoperfectly righteous Pbil.>.i, follow the froits & benefit• offaith. By means and fo his third deadly wound is cured. Thu; 'l\om,i, ofthis fpeciall faith,the Electaretruly' ioyned a !inner is made righteous by the righreouf. ;•1•1· vnto Chrill,and haue an heauenly commHnilm nelfeofChrifr imputed to him. ,"::'''' andfellowlhip with him; and therefore doe X X V. b in fome meafure inwardly fcele his holy From trudufrilication,proceedelmanyofpirit moouingand flirting in them, as Rebn:- B ther benefits,& theyareeither outward,orinca felt the Twinsto frir in her wombe. Cl)rifr ward. Outward benefits arethree. The m lirfr is as' the head m thebody: euery beleeuer as a isreconciliation,bywhich a man iufrifiedispermemberofthe fame body: now as the head fettlyreconciledtoGod; becaufehisfinneis giueth fenfe andmotion ro the members, and done away, and he is arrayed wirhthe perfea the members fecle themfelues to haue fenfe, righteoufnelfe ofChri!l. Then fecond,is that and to mooue by meanes ofthe head : fo cloth afflittionsto the faithful areno ptmijhments for Chrifrlefusreuiue and quickeneuery true befin, butonly fatherly andloningchaftifements. leeuer, and by his heauenly power AJakeshim Forthe guiltand punilhment of fin was borne to doe the good which hee cloth. d And as ofChriii:.Nowtherfore,ifa Chrifiianbeafflifrom the frocke,fappe is deriued to thegrifi:, cted,it isno punilhment: forrhen'God lhould that it may liue and grow, and bring forth punilh<>nefaulttwife,onceinChrill:,andthe fruit in his kinde : fo do all the faithfull that fecond time vpon theC~ri!liao: which thing aregrafredinto ChriO:thetruevine: And as C dothnot agrcewithhisiufrice: itremaineth the grift lofeth his wilde nature, and is chantherefore that afflictions are only corrections ged into thenarure ofthe ftccke, & bringeth in thefaithfuU. Thethird benefit, is that the forth good fruit: fo in like mannerit is with man iufrilied doth odeferue and merit At Gods 1Rom, 1, J,~llJ1J s,6. r.Rccoo– cihation, m z Cor. fol8, "Rom.f. lt>,Il, tCor.6, g. Hcb.u. 6, :Sam.r. ''· :~.$aOt. l..),tJ,I~• 1-Af#'IU ona: one• ly cha'!' · fiifcBlCu. them thatare inChrifr,who by little andlittle hands the kingdome of heauen. For bceing • Ali,I!• are wholly renued cfrom euill togood. made perfectly righteous in Chrifr and byhis 9• X X I I!. righteoufues, hemuO:Reedsmerit etert14Ulife, ).Merit inChrifi. e Murh. ~~.as, Iufti6ca.. tion. f 1Cor. I• 30• :.Cor.r. 'I'· &:Lukc.J. 3>· Col,:.9~ loil.4,14 Matk t. 17o TbeEleabeing thus ioyned vnto Chrifr, inandbythemmtsofChriji.AndtherforePu/ ~~;.,_,, receiue three wonderfull benefits from him, caUeth it the iu.ftification oflift, Rom·1·I8. 10 • •nd Iujlijication,Ad.ption,Santfijication. IufrificatiX X V J, on is , when the Elect beeing in themfelue• Inward benefits proceeding from iu!lilicarcbellious!inners, and therefore firebrands of tion, are thofe which are inwardly felt in che hell fire, and tiods owne enemies, f yet by heart,and ferue forthe bettcralfuraoceof inChrifr theyare accepted ofthe Lord, as perfrification, and they are principally fiue. The fealy pure and righteous before men. firfr is,Peacc•ndqnutnefli ofconftunce. As all L Peace of confci. X XI V. men naturally in Adamarecorrupr,foallmen This iuO:ification is wrought inthis manner: D naturally haue corrupt & defiled confcienccs, cncc. Sinne is that which maketh a man vnrigbteaccufing them and arraigning them before ous, and thechilde of wrath and vengeance. Gods indgcmenr for their finnes :in fuch wife In fin, there are three things which are hurtthat euery fufpition ofdeath and feare of ilofull to man: the tirO:, is condemnation, which minent danger maketh a narurall man !land commethoffinne: the fccond,is aflu•lidifobeagafr athis wits end,not knowingwhat to do: dience of the law in finne : the third, is the Pbut by faith in Chrifr, the Chri!lian is per- 'Hcb, roote and fonntaine offin, Qriginallcorrsption. fwadedofremifsion of his finnes, and fo the ~~~:;.,. Thefeare three deadly wounds,and threerundifquietnerfe of his QO~fcience is appeaf"'!, & , 5 , 16, ning fores in tbe hearts and confciences ofall and bee hath an inward peacein all oxtremtfinners. gNow Chrifriefusis porfealy righties,which cannor be taken from him. teous,and in him a !inner may finde threeineX X V !I. . . frimable be.nelits anfwerable to the threeforThe flumbcring &dead confctcnce tSmuch ~~;~bemer euils.Firfr,thefufferings ofChriftvpon the like to the goodconfcience pmfied, & many "'""', Croffe, f~fficientforallmensfinnes. Secondthrough ignorance takethe onefortheother. d"d ,., Iy, the obedience ofChrijl in fulfilling the law. But they may be feuered an~ dtfcerned thus: fcicncc, Third!y, theperfect ho!inef[eof the humane naFirft,letthe beleeuingChnlhanexammchim- & • qui« rurc ofChrill: thefe arethree foueraigne mefelf,whethc:r hiscoAfcieace was afflictedWlth ~~~~:i· the