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:alc.h,7. p. Efa.S7• 'S· tn this life. the fence of Gods iudgements , and prdfed A nerlafling life. La!Uy,beeing thus adopted,he downe with the burthcn ofhis Gnnc before may leoke for comfort atGods hand, anfwehe came to that qnietne!fe:for then he may be rable to the meafure ofhis afAiaion: as God in good hope, tllat it was the Spirit of God bath promifed. XXX. who brought that peace, becaufe God harh The inward affilfance of Adoption is by promifed,(a)That he willdweflwith the humble two witne!fes. The fidl: is our fpirit,that is,an andcontrire~toreuiueandquicktnthem. But.if.he heartand confcience fanR:ified,by the fprink. haue alwaics had that peace from the ~egmling ofthe blood of Chrifl. Now becaufe it ningofhis daies, he may eafilydecciue himcomes to pafiethat the tefl:imonie ofour fpifelfc, by raking the numne!le & fecuritie of a rit is often feeble and weake,God.ofhis gooddefiledconfcience, for the true peaceofconnes hathgiuen his owne fpirit to beeafellow fcience.Secondly,lethim fearchfrom wh<nce witnes with our fpirit: for the Elea haue in bl\om,! this peaceofhisconfcienceproceedes.(b) Far themfeluesthe fpiritofiefus Chrifl,teflifying r. ifitcome from any thing els but from the cervnto them, & perfwading them that they are Heb·9·'4· tentie of the remifsion offinnc, it is no true adopted children ofGod. (i)forthiscaafethe peaa:as many, flattering themfelucs in finne, B H.Ghofr is called the fPirit ofad.ptwn,becaufe & dreaming ofapardon, are thereupon quiet, jl workes in vs the :tff1.1rancc ot our.adoption: and the diuel is readie enough ro putchis into k aO<jitiscalledap<Wne or ranuft. For as in a their mindes: but this can bee no true peace. · bargaine , when part ofthe price ispayed in Thirdly, ltthim examine himfelfe ifhe haue a earnelr, then alf•rance is made, that menwill care toke<pc a good confciencc :. which ifhe pay the whole:fo wheRthe childe ofGod bath Atru: ranee of adoption. i Rom. s. liS. G'\.4.6. •· Pet, J·ti· The fpi• ritof:~. doprion. k:..• Cor. haue, hee bathalfo rcceiued from the Lord a <· receiued thus much from the H. Ghofl,to bee cAll.:.; good and aquiecconfcience. (c) ForifGod, .perfivaded that heeisadoptcd and chofen ~n •.••• and•'"• bellow ;vpon aoy man a gift concerning his Chrifl,hee may beingoodhope,andheisal; 16 • lalu'ation, he giweth him alfo care toRetpe ir. ready put in good alfurance, fully to enioy ell. XXVIII. ..., ternalllife in the kingdome ofheauen. >.En. The fcco, d inward benefitis, (d) An elf- (I)I ndecde this tcfrimonie is weake in moll 1 Rom. tr~no:: tranceinto qocbfammr,andaperfeuerance in it, men and can fcarce be perceiuedbecanfe moft <J:. '-9· wnbbold which IS indeede a wonderfull benefit. When Chri!l:ians, though thq may be old in refpea : !oh. 1· ~d~~:c. c.ommeth into fauour with his prince, ofyeres,yetgenerally they are babesinChrift, Coloa' .. fence. then he is bold tocomevnto him, and he may and not yet come to perfca growth; and m•y dEpboJ. haue frte accefli: vnro his prefencc, and bee C find in themfduesgreatfirength offin, & the ~., may fuero his Prince for any benefit or pregracesof God to be in fmall meafure in them. e~~~.'~ ferm_entwhereof he fiands in neede, a~may Aad againe, rhe children of God beeing moll: •· obra~neIt before any other' fo they which are diftre!fod, as in time ofrriall,and in the hourc and.r4o .in Gods fauour by reafon that they are fredy ofdeath,then the inward working ofthe holy 1 ~·I!. pardoned, and iuftified in Chrifl, doe l?oldly Ghofi is fel~mofieuidently. But a reprobate J.loy. approach into Gods prefence, ar.d they are qnnothaue this teflimonie at all: though in1 v. readie to aske, and (ure to obtaine aoy benefit deedeaman flattereth himfelfe,and the diuel, ••Feeli•g thatis for theirgood.( e) , . imitatit!gth{/PiritofGod,d0thvfually perfwadc If God• The third isafPirimallwyintheirhMrtt,euen carnalmen & hypocrites that they !hall be fa- ~~·.., then when they are ,afAiaed: becaafe they ued· But that diuelifh illufio, & the teftimony H· ' looke cerrainely to obtaioe the kiogdome of ofthe fpirit may be difcerned by two notes. J· ~· 1 Corh, J·'· Eph·1•'4 • !oh, heauen: The fourth,(f) iS that the !.ueofGod il The ,a arty & feruent prayerto God in the 1 • 1 •· ftmlde inthe bearts ofthe faithfull by rhe holy nameof Chrifl. For the fame fpirirthattefli. L•bour Got,,. Ghoft: thatis,thatthe holy Ghoft doth make fieth to vs that we ate the adopted childrenof in P"k" ~~i.. •· the faithfullveryeuidently tofecle the loue ~~ G?<~, doth alfo make vs cry, that is, ferucnrly ;;:~~,~- "·"· Godtowardsthem, anddothasitwere, fill D w1thgrones& fighes fillmgheauen&earth, ' P" fpiri! •· Pet.•-9 their hearts with it. pray toGod.Now,this hearty,feruent,& loud 1 of adop- ~::: 6 • ' X XIX cryingia thecaresofGod, can the diuellgiue ~ion: ~nd 1 , Cor. The focond maine benefit is (g ) Adoption, to no hypocrite: for itis thefpeciall markeof 1 ;,:rn,',' 1; ;. u, whereby they which areiuflified,are al!o acthefpmt ofGod. The other note IS,thatthey I mofi at Heb.r.14 ceptedofGod as his owne children. FromA . which haue the fpeciall teftimonie from the all frelc ~m,B. d.ptionproceed many other benefirs. Firft,thc fpiritofGod,hauealfo intheir hearts thefame · the f;~<i< ,,Cor, elca childeofGod hereby ismadea brothei" aff<aions to God,which childre haueto their of •dol'- "·'· Chrift. Secondly,he isaKing,&the kingdome father:namely,loue,feare,reuerfce,obediece, uon. t. ofheauen is his inherit.mce.Thirdly,heis Lord thankfulnetfe; forrhey call not vponGod, as •· ouerancreawres faue Angels.Fourthly,thehovpon aterrible iudge,but they cry tAbba,rhlt 3• ly Angels minijler vnto him for his good:they is,Father;And thefe alfeaionsthey h•ue not, 4· guard him and watch about him> Fifthly, all whem Satan illudeth with a phantall:ical ima5· thiogs,yea grieuous afeiaions & finne it felfe, gination oftheir faluation: for it may ~e,that ' E!eb. 1 • turne to his good; thogh in his owne nature it throughhypocrijie,or throughc#}lom,they may ~~ !''{: be neucr f0hnrttiill: (h) atltl therefore death, cal God Farher,butin truth they cannot do it, 1. 0 c~r: whichismoUccrrible, vntohimisnoentrice XXXI. to,Jo, into hell, buta ~wrow gate to let him inroeThe elea being thus a!furedofrheic adoption ICi and