\37~ _ : _ 'The ejlateofaChrijlian · Hope. • and_m!hficauon, aud mdued With hope(:)by A :hey_rot &flinkein theirfins 1 and would perifh •R.:'.s.. 1 whteh they lookepauently ~or the accomphmrhe,1fthey were leftalone: but Chriftputs ;r·_ d. flung ofall good thmgs wluch God hatb bea~eaucnlyhfe intothem, and makesthem a1 ~or,y, 2lllllle l!J them. And_thet<fore they vndergoe chue and lmely to doe the will of God in.the 6 , 1 , all crolfes andaffhchons w1th aqu1et and conworksofchriftianity,& in theworkes oftheir Hrb.u, > te~tedmmd: becaufe they know thatthe ttme calhngs. And this fantti6cation is thto<>ghout Wll <ome.'?hent~ey fhall hane full redemptio the whole man in the[Pirit, Joule, andbodie, r. • '·Thrff from all em!s.ThiS was( b)th~P"'!enreofPauls ThejJ. 5. 'l· And here the_Q>irit fignifieth the '·'· hope, when he fud, that nothmgm the world mmd &memory;thefoule,the wil& affections. ~;,m.S, could feuer h1m from the loue of God m , XXXIV. . C~ll~i[t. And liketo this was the patience of . The fancHfication of the minde is the en- San1!;6. 'Pobcarpe, and ?flgn•"'"• who when hee was hghtnmg of lt_ with the true knowkdge of ""'" condemned & rudged to be thrown~ :o wdd Gods word.It!s oftwo fotts,either SpiritHall ofoho beaJl:s, andn0wheard the Lyonsroarmg, he 11nderjl4nding, orj}ir#H411 wiftdonu. Spiriwttll nun®, boldly and yet patiently faid; lamthr wheat of '1Jnderjlonding,isagcnerallconceiuingofeuery Chrej/ , Ifoallbugroundwith teeth ofthe wilde B thingthat is to bee done, out ofGods word. beajls, th.r I may beefoundgood bread. Alfo the Spiritx<N wiftdome, is aworthy grace ofGod, fame was the patience of the bleffe<\ Martyr by whicb aman is able to vnderfland out of S. Laurmce, who like a meeke lambe fuffered Gods word, what isto be done or not to bee himfelfe to be tor~cntedonafiery gridyron: d?ne in any particular thing, o! aftion, accorand when hehad bm preffed downe With fire dmg to the meum!lances ot perfon time pikes for agrelt fpace,in the mightiefpirit of place, &c. Both thcfe arcin euery Chriflian' God, fpake vnto the Einperour thatcaufed otherwife Paul would neuer haue prayed fo; him thus to be tormtnted,on this wife; theColoffians, Col, 1·9-that they might befsifi/. Thwfidewnowroj/rdenough, ledwith i(_now/rd_~eafGods wil,inaHwiftebm<alld turne71p,O tyrantgrrat : JPiritua/l '1Jnderj/4Hding, In both thefecxcelled .Ajfay, whrthcr rojlcd..- raw•. D••id,whotellificthofhimfelf,rhatGods wurd thouthinkdl thebettermeate. (h)w.u <iAnrernerohi<frer,&alighrtohupaths: • Pr.t. XXXII. and that God(i)by hi< commandemenrs hndmde "'''a'' Thethirdmalnc benefit,is(c) inwarcfonElihtmwiftrrhen hiS enrmies: that he hnd,.revn- ' '· • >9o s,~aifi· fication : bywhich a ChriCtianin his minde;in derj/anding thenallhi< teachers, becauft qedsre- ~~1~n. his wil,and in his affectionsis frecdefrom the C flimonies werehis_medtt.ttUms, (k.)thAt he vntkrt 10 0. 9 , ,H. bond<geand ~r•nny of fin and Satan, and is by floodmore the!fthe<un<ient, hecaufi hektptGois pf.J.ao 3• littleand little in:ibled through the fpirit of preceJirs. The properties ofthemhle enligh1_. Chrift to defire and approoue that which is tened are fpecially two. The lirfl is,rhat by it c«- 1 '• good,& to walkeit it. And it bath tWOparts. a Chrillian fees his owneblindnes,ignorancc, i·~-., ,. (d)The fide,ismortijlc.rion,when tfiepowerof and vanity, as apeateth inDauid, who bdng "(;,1:,. fin is continually weakened, confwned and aProphetofGod,yetprayed,(/) Open"')'ryes '·•'- %4, diminifhed. ( e) The fecond, is vi,.ific~tioll, by (0Lord)th<tI mayfee the,.,•ndmofthy!Awes. Ct'M· which i"hrrenrrighreoufncffeis really put into And thence it is thatthe godly fomuchbe- •d'h 1 ·' them,and afterward is continually incrcafed. wailed the blindnesoftheirmindes.Contrari· :-H~: XXXIII. wife,thewickcdmmanintherniddellofhis mrob.,_ !low(Jn• This fanctilication iswrought in al chrifliblindnes,thinks hilnfclfto fee: The fecond is, •~ doficari· ans a!i:erthis manner: Afterthat they areioythat the minde runncth, and isoccupied ina oni• ned to Chrifl:, & made myfiically bone ofhis continualmeditationofGodsword.SoDauid bqne, and flefh of his flcfh,Chrilt worketh in faith. Pfol. 1. 2-therighteoHJ mans delight;, in the effetluallyby his holy fpirit,& his workes the lawofthe Lord,~tndin hi< lAw d.th he meditate arc principall three. Firfl,(f)heecaufeth his D day andnight. ~~~"!:: ownc<lcath to worke elfe<'lually the death of .,.. allfin:andtokillthe~oweroftheflefh, For it c o\.z.u isacorafiue, which beingapplyed tothe part & J•%• 1'• affetted, eates out the vcnomc & corruption: xxxv. and fo thedeath of Chrift by faith applyed, fretteth out and confurnes the concupifence & the corruptioRofthc whole man. Second– ly, his buriallcaufeththc burialloftinno, asit • Pf.il. 3 , were inagraue. (g) Thirdly,hi"efurretlion to. fendsaquickning power into them,& ferueth Ro:n,6.4 to make them·rifeoutoftheir finne, iA which they were dead& buried, to worke righteouf. nts, & to liuc in holinesoflife. Lat.armbody toh , ,, layfouredaies& Ctake in the grauc,yct Chri[t r;lifed it, & gauehim life agctin, and madehim do the f•mc worksth:ltliuing mendoe:foalfo Chriil dealeth with the foules ofr.hefaithful; The memorie alfo is limtlified in thatitcan both keepe &remember that whkh is good and agreeable to Gods will;wheroas naturally itbe!l:remembreth lewdnes, and wickedoes, and vanitie.This holy mernorie was inDaHid: Pfoi.I19·1I·I haoehidthypromiftJinmineh<4rr, that I mightmtjinag•inf/ thre,AndM•ry,LHk.! z, 19, ~ept all thefayings ofChrift, andpondmd them inher heart. And to the exercife of this memory, Salomolihath a good ldfon, Prou.J• I .Myfonmbur~m VJtto mywords,. incline thine Mru vntomyfoyi'tg;,letthemnotdepartfrithine eyes,bHt ~t.tepe~themin the middeft of thi11ehearr. XXXVI· Furthermore, the will ofa Chriflian is re– nucd and purified by Chrill,which appeareth - in S:ut8:ili· cation of the: me.. mory, S;tn8i6· ';~rion ri the:wilL