Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

m this life. in tha;it is fo.farre forth freed from fin , that A ! and therefore in this refpect prayed vnto the it can will and choofetfiat which is good and I Lord, Therifort how ifthou p4,donthufinne,thy acceptable to God,and refufe thatwhich ise1 mercyfhaR •pp•are:hutifth?u ~>iil not,lpra; thee hI uill,according to that ofPaul,' It " God!<htch rrAfeme.Ht of the book! wht<h thou hafl '"""'"· ~:: i .:.. workphinyouthtr wilt andthe dude" e'!enof hu E~od.32·4:z. An~,Rom·9·3· /!aHl couldhaue goodpiMfim. Now if a man be conhdcred as w1fhed w1thall h1s l~eart.tobecu: offfrom all 11ee is narnrally, he.can neitherwill, nor perfellow!htp With Chnft, & tobe gtuen vpto eh lob, formcthat(b,) whichisgood , hut onely that tcrnall deftrul!tton, for Ius count~ey-men the •S·••· which is euill : for he is folde vnder !in,asthe Iewes, and for Gods glory.f[>e<Ially. Some 1 Eph•·•·• oxearrhea!fe, & commirrerh iniquirieas rhe may fay, this affection is not comm()n to all, Lnk.u,., fifh draweth in water;yeaheis in bondage vnbur peculiarto fuch as are led wnh fuch anexder Satan, who infpirethhis mindc with vile ceeding atfection,as thefe ho!y menwe~e,and motions andboweth his will, affections, and which haue the!t hearts fo pierced& kmdled the members ofhis body ro his curfed will: fo with diuine loue, & fo rauifhed with the fame that for his life he is notable to doe any thing out ofthemfelues, thatthty forget all other but finneand r.'bell againft God. And it muft B thi~gs,yea the.mfelues, hauing nothingb<fore bee remembred , that although the Chriftun thetreyes butGod,and lusglory.Tothts lane R.o,., manswill be freod inpartfrJ thebomlage offin fiver, rhar this alfedion IS common to all, ~··•· in this life, yet it fhallflot be freefrll<h rhepower rhough thqneafurc of it be diuerfe , iofome San!bfi-f offinnevnrill thelife to come : for (c) P~ul more, infome lelfe: whichappeareth in that ~b~•;3e~ that worthy Saintfoithofhimfilft btingregencour Sauiour Chrift teach~th euery one inhis diQns. rate~ that he w.u c~trnAIIandfoldcvnderftnnc. prayer which hemadeibeforehe craue any·o-- X X X V I I. thcrthing,eirherconcerningGod,or himfelfe, 1 '•9· Sanctified affetlions are knowne by this, to pray that Gods name.niay bee (aoctified. :~~· thatthey ( d)are mooued and inclined torhat For by this all Chrillians are raughtthat they f Lu~.10, which is goed)toembraceit: & are not corn.. are to£Ie all coofidcrations of them ... •o, manly aff,aedand ftlrred with that which is fdues,thdrow,ne pleafure& profit; their talgPfal. euil,vnlc!le it be to efchew it.Examples hereuation or damnation : and abfolutely with an ~~1;~06, ofarethefe which follow, (<)To reicyce with hearty affection, to feeke after the glory of •· themth<treioyce,& toweep<t>itb thethatweepe. God in all thei~doings, that as Godsglory is i Pfal.<i· (f) Toreio)'ce,becattfe 41/Jans name i; wr.ttmin moll dearevnto himfelf,fo it may appeare a!~ '• heaNen. (g )To defire GodsprififlcC4fldfa•o•r,.u C fo thatit is moft dearc vnto the. Ifany thinkc • ~· Pet. thedry14nddefirethw•m.(h)Tofeare & trem-- it !\range that Mofes,PaHI,or atiyother!hould ~iJ.119. bit at Gods word. i Tolongandts faint afterthe bee contenrrofall into miferie, to Iofetl!eir r,o, pl4cest>here Goduworfhipped. •To be vexedin liues, andro be cafl into eterna!l perdition in 11\o:n. feukfomdaytodaymfeeintafldheari•grhevn. hell-fire with reprobate and damned fpiriu, ~~(;'~· • lawf~t!ldeedsofmen:andtojhedr~nersoftcaresbe~ then Gods honour_fhould be turned in.. " ·l C4Jtfe men breok! Gods commandcments. lfnferto d•fhonour & blafphem1e: letthem confider n Epb. 4 . uencyof fPiritro .ferHe the Lord. m. Topur on the that wonderfult is the p0wer of true loue, , 6, buwelsofcompa;[wn towardsthemifories of mm. e which m11k!rh 11ll things e~1jie: f which is41 0 :a..Cor. nTo be at~ry andjinne not. oTo forrow for the flrong .u rhegrAut~that ouercomes all,and was ~ :. 1ioh. dtJPleaftng of God.P To !tmethebrethren inChn.ft. neuer yet ouercome : wh~h it~Jlllmmgjire, 3 , 14 • q Toadmire<tthe wordofGod. ( r)To loue Gods that a wholo fea ofwater cannot quench.And •Pra,u9 co.,ma~ttkmenl! abouegolde. (s)Toadmirethc thelouewhich thefe men had toGoddid,fo u8, g'accs ofGodin others. ( t) JnfearetofemeGod, rauifh them,thatthey feltnofeare ofhe!-fire. r vclfe, ttndtorcioycein trembling. (u ) To walk!_ in the X X X I X. ~~;,, 8 . fweofGod, ••dtob~filledwith thewyofthe holy The fecond aff<ectio• is the of Gol, a 10. Ghojl, " To be hcau10through11J4nifoldtempta- D mol! excellent and woaderfull grace of God: 'Pf::l,:. · ti~ns. YTorcioyce iu being partak!_r of thefoffeSalomon g matcheth it, yea prc:ferrcth it tOo, ~ 'Aa. ·I n:gs ofChrifl. .... To ~att on the Lord,tD r~yce in before all thin~s in th~s \VOrld', making it ~he 31 • 9 h,m.411dtotrufltn hzs hp!yname. aTot~/Ut for_ the end ofall.-W1thout It a man cannot be tvtfe, '1. Pet. full redemption. b To figh,tkfiringtoemoymrn•/1 it is the fir(t ftepto wifedome h Ittir i; •Jlimd 1.6. jlife. (c) To lout rhe habitation ofGods houfe,ami ftrengtb:al(o it isa ~<ei·JPring :/lifeto<[chew the Y .~· Pet.l the pl~ce !V here hi; hono"r dwellerh. 'Toefteeme foam ofdeath. The Churches of Iudea being ~ p/,"l.lJ 1 all tl>lngs .u lofle ••ddtmg mre!fellofChrift. mpe•ce, were edtfied, & walkedmthe'feare :o.·•· I X X X VII!. ofGod, and wereaboundantly filled with the ' l\om, But among all thefe fantlified affections, comfort of the holy Ghofl. In rhis feare of :·? 0 , 1 there arc fourc fpeciaily tobemarked.The fidl: 9od.there betwo,parts: the l':ft,is a perfwa1.,.c • JS,a<«le for Gods glory: by winch a Chnfttan fion111 the heart, rhat aman t• in Gods pre- <Ff•L86 \ls thus affetled, that rather then God 1bould fence wherefocuerhe is;and when he by infir8, . "lofc his glory: he could be conte.~t to haue his mitieforgets God,a drawing ofhimfelfeiriio ~ Phli.;, l own fi)uled~~nned.As it was.withMofe.r,,v~o Go.ds prefence. As it was in .Danid, { htme G~~: 0 Vttorlyddho.y the lfraelites for their idola. me.For he u •t my right hand,therefore{Jl,.llnot. glo:y. tr)~, whom he had cho{en eo be his people: Jlid<. Aod this his beeing in Gods prefcncc, et. Cor. fJ "·'· fCant.S· 6,7. Thefc-:are efGod. gEed, U·l4• Pmsof Gods feare. z~ 1 f) feared !ell God !hould lofe hiS glory, Ifhed1d (fatth he,Pfoi. I6.8.)fettheLord~lwaiesbefore - ..._ . . I i 3 _ _c;.he::..:...__