Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

'Ihe ejlateofaChrijlian be ft-treth downemofi excellently in the 139· A fh~ll neuer fee damnation. And though hee Pfalme.EniJchwalk!_dwishGod, Gm.5.12· eA· fatle greatly inthea~iQn pf obedience yet br.thami< .omm<ndedtOlvall:!bifore God& sobe ~odwillaccepthisaf!echon to obey, as'obevprighl, Gcn.r 7·I. The fecod part oftbefeare dtence acceptable vnto him.God wil approue ofGod,isinGods llandinaweof of thee for his owne worke which hee hath him; which is when a man takes heedero his wrought in thee,andnot reic~rhce for thine. waies lell heotfend God. Thisaduife,Da•id XLI V. giuestoSau/s Coun(ellers, Pfo/.4. 4· St<ndin From fanC!ification ariftth"pentai1Ce. For 1\ep<o• .tll'ttmdfinnenor. Ph4rao commanded the midaman cannot hate his owne fins bc:forehc: be taoce. wiuesofEgypt,to kill all the malechildrenof fanCl:ified:& he cannottruely repent for them the Jfraelitesar their birth:they didit not,bebefore he hate them. RepentAnce i<whena man • Exod caufr(a)tiJeyftood;,, awe ofGod,fearing rodif- (I)turnesro God,& bringsforth f;tits worrhya. 1 Aa pleafehim. Andheaceitis,thatthc(b)godly mendmmtoflife. ThisturningvntoGod hath 10 , "· heueGods wordwithfeare andtrembling. twoparts. Tht fir!l ,apurpofe &refolution of X L. heartneuerto fin any more,buttGleade anew Hatredof Thethird, is theh•mdanddettft4tionofftn, B life. This was inDauid, who fully purpifedto Gnne. becaufc it is lin, and fpecially ofamans owne k!ep Gods~ommambmmts;& m~tppliedhU~4rt mPfal corruptions: wherewith a Chrillian is fo rurto(ll/fi/1 huft•wm vntotheend. And vnro this ttg,,;,, moilcd,that in regard ofthem & for no other d1d Banrab.u exhort the brethren at Antiuch, 6. caufe, hemoll heartily delireth to be forth of • thaewithj11HpHrpifeofhrarr thry woH/dc/eaNe , All.u, this moll: miferableworld,that he may bedif- :'"'otheLord.Thefecond partisan holy labor 'l• burdenedof his Gn, and leaueotfto difpleafe ., mmans life & conuerlari6 topurilie & clenfe God. P•11l fecleth inhimfelfe ahuge maffe of 1 himfelfefrom fin: ofthis fpeakerh /ohn,I.loh. deadly corruption, it makes him deeme him3·3-AndeHeryonethat haththi<hopeinhim,pitr. felfc moll miferable; and to mourne becaufe 'gerh bimftlfe "''"as he ilp""· This didDa11id he wasnotdeliuered from it, faying, Rom. 7• praC!tfe,as may appeare mthathe faid, 'Pfol 24.0 miftrable manthat 1am! whojha./1 deliuer 73·1 j.Cerrenry,J baNe clenfedmy heart »lVffine., meftomthi< body of death? Againe , ir is finne andw•Jhedmy hands in innocency.l fany maruell that maketh the Church complaine,Cant.r -4howrepcntaute followesfanC!ification,conG. thatjhe is£, that the S•nne hath look;dvpon dering itis the firll thingof all, that the Proher,qnd therefore1hec crics,Reu•.,,zo. Come phets,Apoflles,and Minillers ofGod preach Lordlefiu, come quicksly. C VAto the people whom they would winne to XL I. Chrift:I anfwer,thatalothergracesaremore ~•p•n· ·Joy in The fourth,isioy ofheart in confideration of h1ddenm theheart, whereas repentance iso- tance 3f· I CheiU• the neerenes or prefcnce ofthe terrible day of pen,& fooner appeareth t(! a mans own felfe mfai<h 1 <omiog iudgeme1t. The (c) reprobate either tremand to the eyes ofthe world. It is like the bud and Ion.- ' :~'::,ge.. bleth at the confideration of the dayofiudgein the tree, which appeareth bc~ore the leafe, ~~~~3~ 1 (: Luk."~~"· ment, or c1fe in rhe fecuririeof his heart hee the bloflome, the frutt: and yet mnatl:lre,itis cure, !,ut >7. regardetl1 it not. And when he !hall feerhe the !all: for aman mullberenewed,audcomc fieft in 1 ' ,,Ti.,. !ignesofthe commingof Chritt, ( d)hi<heart ,to an vtterdiflikingofhis owne linnes,before fcnfc and '+~ . jh.<lif•ilehimfor very feare, & hejha/1' call the he will mrne from them,and leauc them. ;r:,:: t!; o.•~. hilstofaltvponhim:butcontrariwi(esthefaithXL V. 1 e L~&.11. ful! louethtfocoJ/dcommingo[Chrift:oand thereBy this it may appcue, that there is one Godly & I'•· I fore wairc and long for ir,they !hall (f)liftvp I !ll·mnerof £inning in the godly, and another vn,odly J' ~uk.u. their heads, becaufe the accemplilbment of mthe vngodly, though they fall both mto one ·dilfcdn l z • their redemption is at hand. fin.A wicked man whe he finneth,il•hisheart finoing. • X L I I. he giueth filii confent to the fin : but the godISanll;fi. ThefanC!ificationofthebody,iswhengall D lyrhoughthcy fall into the famdinnes with lmionof the members of it are carefully preferued thewicked, yetrheyneuergiuefullconfent: <heboJy. from being meancs to execute any finne: and for they arein rheit minds,wils,and atfeC!i6s ·• Rom,6. are made the inllrumcuts of righteoufues and partly regenerate, and p.rrly vnregenerare, · ' 9 • holines.SoPmllprayed for the The!falonians and therefore their wils doe partly will, and • 1 .The( hth4t theymight k!Jow how to polfejfetheirvejfifs partly abhor~e that which is euill: according 4.4,f. inholineJfo~~tndi!l honour~ a,'ldnutintheluflufcon. aS Saint'PaNtfairh ofhimfelfe, Rom 7·21,l3· cupifcence,M the Gentiles do which k!Jownot God. I delight in the l•w of God acmding tuthe inner i Iob 31 . And Job( i)madeacot4tn471t with hU eyes not t~ mttn,butlfteanqtherlarvinmymemberJrcbelling '• loof?tonawom•n:In whofc example itappeares againft the law ofmy minde, •nd leading mt capA conro. l.uion, l k Rom 8 ,_ rer(e J. how eucry member is to bekept pure& holy. tiue,&e. And that the godly man neuergmeth X L I I I. full confent ro linne, it is euident by three toIf any hu11bled Chriltian find not this meakens. Firll, before hee commerh to doe the fureoffmctification in himfelfe, yet let him finne,he bath no purpofe nor delireto doe it: not bee difcouraged. For if ahy man haue a but his purpofe and defire 1S to do the wtll of !< wil!ingncs& adefire to obey all Godscom· God contrary to that finne. Secondly, in the mandcments,he hath the fpirit; and hec who actor doingofrhe lin,his heart arifeth ag'aiull luth rhc fpi:it is inChrilt,&he who i~~n .. C~h~~r::ift:::.._:i::t,,_,yc::e::t:cby,_t::h~e llreugrh of temptation , and by -· · rhe -·-·----------- ----