} \ . ih this life. >- 373 the mightie violence ofthe flelh, heis haiecl A that which i.sJjxiken,ask!l..J~i.u was.Second· • All. and pulled on t6doewickednes.'I'•"Ifatrh of ly, theytrln:fj bdeeue;he \Votd ofGod, ar.d· ' 6 ·' 4 • aMath. ,.6.69, 70,7J,7l· himfelfe thath<WMfoidvnder]inn•, that is,he carefully apply it to!heir'owne foule!;. Thirdwaslike'a flauc who defired to efcape out of ly , they tetlethc'Tihely powerofifin themhis:mafrershands and yeti~ faine it~ great: 1 mifi:Juts:it is as(/_)foir inthem, todraw-ourthcir fery to ferue him.' Thidly, aft~r he bath !in: inward.cormption; it isro rnem rhe( ,P)fword ned he is fore difpleafed with himfelfe for !tf oftheJPm!, and.asan.f:tcnficlllg kmfe m the and trufly repenteth. As • 'Peter before.the hand ofGods m1111lfer, l!Y wincht~nr llefh IS denying ofhis ma!l:er, had no purpofe t<> <loc kllied,al~d :hey~" offere~V)' malemn,gfocrifice is butrather todie in hiscanfe. In the at!: nee to Godat 15° JPmt imd lifero qmcken and reh~d a firiuing with himfelfc, as appeareth ~ uluc rheir fo?_le~ that .are dead in liBne:and the this that firfi heanfurered faintly, Iizyow ""' reafon· of tl\is ts plame : The word of God wha; thOJsfoyej/: and yetafter when the a!fault preaclied,i~9s,acupof 1vipe: thetrue.~Hri!l:ian ofSatan more preuailed, he fell to fwearing, is tlie l 'ord's gue!l: '· ~ut he tha~ hath fauce of I.Mu.g. l 40t ':: Epb~60 17· nR_cm. lfoi6, o Ich.6. 6). eurfing,and banning. And afterhts fall he re• hts owtJ,he b;mgeth!H$lllgar with hun,namepented himfelfe and wept bitterly for !f. AI) B ly,h1s truefatth,whiChph, tempemhandmm- P Heb. •· was centrary in Iud.u, who went to betray!)is glethwithGods word,& fo it becommethvn- •· ma!l:erwith full intent andpurpofe:for the dito him as a cup of fwcet wine,and as waterof uclllong tempting him vnto it, entrtdintoht'm, life. Now tpe~ypocrite, becaufe he bringeth that is, made himyeeld, and refoluc htmfel.fe no faith Wlth huu,drmkerh of the famc,but ~e •Mor,, 7 todocit. b Afterward when Chn[lwasbcfindeththewmetobefowreandtart, &votd f• trayed and condemned,lu.W,was notforrowoftelitri,and in truth it is vnto l1im as a cup of ful" for his fmne withagodlyforrow' but"? ranke poifon. Againe,q they hearethc word 'AI'!.to. defpaire ofmercy hanged himfelfe. · ofGod .uinGodsprefonce; ancl therefore their ll• XLV I. ·· · h,arcs are fillloffeareandtr.mbling.And thoy Efa.f6.•.• F . f Fruits worthie of amendment oflife, are receiuerhe WQrd) not ( r) a~ftom.mt~n~ bxt a~ ,:~~-0 fuch fruits asthe 'trees of righteoHfoej[e beare, from Chrij/ le fill the : onely f 'Doflor of th: : ';Th<IT ""'•· namely,good workes:for the doing ofa good Church: and they regard not fomuch the Em, r M;;, 7 . cEf~·'•·3 w.orkethere be three things requiGre: Firil:,it ba([,dour, or his ability, a·s the Emba!fage of S• • 1 • Tna.a. mull: proceede from iu!l:ifying faith. Forrhe reconciliation fent from the kingofheauen. o,Pe<.f.~· liood worke cannot pleafe God.exceptthe perfon After they haue heard the Word, they are wo.kes. pleafe him, and the perfon cannot pleale c bctrered in knowledge and in affeCtion, and him without this faith. Secondly, it is to bee they 'remember itand meditate vpon it con- , Pfo!. done in obedience vnto Gods reuealod word; tinualfy, thatthey may frameall their doings ., 9 , ,., • x.Sam, dT•obey u bemrthmfacrifice, andtohtark<nu hyit. Worlolymenvfeto buybookesof!h11·"· betterthenthefat of Rams. Thirdly, it is to oee tures,and to bane them intheir houfes to read Cli.Cor. referred to Gods glorie, eWhether yeeateor on,thattheymayknowhowtoauoiddanger IOoJ •· drink! (fairhPau/)orwhatfoeuerye doe, doeall to ofl,tw.And fo the faithfulll doe ahvaies fet bethegt.rie of God. The fpeciall worke! of Chrifore them Gods word, and in all rheir doings fiians, which they and none but they truely it u " their CosmfiRtr , l~a!l: they fhould come , p r.I. . performe,are thefe fiue whichfollow. intodangerofGods difpleafure. XL VI!. .XL V I II. . Heariog Thefirfi, isthego?dhearingofrhe word, Thcfccond workeis, the receiuingofthe Receiuofthe r Myfloe•pc (faithChnCI) htare my voece & folSacramenr,' of Bllpttfine on.ce ontly, whena ;•,~oL'h• word, low"''· And againe: he which;., ofqod heareth man is openly and fotemnely addmitted into "''""• 'loh.Io. hi<voice. And this wasonenore ofthe faithful the Cburch : one! ofthe Lords fupper often. ;;h.s,~7• in the primitiue Church to aflemble to heare The fitft feal<th vp to the hea<tof a Chrillia 11 , How the word. This goodhearingoftheword, is D that he is vnirod Vhto Chri!l:, and bath tme. good the fa~ing hearmg tha_t bringeth life eternal!. fcll<>wfllip with him in beting fully iu!l:ified ~;'~:;~: ~~r:;;~s;~~~~,~~~~~;~st~~;;~:;\;e'~'::,~'!r ~:~~~ ~~.7.~ha~~ ~~:·~:i~~~i1,~~;.!~~ God they makethemfelucs read1e to heare it, Chri!l:ianthecontinnall growing and increa- $. Aa.17• ~ the !Den of B~rea did_, g who rec_eiued the fingofrhc faBle graces.' Thistf~ingeuery true 1 . t 1. word Wtth aBreadmeJ: Thts prcp:tratlDn flan~ beleeuer {hall haueoften expcnence of 1 either deth intwo~oints:Ftrfl:,thcy di•burdenthe~- iuor after the receiuingofthe Sacrament:and felucsofallunpedunents, that hke vnto runyet it fl1al nor be fo alwaies,for fomerimesthe 'I1m.t. ners inarace,theymay(h)befwiftto heare;rhefe Church beingx bro1~ht into Chrifts wine-ctlltr ; n • :)~:t6•61 impediments, ar~ fin and troubled affections·: Jh~/1jAil iktoA[woo11e, and not feele al)y refre~ a~-ant. ' '•"•'· ~nd they.come with humble hearts i .u fooles, fhmg there. Yet the beleeuer is notto bedif. !·'3. thatthry may becomC!vifo. Secondly,they quicmaied, ifhe fet:le not alwaiesc6fort prefentkenvp themfdues, and comevmo the afie\nly afterrhe Sacrament. A licke man !eclesno blies,hungring and thirfiing after the word of comfort or nourilhmet when he eateth mear 'God as men doe after meate anddrinke. and yet it prcfen1eth his life: So the weak~ I Whe~1 they are in hearing Godsword,fir!l:, Chrifiian though he feele himfelfe not nouritAeir mmdes are fixed andattmtt"' onely to fl1ed at the Sacrament by Chri!l:s body and ------- ------ IJ 4-----bi;od