374 The ejluteofa [-hrijlian blood, yet hee lhali-tc.e in time that his foule A 01all bee .l?referued thereby vnto euerla!l:ing life. Fwrthermore, ,when a Chri!lian feeleth no comfort by the Sacrament, let him then humbl~ himfelfe b<fore the Lord more hear– tily then euer before, confefsing his fimws,and prayiQgtor increafe ofgrace,and then he lball fede the fruit ofthe Sacrament. ' XLIX. Reli~£e The.third worke,is a relic.uing ofthe poore ofi:hc poorc. ~:~~;~:~t~~~~d~~;,.~~~~~ii~~r!:,~~n:~~;k notto bedon" to all men alike, as Saint'1'•ul 10, "'Oll.6.: faitb, ~ Dorgoodto all n;:n~ bm ef}tiiallftothe1fi. of the houjhold if f•ith. Direaion for this mat– terare the fairhfull of HieruC,Jem, bwhowerr allinone plac,, ~tndhadt~R.thingJC9mmon: namebACI:,l-. 44· . AIL+·!: cable p10mifes of God which hcc hath made that he wil hearethe whotruly cal vpon him: Fifthly,he praicth not fo( abrunt orrwo but he continueth iu prayer: And although God feeme not tohea~l)im at the firfi, fyethe parr.Tteo uently waltethon the Lord, andfiillcalleth !•17. ypon him. L I. The liftworke, is to walke in fomelawfull A l.wfoll calling>?ithpaineful~e!fc, and vprighrnetle; callms. fo that 111 p_erformmg all the duties of it, a 'man may keepe a good confcience before 'Aa. 11 , Go<) and man. Thus 'Dauid determined to lo, walke in the' gouernment of his houfe and kingdome. u I willdoe wijily(faithhe)intheper. 0 p fal, feflwaytJltth~commeftrome; lwiii'Walk§inthe 101 ,z. '"Prighmejfi•fmineheart, in the midtkjl ofmine houfo.- 1wiU fit n• wic/:!dthingbefore mineeyes.- ly, invfo'.AndtheyfoWtheir poffijtions andgoods andpart~dthem to~tR men,tU utery one had1uede. Alfo the brethren at Corinth in their ex– c·:.. Cor. trcame rouert"ie, c rel~eued the Churches of S.>J• Macedonia liberally, not onely according to their poiller, but alfo frraining themfelues be– / hRterbework< ofthem tlwfaOail'")': itjhaHnor B ,[ellJit vnt9 me. ThisfiRceririeofD11:tids beha~ ~•niihiirpower. Yea this reliefe mufr goe fur– ther, euea to the bellowing ofa mans life, if dr.Ioh•J ncedc fo require,(as Saint John fairh) dHereby 6. weehaiteperceiuedlo11e~ th4t he laiddowne hU lift for vs·: therefore we eught 11/fo t~lay Jgwne our linesfor thebrethrcn. Prayer. The fourth wo'i-ke, is truf praier:and Saint Lukefetteth out the faithfull, and the children ' All,9, ofGod, bythisdefcription: <Thattbrycallon C the n~tmeof the Lard: Ason thecontrary it is f•id ofthewicked,(/)Thattheycalwtvpon God. '~f'H I " The true Chri[l:.tanca/lethonthe LordintrHth. ~~- '·'4S For h thejpirit ofatbptlon, whicbiuhe; ~iritof h Rom. prayer, is his Shoole-maflcr to teach him to 8.16. I doe it. .•. ;z"h• 1 Inpraierheisthusdiipofed: firfr,bcforehe ~~;1°;hc Praitth, &he is Chicken with fome feare and <.;hrirHail !reuerc:nce in regard ofGods maiefiie.~ for hee pr>y«h, confidcreth that prayer is a familiar·talking 'EccL~o with God. ~ Secondly, he is inwardly I touched with a 'D::.;~;~ liuelyfedingof his.w~•,ts, but efpeciallyheis vexed and grk~1ed at his owne linne and re. bellion : and this {enfe of his miferie is ~s a fpurrc to quicken his benummed heart, D Thirdly, bee humbleth himfelfe before his m 1 .S>m God,and layeth(m)open his heart before the '•' s, Lord, !bewingaferucntandlongingdefircto obtaine thofe things of which hee lindetb •n extteame want in himfelfe, as the Prophet "rr.,. l• Dauiddid, whofe nde.fire IVM lik$ the_rawningof 6, & ••· the drieground; and th1sproceedeth from othe ,,,. I fpiritof God which aman oftenumes for h!S • Rom. I life cannot expre!fc. 8·~· k Fourthly, whenhemaketh histequefr, hee :,••~.' doubteth not, but by p faith h~c beleeueth that God will grant hisrequefi, which he rna– keth accordingtohisword. Theground of his , Rom. perf\vafion is double: the firCr is, q Chrifi Ie· 8.p. fus, bywhofemeritsasbee,hath ord.ainedre· ' loh,f, mifsio'ioffinncs, fo he looketh to obtaine all '•• •s. things clfe: "!}le_:~~~~ground is,the comforuiour in his calling made him boldc to ofli:r himfclfe to be tried not onely by men, but much more by the LordGodhimfelfe, and to be :runilhcd accordingly. • Judge me 0 I,ord xpr,I ,6 (fa1thhe) for I h••ewalk!d in mine innocenci" '•'· • ProfJueme 0 Lord,,;ndtrieme;ex~tmine my reint$ Pfal.r JJ• andmineheart:So'Vpright anddeere was fleitl 1-~· allhisdoings. ;~~t,-4: 8• 111. Thus much of faith and the benefits that Spiritual! come by faith : Now followeththe fpirituall mr<ifc exercilc of a Chrifrian in his manifold temp- :~,:~:r· rations, which arc inthislife infeparablc: companions ofgrace. The reafon is, becaufe the ~iuellqateth Chrifiwith adeadly hatred, and !beweththis hatred in acontinuall perfecution ofhismembers: as Saintlohnfaith)(y)Tbe rR<u.n dr.-.gonwMt~rothJ?iththewoman, 4ntlwmt;~nd J7. m!fdetllarre with the rtmnantofherfoede, which k!epetbecommftl1tkments of God, andhaHethere. jlim•ny ofI of mChrijl. Nowthcrcfore as foone as Chrifi Idus beginneth to lbew any token ofhis loue ro any man,the diuell contrariwife lbewcth forih his enmitic, and flirres vp his fellow champions, the fldh and the w~rld, to warre again!l: him for his confulion. And fur– thermore the Lordin great wifedome permits ~~f.tli%0W t1~tr~~~i~~i~~: ~:p~~~~,~~~f :~:ut,S. his fin"e• to humble him, and to makehim de1 ,c 0r.l6 pend on his maidlirt ; to quicken and reuiue 11,13· the gracesofhisfpirit,whichotherwifewould bedead,anddecay. · LIII. The temptations ofa Chrifrian are fpecially ~;~~~. fixe. Thelirfiis, when inwardlyinhisheart ofrhc (•) hcisdrawne away andintifed by his_o:vne fitfh, roncMpiftence vmo any finne. The .Chnilrans ahm.•.-4 excrcifein temptation, ishalight and battell bGal, f. betwixtthe flelh and the fpirit. And this ligh- '7· ring fiandeth in foure thing• : Firfi, the flclb fiirres vpeuill thoughts and defires, as a burping furnace continnally fendeth vp fmoke & fparkcs of fire:and it eggeth aman forward to euill words and dcc:dt:s, accordmgto that e M~rkt. ofSaint Markc, cForfomwithin, men ft9tJ} t~ej7· 1h tl. . heart, --------------- ---- 1