Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

tn this life. ht ~a manprocmlreuiR thought~,adulttries, A 'them andreprooue them for fin, butalfotheir fom ,;.,,, l"urdm,thefts, .couuoufnefft, w•~- hearts arc fo re"ued,that they rife in h1tred & ktdntJft,dtceit,'IJn<kannes,a w•cktdeye,backt-btdetcfhtion offmne ; and when they aretempting,priat,fcoiipmefft. tedto euill bytheir Adh andS'atan, they fede u.The Aefh hindereth aod chokethrhegood a luft and ddire to doethatwhich isgood. motionsanddefiresoftheheart,asPaulfaith. . .. L I V. . , Rom, 7 • • Ifie another lawivrnyrnembers rebeBingagainft The fecond temptation, isa difquietnes in l.iule , 1 , rhe /ao>Ofmy minde,andlwPng rnecpptiue torhe the heart ofa Chrifhan,becaufehe canno.t ac- fl<ling. btwofftnnewhich/; in my rnembm,·Againe,the carding to his defire , IHue fellowfhip with fame flefh mipgleth euery' good motion and Chrifl: lefqs,h,<isexerciiCdinthistempta\ioq defire with fornecorruptions:fcthatthe godon this manner. ly mi!like the bell: things that they doe. Efoy . I. h Chrifl: lets him fee his excellency, and h ~'"'·'· faith ofhis owne& the peoples rJghteoufnes, how he is alfctted towatdsnim. . . '•'· that it is but a b menftmb clout: 'the prayers I I • ; Then the Chrifl:iari coofideringthis, i ve.fe l· • Efa 6 4- of the Saints mull: bee perlitmed With fwm defireth Chrift and his righreoufne!fe. . ~Rom.a. odo~trs,befere thcycanafcendvp fweetand fa· , B II I. H7 delighteth ~imfelfe in Chlifl:,and M• uoury into the nofl:hrils of God. -And '1'••1 bath fomcmtoymg·ofhts~enelirs. laid ofhimfelfe d he did than;;hlchh<Jjfliktd: I V. k Th•n hce ccmes into the a!fembly k verre 4 . • ~·.,7· not that he was ~uertaktn withgrolfefins:but ofthe Churc.h as into Gods wine-cellar, that 1 ' becaufe when hewastodoe hisduty, theflcfh in the Word and Sacraments hee mayfetle a hin'dred him,that he could notd<>e that wl!ich · greater meafure ofthe loueo£Chrifl:. he di:l,ex•llryAlldfomrd[;raccording to his will V. But he I fals loue-ficke : thatis, he.be1 verfe ;. and defire : euen as a man who hath aiol\rnf!y comes troubled in fpirit, becaufe he.catjnot togoe,his mindis to difpatch itinall ball:, yet emoy the prefcnce of Chrifl: in the laid man; when htis in histrauell,he goes but flowlyby ner,as he would. . , ,. . reafonofa lamenelfein hisioynts. · · . VI. "'Intkishisfpirimall fickncshe fe~lcs I I I. The fpirit on the contrary,kindles in the power ofChrifl: fupporting hi?J, that the theheart good motions and defires, ·and puts fpmt be not quenched, and he heares Chrifi a~an forwards t\) gQod workes aQd deeds, .as it were whifpering in his heart, as a man , Pr:oLro. a~t was inD•uiJ, •Jwi/Jpr•ifetht Lo~d(faith ?'peakcstohis friend when he is commingto. ·n verf.6, 1· ' Ver(.S. he)who hath gineli mee' cou11foO: "']"'"" •lfo . wards h1m afarreoff. . . 7 • tt"<h inthenightfo•fon. . . C VI!.. ". Aft.~rthis Chill: eomes n,eeror,bur " veofe 9 , I V. The fpiri~rebukes a man for hiS eu!ll the Chnfl:1an ~n no otherw1fe emoy him : inrcnts·and defires,and rcdrelfetq tpe force of then~man enioyes th.ecompany ofhis friend, them, andasic were nip< theminthehead. ~houo" theotherfideofawall!ooking at Thus Ef"J defc:ibeth theinward motions cf h1m through the grate or lattiCe.., thefpirir/A m/.thimearesJlt.llheArtA..,.rdbe- • VIII. Thenhiseyesareopened, to fee the :~."'· JO. hindthee, foying, Thil iu heway, wal~yee in it, cau~s,why <;:hrifHo,wfthdrawes hinifelfe,to wl~enthoJ<tumeft to theright h:md.•fldwhenthou b~ h!S • o'w~e fecuritie'an<\ n.egligence in fee. turneft to th~ left. And Saint John faith,The JPikmg to Chrifr,his!bc~nefte in fpiritu<lllexcr- : , 1 :':;: h 6 rit g ;~dgeth thewor/Jofftnne. This was iAP«- cifes.,a~ in_prayer and'rhankf~;:iuiog, the de- •••'l· ~Io ' 1 • uid, who when he did any e~ill,hli-ke"r:f!llott ce1tfulndfe and malice offalft: teachers•. . DiiT«ece 6em.,.Sam.>4·' o.Outofth!S dottrme dFJeth .. I X• PT~cn, ne cqmes to feele more huely l>etw•••• a notable difference betwixt the wicked and hiS fellowOup with Chrifl:. · 'mCa7. tbeg~jZ thp godly: Inthegodlywhentheyareremp- , X: Lafl:ly, l!epraye1h that Chrithveuld k~L. re(\ to finne,thereis.a fight betweenethe bean conunuc Wl,th h1m to the end. · Conning. and the heart; that!s,betwecne the heart &1t , LV. . , felfe: In the wicked alfo there is alight,when D Thetbiid temptation, is trouble of minde they are tempted to fin: but this fight is only becaufe t~ere is no feeling of Chrifl: at all: No feeKom. '' I be.tweene the heart and the confcjence. The who fcemeth to be departed for atime. The lmg, 'VS· wtcked man whatfoeuer.hee is, hathfome exercife of a Chriftian in :this tentation is knowledgeof good and euill: and therefore this. when hee is doing any euill , his confcience , I. ~Thepoore foulc lying as a man !l·~f0. • Cant I accufeth, checketh, and controuleth him,and late in thenight without comfort, fe(kes for ,. 3 .. ' ' he feeles it fl:irring in him,as ifit were fomeli· Chrifl: bypriuate prayeranif meditation butit ·vert. 1. uiugti>ing·thatcrauled in his bodyaodgnawwill not preuaile. · ' · edvpcmhis heart,. and thereupon he i; very •· rH~ vfeth the helpe,counfell,& praie'rof often "lneued fo(h!S fins,}'et for all that he)!- godly brethren,yet Chrifl: cannot be found. ., v<rf. •· r.Per. 3. keth Ius fins very well, and loueth them, and . 3· r Then he feekes to godly Minifl:ers to l•<· could find in ~is heart ro continueinthem for ~eceiue forne comfort by them, by their ' w :C l · Pfal.97· euer :·fo that mdeed when be finneth,he bath meanes he can feelc none. ~~;1 ,119, in his heart a fl:riuin;; and aconflic'\; bJ.t that 4· ' Afrer that •ll mcanes hauebeene thus ,.,.,. 8, 1sondy berweene hmfelfe and h!Sconfcience. vfed, and none wdl preliaile, t)\C:n by Goos ' v:r( 4, Rom.7· BC!t the godly haue another kmdofbattelland great mercy, when hee hath·leaf! hope; hce tf, conAtll:, fornot only the!t confc!ence·s pncke. finds Chnfl:,and feeles him come againc. ·- · - ~; Pre-