p6 'The ejlateofaChrijlian . 5 Prefently his faith reuiueth , and layeth A I i r Afterthiscommanication rh~f:- 'vctfe & 0 fait hold on Chrilt. !tians faith and feeling reuiueth,Chrill: r6 And he hath as neere fellow!hip with ning to him againe, Chrill: in his heart as before. I 5. r Then Chrilt a!fureth him in his heart f vcriC:3. averf. f• 7 • Then comes againe the ioy of thehoofhis loue and liking towards him. tache '• ll' Gholl:: and the peace of conli:ience as a I 6 Giuing further alfurance to him that he verfecf 1\veetefleepe fals Vponhim. !hallgr0wV[> aad bee made fruitfull in euery UP·7• b Vct(Ci. 8· b Then his heart arifeth vp into heauen good grace. by holy affections and prayers, whichdoe as 17 After this, the Chri!Han comes in fuch pil!..s of fmoke mount vpward: fwect as a high meafure to loue Chrift, that nothing mirrhe and inaenfu. fhall be abk to feuer him from Cbrift. 'V~rr.s, 9· 'Alfo he is raui!hed there with themeLV 11. g,Ict. diration of the glorious dhte of the kingThe fift temptatio>n is afall into fomcreat !· Afoll dome ofheauen. finne, as Noahintodrunkcnnetfe 7JaHi into intofome cl Verfc • IO d He labours to brin~ others to confiadulterie, and murder, Pererint~ the denial! linae, u . der the glory of Chrift and his kingdomc. B ofChri!t. The excrcifeofa Chriftian in this e Cap.4. . 1 I ' After all this Chrilt reueales to his temptation is this: verC.I· to feruant, what his blctfedeftare is, both in this I At the lir!this heart isvlitaUydulled and tbCift life,andinthe lifetocome,more cleerely then made fecure with finne. euer before , and makes him fee thofe graces • Yet after a while, there by fome meanes which he hathbeftowedon him. ari{eth in hts heatt ag•diy forrow : which is f verf.16. I • rThen the Chriftian prayeth that Chrill: when he is gricued for this onely caufe, that would bruthon him by his holy fpirit , that by his fin he harh difpleafedGod, who hath he may bring forth the fruits of thofe graces beene tohim fo louing and mercifull a father which are in him. whofe fauour bee would bee content ro pur~ ;vrr(e I. r3 • Laftly, Chrift granteth him this his chafe, (fo bee might haue it and obtaine it) c•t• requeft. 1 euen with the damnation of his owne foule. LVI. 3 ' Then hee begins to repent himfelfe of ts. Cor. 4· Alpi· The fourth temptation , is fecuritie of his finnes, rcnuing afre!h his former rcpen- 1·11· ritu:~.U heart, rifingofouer-much delight in the plearanee. number fures of the world. The exercife of a Chri4 This repentance hee !heweth by feaucn in world. lyplea. fiian in thisremptation is this. C lignes. fures. I Heeflumbers and is halfe aUecpe in the I Ac.reto leaue that !ininto which hce is Cant, 1. pleafures ofthis world. fallen. As they which crucified our Sauiour Math.tf. • Chrift by his word and fpirit labours to Chrift, when they werepri<lt:!Jin their hearts CJnt,f. hv::rr. a. withd<Ow him from his pleafures, and • to at Pmr; fermon,thel, !hewedthis<arein faymake hi'l'l more heartily receiue his-beloued. ·%Jg, u Men•nJbrtt rm•h~ttjh.tliwuioetobe 11 Ad.s, i verCe3· 3 But he; delayethro doeit being loath to Htd? 37• leaue hiscafe and fweete delights. • An .Ap•t.gie, which is when a t>lanin the kvcrrc4· 4 k Then Chrift awakes him and flirres heauine!fe ofhis heart,!hall nor excufeor devp his heart,by makinghim to feerhevanitie fend his finne,but confcffe it to the Lord, and ofhis pleafores. vtterly condemne himfdfe for it,acknowleds He then begins to be mote earne!Hy af. ging withallthatthere is no way toefcapc the fected towarcls Chrift. · wrath ofGod, but byhauing Godsfree parI Vtt[t S· 6 1 With forrow he fets his heart tohaue dotlin Chrifl. fel!ow!hip with Chrill after hisold manner; 3Indign.rion,which is an iawardanger and and this he exprelferh by bringing forth fweet fretting agaiuft his own fdfe, becaufe he was fruits ofrighteoufnclfe. - ,n fo careles in looking to hifown waies.x Pcur ~: M:mb, mverf.IS. 7 '"The A he fee1eththat Chrill:bath withwhen he had denied hismaftcr, hrewept, at1d s.6,7f· drawrie his fpirit. that bimrly, which !hewerh that with for8 Healmolt defpaires for this. row,he had alfo an anger againft himfelfe. 9 Yet by priuate prayer feekes for Chrift. i A fw·e rifing not fo much from the nyor(e 7• 10 n WheR that will not helre, bee reindgmcntsofGod,as fromthis,Icft he fhould forts tothe Minill:ers of the word , at whofe hereafter fall into the fame finne :igaine , and hands he finds nocomfort. by fo doing moregrieuoully difpleafeGod. overC:8, II • Norrecouering I•is lir!l: elbt~,through 5 A ddire cuer after more carefully to 9.t•,••, impatience ofthe loue of Chrill:,he makes hts pleafe God. u., 13, miferyknowne to!trangers, to fee ifthey~an 6 Zeal•intheferuiceofGod. '4. •s, comfort him,and he fomewhat comforts bun· 7 ReNenge vpon himfelfe for his former of6, felfe in deferibing Chriftscxcellencyto them. fences: for example, ifa man linneitJfurfetPyerf.l7· r • P They then are raui!hed with him to ringand drunkennes, ifhe euerrepent,he will feeke Chrift,and require thento kn<>\11 where bringwder his corrupt nature by fparmg and to limie him. moderating himfelfe. Outw.ud I 3 q Anfwer is made in the alfemblies of LV Ill. affii8i.. 'l car. 6. The fixt t(mptation is outward afAiClions, ons. '· the Church. wmcb