Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

zn this life. 377 , Matb, whl~ the godly in this life mufl fuff_.-. ( 4) If A ofGoddidftghtagainflhim.Yettnetrue Chri!li16,,4. anywillgolfjterChrift,hem~tj/denuhtmfe/ft,t•k! an whe,n the world, thdlcfh, an.dthe dmell,& vp his owncroffo&fo/Jow htm. And S.Pettr faith, God himfelfe too are agamfl: him, cloth euen b 1 .Pec. (b)thati•dgementbegins at Godsho~tfe.(c)And then moftof all refl: mthe Lord, and by faith 4-11· Pa•l,th•t we mujlenttrintothekj,ngdomeofheacleaue to him. (s) Though Godfooulddeflroy me r!ob,tj. <Aii.•4• uenthro~tghmauifoUtemptatiMs. Theexcrcife yetwouldltruf/ in him, (faith lob.) (t) And !~raJ, u. ofa Chriflianioafflictionisthis: Dautdlinth, MyGod,myGod,whyhaftthoufor- "·'• dReb,l1 I, (a) At the firfl:rhey are very heauie and fo~en me?Whenhe faiththat Godhathforfake u. "· bitter. hun, it may feeme to bethe<6plaint of adef. 2 • He fuftereth them with great lenitie and pera~eman, not hauing fo much as one fparke patience, fubmitting himfclfevnder t.he hand offaith:yetthen he(atth,..MyGod..My God: e!ob. i· ofGod. Yet(e)ifthey beein great meafure, which words contame a cOfefsion proceeding J•.- • they will driue him to impatience. . from truefaitho fo that inDauidit appeareth, J.Iftheycontinue,befhall feel<(accordmg that the fa1thfull when_rhey feele themfelues f!oh,f. to hisowne iudgement)the(f)wrath anddif· forlorne, audvtterly reiectcd ofGod, accor- ,,,. plcafure ofGod in his heart. B dmg rothe fenfe and IUdgement ofthe flefh, glob.1!• 4·(g)Hisold finswillcomeafrefhintohis yet by faoth they can apprehend his hidden ; 6 • R • remembrance, and trouble him.He is neepie, mercy, a!'d beh<>ld itafarre offin the glalfe of ,7:~. ,~7: (h) and in his{]eepe hee ha;h vi/ions, and h•sprom1fe:. ~ndfothey doeoften fhew con· dreames, and anxietic offpltlt. trary affh'hos m thm prayers, as Dauiddoth. 'loo, 5.(i )Inthis oniferie God fupportshis faith, (~<) lacobwhen hce wrall:leth with the Angell •3·• f, thatitfailc nor,and he thenforfuke Chnfl:. tor hfe and death, neuer gaue oUer: and when "Gen, • Rom. 6.(~Hefeeling thus Gods powerto fl:reng· hee was foiled he would not ceafe before the l••' 8 · ,, 4 , then him, hath experience ofit in himftlfe. Lord ~ad bldlcd him. This his wraftlingis a 1Iob;43:. f·'· tn lf~b. ~.Fromexperience proceeds hope, that the typeot the confhtl:s which rhe faithfull ate to gr{ceofGod fhallueuerbe wantingvnrohim haue W,'th the Lord ~imfelfe, whovfeth to in any afflictions to come 1 and as lle hopeth, brmg hisownecluld;e(as It were)tothdield: fo itcomes to palfe, andalfa•leththem w!th the one hand,and with · 8.With thishope is ioyned(l )a ferious huthe other he holdeth them vp, that fo he may miliation before the Lord(m)withthe fruit of prooue a~d exercde their faith. And forthis peace and righte<>ufil<lfe. caufethe Church (x) is called by the name of If theafflictions bee for Chrifls caufe vnto C lt~<ob. An example may be had in~hewom•nof 'Prai. deatb, thenhe inmorefpecial manner is filled CaRaan. (1)Fitfl: our Sauiour Chrilt gaue '~· b with the ioy ofthe h<>ly Gho!l:,and he< is then faith,& by lhatfaith lhee was mooued eo feeke ; ,.::,; 3 ftablifhed with the gteatell: meafure of the to h1m I but when fhe was once come to him , 4, •y, flrength of Chriil:, that no torment is able to he.gaue her three repulfes. Firfl:,by faying no: z6,•7· foile&tobringhim fromChrifr, though the tbm!l. Secondly,bydenyingher. Tnirctly by Chriflian fhould die a thoufand rimes for it. callmg her dogge. Thus Chrifi in appear:nce "Pbil, Accordingto that ofPRul,(n)T•yon it irgiuen made fhew, as though he would neuer haue 1·'9· Jor.Chrift, not onelytohe/eeueinbim, bot a/foro granted he_r requefl:, Bur lhe at euery repulfe lfujfef for hie fof<!. And this is grounded vpon was more mflant, crying more earneflly vnro 0 Efo. the p~omifeofGod,(•)Whithoupajejlthrough h1m,: andfhe plamly oppofed her felfe to him 43 ... the /will beewith thee, andthrough the and Would take no denia!l : for fuch is the na: jlolidr, thattheyd.e notol"rfow thee: when thou tureoftrue faith. Wher!ore the faithful when walk,fl thro~<gh the veryfire , thou}halt not bee they fcele themfclues ouerwhelmed with fin burnl:neitherJhaRthejlamekjpdle vponthee. turmoi!ed w!th conflicts ofSatan, when rhe~ L I X. leele the anger ol God offended with them Hence arifeth a notable differenee,betweene yet they can euen then lift vp t)leir eye-lids' ~~d~ck· the flodly and· the wicked, in the luffering of D and gme a ghmps at :he brazen ferpent Iefu; . cd dilf<r afl!Jcbons. A reprobate the more the Lord Chnll , and can flmg themfelues into the inthci' laierhhishandon him, them<>re bee(p) murarmesofGods mercy, and catch hold on the (offering. mureth & rebellerh again!l:God: itiscontrary handof Godbufl:i:ting them,and kilfe i<. · 'E•od,S witltthe true Chriflian: none feeleth more the L x;, JZ. power and rebellion of !inn~ then'he , uoneis By thefe temptationsircomes to palfe,that !"ore alfaulted by Sathan the he,& oftenumes a Chnfl1an though he cannot fall finally from Dang,. it commeth to palfe that God withdraweth Chnli, yet he may fall veryaangerouiTy from :~:~1,1:i. thelig~esofhis fauourfr~m him, and lets him hisformerefl:ate.Fidl,tilegraces of God may Qia•. feele hiS wrath. And this iS the greate!l: tempbe by his default lelfened in hint: elfe 'J'~u/ ration of all other when a man !hall fee the wouldnot luue giucn out thefeexhortations Lord to bee his enemie, aad to his thinking to •.Qnenchnotthe(Pirit, aGrieuenot the bolyfi'•: ',The{, arme himfelfe a&ainfl: himto his defl:ruction. rrt ofGod, by whomye are foaledvmoth~ day of ~·'9• As (q) E<ech•.ud!d whofa!th,tharrhe Lorddzd redemption. Secondly,the graces ofGod""ay Epb,4. ' Efa, 1s, cr•Jb his·bones ltf<! aLyon. Or(r)as fob faith,that bee buried in him, and couered for atime 30 • 13. the arrowes ofthe Almightiewereinhim, andths fothat bee may bee like anlanin atraunce ' 'lob.6,4 venimethireofdrunk.!vphi;fpirit,&theierronrs Who both by his owne fenfe and by tb~ tldg~- ---