Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

in this ljfe. . -----~9-1.-- ~ ger of alltheiudgc:mcnts of God., fot:Ilat eue- ! A prapfor tl;e pwloir of.thm li~.n~11." ~nrill, l 1 ry moment fome of them may befall h1m. nc.,.l and walkc accordmg toff,e fp1uctn ''"' ' nesof , may perilb fuddcnly by water with the . old l!fe ;a?d then theyma~ affi1re themfdu~s, tll:lr,,,· I world, bee may bee con(umed with fire and· fherc_tsoocondemrr.mon canbe!~ngto ~h<m.1 1 brimftone with Sodome and Gomorrha, bee . ;And1tmu!1: be _allvayes remembr.:tl , th.; h« t may bee[wallowed vp of the earth wit_b Da~ wh~hwould l JUt wh•n hns d:,;~.<honwfl;ldy., 1 1 than, and Abiram, he may hang hmtfelte w1th w!)tlebe IS ahue, namtly to Gm,_, And 3!}1tOe.~ 1 Judas he,may haue his braines dalbedagainft h<e whtch wou)d nfo to etemaiHtfi: Jt1thnday f j thegr~und and be earen'Vp 0f~ogs wi:h ~efaof iudgement, -muft rife-from !iune bcfpf!C bel, bel, hemaydyeinhardnes'ofhear.t w~tHPha· die,•votoncwr)esef,hfe. , ." •! 1 ; r~o, he m•y defpaire with Cain and Idd't$; he ' Jh~ fift rcafu~ : God hoth •l'PO!Ut~.wlt<~ ~- may be ftrickep with ft14den death with Ana~1iepery R)aQ thit huts mthe (h~r<Jh; a ce;tame; 05 & S:i?hirilhis wife, he 'll•Ybe ea«;nVt:W~th' ttme,ofrtp~ntaJ<~<>, andofcond~JU-Jgto Chnll.j wormes with Herod, bee may befmttten with An\! he wh.cb mtfp.ndeththat ume, andrs nor trembling rhat hee.<;annot heare Gods word ?J~?· a Ch·illian rr: n; can ~·~er_ qqe, f~ufd.• I wirh Fc<li<~hemay -voidl1is gllts atthe.froole, B folu~made ourSoUIO~~Chnfr weope for I er~- 1 wirh Arins, he mayctie at his deaththat hee ;,, . ·falom.~rtdfq, Luk:~9.;p·. 0 ·f~hou 11~dff k•qw" damned wltb Liltomll$, bee. nuy be left.vnro •t tht/e.yl '"'~" ti;Jd~y,, thofo rlmgs,llif<J:qb,eloflg·. himfdfe to mocke , blafpheme, and r~nou~CCJ !'~·f~).p!lfCt, bm no\\1 th'!· ~re hlddrn (~O!J11,f;h.~etyr:.r. ' I Chriftwi!h1uUan : andhei:may fulfcr m•ny Ai'<l1Jee furthedign~fieth the de(hu&on 'of' 1 more fearefull iuugemen.ts~ whereoftheLord l.erufalem, v. 4¥ beo;aufe fhe K>lf"' '!<!>th,.time 1 , o.U... bath(•) £tore,a11d all ~e,P.tothecon(oun- •(,hennftwi•n, .Ag.tine, the·n~gk<'l:itlg of this ; l'·J•· dingof themwhich wll)dJ>r bee humbkd vn-· tJt'>els onccaufe, why not one crtwd,but maJler his hand. G:onrrariWife, the true Chri{han ny{t) lb.tll feeke toenterinto the k~og1omeof ; te-l., · is fo far outof theJ.each, oE Gods iudgezpenrs. heauen, andyet fhallnor be ask..ilt is a.m1mei- ' 3 .£,. • F. fa.~,& thavhey cant1ot hurt himCb), Chrift is' a·~·~~~- lous thing, thatti)cy which fcekq<>\ k<'Cured I •iog ·~· cl•~d-~gainft the.heat and remp7ft?f ,!ho~l~P-;<!-'i!il,bu~,the fiullr is th•ils.w.hiJ:hfeeke ' <E••>L !Jodsmdgements, {c) w,hcn'a ;nans heart 1s ;vhet) 1t.1s too late. Now theretore thou fecur"' I ,,... fprinkled with the bJoop ,gUhisjmmaculate wotldlipg, thr>M(Cience tdsrheethao tiQot{ L•mbe, all the p)agtJes o(God p1£fe ou<:iliilm hail IIQt yet repeqted-,. and th>t-tbau:iirt not. Itithedellmel!ionof Itrqfalomthe(d) righte. yet1a l!uely member of Jefus.G:h'rjlt~ And ;.';"'• ~~j?"!~~~'fu~3.;~:!;;~;~~h~~~~d': ~1~ c ~~li~~~~~~~ :~t~Q1yet1~h~u~~~~~{2~r ownef~fett<>become a CnriJ\1an. 1 • .thy hfp._ ·God maycall thee fo•rh.ofthtS•world 1 Fdurthly, the man whkh is 01) Chri!l:i~n is rlielle:<;~:Yeare,tl!!:tne;<Q weeke', the:nei'tJ10ure , I in d•nger.of,eternall death and dammticio iit yea hee hiay ftrike th<'e with fudderudeath, at , hdl fire: aridthey wh(cl)fallintothiseftare,ir this very prefcmt. And, invuy truth, if rho 1; 1 had beenet;otfJ?tif•~ fqlJle bett;~rforthemif g;>eff forth of thi• wqrld b:ei9g nJ. repentant I theyhadne®~bmboJn<; :. ~.Thef. I ·9· for.they finrter, thou goeltdamned to hell. ~Whercfo'\e•' are q•1ite feparated from tht,prtftnce•f G•d ;,~d de!•Y /ll)t one minute ofan houre longer, b~t fmn hugi-'J r all the C\>nlNnY they h'!:ie 1s Wtth.all (oeed repent aQd turne vnro.GbQ; and•' with the diucll and his ~ng~ls, Th.eir !ladies bring forth fruits \vonby ameudmemt>of·Iirc ., 1 andfoules are tormenq:d Mlith·infi.nite horror chat all tliy !tunes ni•Y !i:e don'e "''"'"Y ;'\vhe~ an1 anguilb,ariGngof thefeclillgof,thi'Whole the d,,y of death, 'or the d:1y of.iuclge:nentl wmh ofGod, in which,a>lnto abottomle!fe n1~ll b~~- .j\nd do~:.oot thinke 11-!itih·tJ\y felfo ·: fea, they areplnnged. Thu~tbeyar.e alwayes that if !haU be CuffieicnHo doferre,tl!y turnin~' · <zying, and yet are neuer 'de~d. 'Furtl\ern\ori:; D VQI:l> G<>Clti!lrhe ll{hnd. Por fi,ter.ef!enrant~ the lengtlwf this .rorme11t \flUff be confidered,. ' i~ feldonte tru~ re~nta,)ce.And m~~;,,h>~or,:· Wh!chgreatly_aggtaa~testheJpatn~. Ifa:n:an tu)ueth.lung m_ally, Gunc~., is i~ ,. chngerou<l mrght .bceddrueced trom· die pau1es of hell cafe•."lfamanl!e: l()og:Ju:tany.dik!lfo' hee will when hee.hocHi>ffered':uhyoyeares as. (aa(CQ re<;ouerhi~f~m.:rhealrh ~he'which · therebed' <>ps u1 tb: fet, 1or ll<tle fands lo the. tsgtawn,c tnthefU!l~me ofany,fmne;:::anchbc whokeardr;· 1t were fomo>comfort: bttJ:~tt«· liQoe;ifbe.cOJne rip~>isl.h(m, it is'arHouliihdlto thofeyeaeesh:: expired thereUull c_C>:nemo re.~ one, hei~neuor· fwed:<'accotding.t!nl\;kof.S: le:tfe;buttb~damaed lb;lli:or!tmuel'l!h~iliiilg,l ltlm~s,\I•m-t:IJ· ftr>tkb,ingp"Jiud b,;;,_g, jmh ~elltn~! andgnaflnng ofteeth, e~dqrmgthe. ~t~rrh~rnr..:u < r;c;1GI~ l 1.i . ·y -~ t·~!r!J· '1·! co01ummghe',te of' Gods wrath wtthdt~t' •ny ;;.lheili>:t r.eafon,! :lO>thiog:ddr• A goJ. ond for ;ucrand.cuer. 'Yea; to_goe f_urt~er}>a red ll(a!!lhe11•;, .ye't>J)~~biliall beedll>de{urtro. I ~~~:;~~~n \~!eked· rn>trcar(tcthoah h~ll abput him_ In t!ns. kexJtl:n\~. b~t·~~_tt:uc;:G'hr:tt\i:in ;inJ·t~Jaii h•llinhi• hfe, qa~~oly,an<:mll confctence,,~h1ch ifl~<bee ~~fu:de)a\_coos!hft ~nldi!maoue ·>rlr miLl! I bofom<, •euerfo·ltttle-touched 'r'~h •tUY :part of <jods to.lx:\_.,1':\hri{haa,;r&;li Dfall,fher,h!hioi>h•tid · . >~gcr, a man 0111l fe<'le buufelfe,to haue eue11 «~:etnaRJife arefretdof'(,'paiodjl flck:Jcf. : thepangs·of 'he:)I mhts'fttarc••. •N?w thur.ef.ora f~~ll~l~tmi~il:s(hu!iger, thitl};cbld~w.mrilh:~'lt l they that would efcape out ot.d!IS. helitfh and .r:,oJllj\111 linne~ as1'111.g~r, forgotful'ndlri>i~llCl, ~amn:ib\ecftat<>, wl1ltetheyJlt!w: ttmelot·ttrem .atJ<l<"t> hell~de>,ti),darn1 uti.Ol\~E~riuJ,;a<'tf . ~ K!< . from