Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

~8o crheejlateofa [hrijiian,&c. fr_omeuery thing that caufeth mifcrie: accor- A it as with an huge and infinite f<aof waters as dmgtothat ofS. John, ·4· And Godt~~iO ~ay appeare inFtter, \\~.o at the trans£gu'ra- "''Pe•w•y 11/tteares from their eyu: ttnd thtre j1J•8 uon of Chrifl: wasfo rauifhfd out of mtafure be,no moredtath.neither ft~rro~ 1 neither ''j'ing, neiw_ith ioy at t~t fight ofit, that he quite forgot. rherJbalthmbt nn7mm p•int; (or tht fi'fl thi~gs htmfdfe,faymg, Matth.t7. 4 . M•J1tr ,it u g"d ""P•Jlid. Secondly,the faithful! fhall ·be in the ~ttrng !m : ltt '"m• let tl:m T •htrn•clu, or 11 jor prefence of Gods maie!He in heaueri there to thtt,ont for M•Jn, •nJont f., Eli.u•. Lallly out b~holdth~f•et, that is, his glory,asour Sauiour of this communion arifeth a perf<fi louc' of Chnfl: fanh, Ioh.t7• •4· F•ther,lt~~iUrh•t thry God, whereby the Saints lone God ·with all Yl>brch I'"" h•fl gi••• m<, btt With mte tutn their hearts,withall t~eir foul<s, and fl:r{ngth, Q>hm lam, thatthq may h•holdt my glory "'hich and th~sloue fhew~th 11 fdfc in that they are e. thou ha/1l"''""''· And Dauid faith, r•Jal.x6.u. tern~lly occup1ed m (•) worfnippiog God,by •R... 7• ln thyprt{mct u f•lnu ofioy, •nd•• t~y right h•nd fing!~gof fongs of praife & thankfgiuing vn- "'"' thm ""' pJta{rrm for tuermore, Reuelat.>>+ toh~m.Now:then feemgthekingd~meol hea. Thirdly, t. Cor.r5 .>8. they fhall haue fuch an uenrsfoglonous, and nonecan haueit but the excellent communion with God, that he fhall B true Chrillian, let all men account the bell be vnto them •0 in •H. For in the endeof the things in theworld(b) as drofreand dUilg, fo world wherlthe whole number of the ekfi is that they may obtaiQe Chtill: and his r~hte· ..PIUI.~o accompliOJ<d, Chriftfl1all preftntthcm to his oufncfre. s. tFather, and as he isMcdiatour he fnallceafe to .The lall:reafon is the endl<fre lone of Jefoos pea King, a Priefr, aProphet : for though the Chrifi fhewed in hisdeath and pafsion. Thou kfficacyofhisofficesbe eucr~fl:ing: yet the exartbynature the childofwrathand V(ngeance: ecution of thtm fhall coafe, as Paul faith, t. Satan hatll wounded thee with many a dead· Cor.t5.14;Thenfh.t0btth<end,wh••h• h•th4•- ly wound of finrte: thou lidl bi<eding at rhe (iumd vp tht~ngtlom< 11 God'"'" th< F.rh<r, hearr,andart like to die er<rnally. Tl:oubce. l\'h.enhehllth putrU\\•ne •0 '"''~ •IJ IIHthorltie ~enJ ingi'n thisefiatt, thereisnornanoncatth, no poll!tr., Againe, "among the ekd: there fnall not Saint in heauen, no Angdl, no creator< at all be·king andfubieet,father, mother,childe, helpe thte; Chrill: oc<ly was able: h~ her,fcruant,noble~ignoblei rich, poore, liuing, therefore came downe from heauen and~e. dead~ Some \fill lay,what then fhall be? I •ncameman, for this caufe,to workethydeliue. fwer,one glorious& euerlallin~ God, the Fa~ ranc~. furrhcrlnore, in the ciuring of the thcr,theSonne, and the holy Ghoft,fnall be in C wound of fin'ne,no hearbe nowater, no plai. all:he illd;,.all that heart ca1t wi{b and defire. ll:er; nb phyficke cartdoe t!,;:e any good: onely Men fhall notbein darkenes,neither fhalJ·they the todie afid blood ()f Chrill: isfoueraigne ,,.ed thc1ightofthe Sunnc, Moone,or Starres. for this marter,beiog ll:ieped in the wrath of God himfclfeimmediatcly fhall'be their light, God. He therdore lubi<lted himf<lfe to the as John f;Vth,Reu.zt.z;.tAndtht Citi• bath no death of the crofre, vpon which hce fuffered nttd•oftht S••••, neitbtroftht M•ontto ]hint in thewrath of God due to the ·fiooesol manit,for th•g1oryof Goddoth light it, •nd the L•mb• J..inde; and ofhisowne heart blood te ternpc. is the fight ofit, Men {hall not then need meate 1 red for them a lotleraignc medicine to heale l diinke,cloathing,Oeepe,recreatioc,firc,fhade, all thy woundesand foru. Now therefore derefpirarion,or anyotherfuch· like, but God fpifenotthismercic;feckevnt'oChdfl:, by ohimfdfeimmediarelyfhallbetheir life, and all pen all thy forcs, pray him that hee would thingsc6nccrniug'lifcby Chrifl:. Which John vouchfafe.theeif it bee bur one di:Oppeof h1s figniiie(h whenhe-faith, Reuel.1z.x.>.that ke blood; thenhe will come vnto tbee by his holy faw apw~ijMrof'""'"•frli{<, &lttrt ., Cry~•ll, fpirit, hewill wafh and fupple thy wounds in prD<ttditlg.ouhifl.htthron<of GM,& oftht LAmb: .his blood,and binde themvp. Hds tbe trtt of there b>iitigb] •irl~r jid<of it> thllrteof life 'Whi&~ D lift,thtlra•<J Whtrtllf heal< tkt nations, Reo. zt. 6ar<tw.,lanntr of< ft•ites,;and g•u• fr•itt "'*"] /.13• If thou get bur one leafe of him thou art "'"'"hor'And .whereas <Sod is continually to well, it will heale thee and re!lore thy dead beworfui}ipcd in heauen: theyneedeno other JOule, that thou ··maiefl: liue eternally in the rattm•ci!".Ott<mVie then\tlto, but God himkingdome of heauen. If this reafon will not felfe.lhal~be their temple :'as John faith, Reu. moouethee to be aChrifl:ian,thy cafeis defpe1r.11.F[own,,.mpl< th<ttin, fdr th< Lord God 'rate. Jtisthebefl: reafonthat Ptttr could vfe Almig./1ti< and th< LAmht ,.,, th< ttmpu of it. to tliis purpofe. A 1 obtdi•••childrtn ( faith he,r•· Fourthly, from this gloriou• com.munion Pet.,.t4·I5-)f•Jhio• notyour fti•w•nwh< forwliicb<is betweent:God.&iChriftashcisman, mtrlujlsof)'•r igtu>r••ct, b•t~t~btt whrch h.rh and all the Samts which arehismembers,therc &A8td7•• is h•ly ,(o )' bth•lyin .Om•nn<r•f•.n- . arifethanvnfpeakableioyand gladnes,where- •erf.rion.His reafon followeth,v:r2,I9·K"'ll>· with thcy·~re filled. D11uid faith, PC.ImlJ6.8. ing thM l' '"" not r<dttmed 'l>ith. cm•ptrble , Gods children !hall be fatisfied wit~ tht fatnu things,•s fit." and t.old<,f~om Y'"' "'""' con•trfaof hM. boHjt', :Attd th4t ht foLDgille themdrUr~t oMI tionrtttiNtd h) the ·tr11d1t11n of tht Ft~thtrt, hut ofthe ri•tr~ of&.il pl•aforei. >his vndoubtedly is I "'iththt pmioHs bloodbfChrsfl,•ll[alam6tvntkin&nirej!and the Saints ar~ not onely repleni- 'I Jil•d •ndWithout fPottt. - . fned with it.r but they arcalfo fwallow<'d vpof I 1 Thus much hauel fpoken to 'the worldhng, ~~~~~~~~~~~~Y~~~~~==~~~ who -