Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

fa~ glued, ~ea naile~ and chain~d ~t? the A, plea-more g~otle: plai!lcr.-"'!hichfuppkd11fid willofthediUel!. Thtswasthe capttume.and ;fwaged the, ~¥0Un4_$ of 1 t.I1Y confcicpc~} and bondage whence Chri!t deliuerethmee,redee~ 1 l,lroughtmc health :· it broul;l:lt -the Spjrjt of · med and loofed mec. His blqod,bisdeatb, his God;whichloot.dthe bands_o£S~tan andc~upariencc in futferingreb~kes ":n<hvrongs,_.aoa ~qGod.and his wjl! through a llrong t~efull wrath_of.God,,hts praters.and faftmgs1 fatth andferuenr loue. Which l>all<ls:wU•ll!O hiS meekcneife' nnd fulfilling rite •vttermoll ltroilg for>the diuell,rl)_e wotld,or a'ny,l:rt~tVre points·ofthe law;app~afedth~lwcathpf GOdl to.loofe.·J\nd•I apoorC:&iwr~t~h~d cflilnerfelt br??gb~ thefauour·o£God·to me agilirie , oB> f<i>;rcy,;that in myrf4Ife t WjislmQJl,IUrc t.i'medthatGod!ha~td roue me!firfr;and~my . thanG~d~?l~ n.or fo;(<lkeJne, or euet:wjthFather, .and thata mcrctfull Eathdtha~wpuld i<lra;whismemc &!cuefromme. Ap<HbOiil,. confider my infirmity ·and .weakcQeifq ·arid il)'lcrycdoiit: with!'A•/, fa}!illg;whoif!>.•~f!imt• would giue me his fpirir againe, whi:h he had mtfrom rh• kue o/God? &r. Finally,-as before taktn away in Atbtm, to rule-,-goueroe and - wheni-wasbonndtothediueJI.andhiswill J fir~\hen ~·· aqdtobr~~e-the ~~nds of Sa- 1 Wr~Jugh~l!wa.on~.Jl'U\wkk~ndfe,for I co:rld tan :- whemn I wa/fo!tratghtbOund. When - doe no otherwife;1twas-lny harure 1 : e~l. fo Chri!lwasonthis-wifepreacll~cij :!d&n pro. ) ' tfo\V,fince.I"am!couj>k'd i:6)Go'd by Chrifu mifes rehearfc:d which are contained in the llf ·bJqod, 'JL<Io(tgo.od.ft~dY.lli!.Pufeofthe fpirit bookeofGod (which preaching is C>allerlthe >J nd!t.bismy nature. And thus I trulll haue fa~ Gofpell or glad eydings,) and 1had deepdy tisliedyour lirll dcmaund. conliqe(ed t·hefame::: tbeJ> itl)li h~il.rt,,l:w!llui '!! ld-n,TP~Ife,;k)."~1. b_ut meorhlllkes_yo_u·@e' roo waxdoft and mcltatlth!: bounttP!lS•f!lercyIll 1 J!l~ql]c;_o~·nm~ yopr~lf~ in refpe<i Of fifuie. Goi!,and,kindnes fhewcd'ofClid~Fotwhco !,or l.canrern~mbt( t!J§t,fr60i.y<# clli1dfiob<J the Gofpel) waspreached, the·fpir~c.6£G.Pd ); ofagoo~ <Uid.g~ntl~iln1 e, ~'j,<:lir (methougbt~:entredinto my heart, a.nd.opo. > 1 .<ljll\(•,WJis ~lwaye~II>J)Il~£1; and fi~lj!:,:and ~e<l myjnward cies, atid w~oughta liuely faitH Y9\' ,cau\dJlJ<JJ~K abicl_~t~ coinp,al)ie ,of. fqem mme,. and mademywofnll cenfc1eqce f<ele & W;it w,..;~rN>y)lers and,~~Oi;Ws, 'l!'df~c:rs, t~O;<; h?w fweete·a ~~ing the bittei,_dea:~· ~f ~ ,>hli!1i4>rt f•and,~o.nt<tl1ner3J:I)t~o'ils Chr1ft ts, and howmemfull and·lo11mgGooos ,"'o'd·,J.Ind <hllllk.ards, wb~ch.!!JQW ar.e~e~rmed through Chri!ts purcha£ingmerits 1 oandmade !l!l' i.l\nq yoQJ".1k~ling wirb·altmcn metobegi 0 toloue againc, aildtocilt,fent to h<t ~~lib~efi<Slll~:cnmmend~d~fo.r gocidlofaith. thdawef God, hOw thatitis good·and ought ullan_d iul4ri NVpat m~ane.)'6u.then to make fotobe, and.tbat Godisrighteousthatriladc, yom fdfe.:.IQ._abhominable and accurffdr, mill it:laftly,it wroughtm me adefi~;etb be wholei C. to fa~ y.ouw~t~>fo wholly: adslil'ted vntq wic-' an~ tohunger and thirll after more ·righteouti k<dneife,•'an<iJypur wil!fofe'atcfully and mifeneife, and·!tcengthtofullill thelaw·morcpdl rablyin-capti\lity yntothe willofthediuell? fc.{tjy,<and in all thaJ I doeorleauc ~ndone,tb ··.Ji•ftf, ··BretherT•,.,/u.,I.know what ltay, fefke Gods honour,and hiswill with meekneSJ G11.d giuemegrace to fpeake it with moreliueeufrJIIOf~· condemning the impetfcl'tneife of (y fedin.g,e£my:.w.e.aken<if.-. candwiih a rnorc my<le<\i~s. by.iliel<t!\1. ; ,.Jo;: >ri bifter.Jie~ll!.t>ioll:; of my ,finne, Rylnaturc Now then· this,_goodworke o~Gpd too~ii¥, tbt;uogiltlu: .faiLof Ad•m am I the chifd<o of f'!luation, !):andcthi11(WoWinlslrrhe worl!.itig !YJ13th,h~~e-.ofth.e vengeance ofGod bv·birth: .ofthe!~w,ami th<:\\!<liking oftll.<Gofpell: tbe I ?r:~a..:_nd f<> frJ!m n;Y !irllcon,eptioJ? : aitd•Irhad prea<\ungofthe,!~wasr.,bey.rh~tJ:ound·andi ,IJIJ(r fdlowlhipVltth.lbedamned·dJuells sJaJilncd my confqe.(l~e t •the pttachmg of the 1 to!'powcr;ofidarknes and rule.of Satan, ·,,uile Pofpell w,as ahotheiJitey that li><lfed mee, i. 1w~s.yronmy ·mot~ersw.Pmb: and .altbough gai.n,e. Theft rwo f~lues (I meano .the' law and I-{hew.d·n6n-the fruits oflionc as fuciiie-~srll . thepoJ;iJell)vfed ,GQd ..&bi~llrea~her tohe:ile I 'yasoo··ne~orlong after: .y~wu! fuiLo~the and ~~~~e·meawretched fmner lluehall.The law tf na!urall pqfo.n, from whence all Wlckedd«ds did_dr)\lc"!l~.II)ydifeafe,.andmadeit apptare, ,floe fprmg, and cannot liut ~nne outwar~ly, and )Vas a.ll>arp.eblnc, and frttl'iug corrafiuo, , as foone as I am able toworlie (be I neuer fo and~ill<<\tbcdead atlh, and loefed anddmv · young) ifoccalion be giuen:'for my •nature is the•fo,rJ!~ljt b)llthe root, and all:i:otruption. It tofinne as isthe nature of·a ferpent rc:hlhbg : . pnllql.from me alltrofr and comidence I i)ad and,,. a ferpent yet yom\g, Qryetvnbr~aghr iry my felfe, -~pd,in mjne owne .W.<>.rks,merits, forth, _is.fulLof 'poyfun an~ .c"!'not.aftetw~d d_e(qujngs, aild.ccremonies, and robbed me (when time:and occalion IS ·g1uen)· bat lormg qf_all !IlY rigljtecufr,c.lfe, an~made·mee poore. torth thefnl!tes ~hor<of; And as ab adder, ~ ltkill_e<\Jlle in fcnpjpgJr.e lJownetOht.ll, anJ ~oad,bra Jilakc,IS hated or man,no~for,~he euiJ brmgmgmeealmo(hil '-t~or tlefpQ~atiOn,. ani! ' It.had done,but for the Jl?'fon that IS mtr., .and p~~pa;ed the way oflthed.ot<jl, as 1t Is wntten hurt wh!Chltcannot butdoe: .fo ~m! hated~f o( !.oJn.JJ~plij/,' for..jt ,w,as not •P. ofiiblnhatl Go'd for that namrall potfon whtch 1s conc~ICh~ifllhould comq vnto meeas.lor.gas.l tru.c ued andhorne.wuh mee before_I doe any out· O;e9j n)r.y felfe,or in anr worldly thi"l;; or haCli ward ~oil!. And as.the emU ,wh1ch avenc~ou~ any~lopteoufneOeofmmc owhe. or nches oe wormedoth, maketh ttnot af<rpcnt, b~t be I holy,,~o,kes. Th~n afterward came.the Gofcaufeitis a venemous worme, thereforedot~ - lt -