Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

it euill,and'Poi(oneth: euen fo doenot our'e- \Ctt. kednes';rik~as 'Daui4w«~i!>U•h whm:dlenn 1 •uill decdes make vs euill fir!l:,,hut becaufewee l G.od ondy-ts fatd to ham:·opet!ul tofgt~e>-at- ,arc ofhature:eailt therefore doe weeuill, and,the p~e;~cbi1Jg of Paul'- and, Sil.u, thinke·euill roere~nalldamnation bythe law, who'alfo.eJJwp.refent:lyafri!twas ,-!:ady.oroeil- I and are cdnrrary to the will of God i~ our rerrain'eP1u,>mlandroin~k<l.1\lein a f~a~t11pcr I will and in allthtngs confent vnto the wtll of houfe, WJl!Gh,lbeeconld n<>thauedon~,.-'iilbee• the fiend. . . . ' h~d b'itJ~tithe.p.erplexi,its-ofEz.echi"-lj\O~.D>t1' I 'limorh; A.s.ycit f n<llerha.dfuch a.feeling uid. The.fante-:niay.l;>ee-fpok~n ofihd<W>y]<,rJ'' of my linoes as youJ1auehad:, ,aml although I andoErhem_whichh~~tdcllr•\ atrJc"' i · would be loarl;l to commit· ~n.)t ,fmn~ ,nye~ th~ >Yfa_Iem, .. ~&ho for.a\LW~h:u:l-plutdered <:>~r: Law was ncucx {p 1 retciblc vntom«!; cbndemS~u10ltt''Cbr~fr, )'ePn thetr•oot~ll«fi<mj,cdJmt j nin~mee, pr.ot\ouncinJ>th:;litil~tnc~,of. d~~th h~ailts w~.:e qn.Irfort\Jenme.pnckcd<:~nen qgam(\ mce, a.nd,frmgmgror.:ceo(cJenc~~n!h God m prcp~rwgvs ~JN_blchm trt)~h. arel!!O~ fcare of•uerlafring paint, as ri'erceiue irh.~th thmg bft.&lbly a.nd ihnkJng dunghfr~.o£ !'>t!•; bin vnro yam th~re_tore I fearepf<tQ);imes kfr ·nay;;~·i:r¥ ;vnoleaQencs a)Js\ pbl!UJ:iori itrf~lf<, :U , my protefsion9f religion {QouJdiq~e r~a~ly, mB fay in pr<lP<Pling vs ro_(Je_e:rm T.<, Iris truth meer~_-hypoctiGe, 1 prayyou:let mae holy Spirii;«> dwellin;:wd• thefr~whbufe.-tO' _qeareyourmil)q. · ".· '' ., .•:;" ;i·n'll bilordvp.iuS;heaqcnlyrgrac~sm ·, dodllO'!herFIIf<b. A tr4~[ayiilg it is;tJi';it ~herightwar whili:sv.fe":rJllilde ·anci gentle remeaic;.and tq go vnto hea\li'o; isro f.1ilc byhell; aoil:ther.e 111aketlirhe~·"'to lo0.k:vpon vs~ thoUgh•Wltrh is no man liuingthat feelesthe power and VC>; no louiilg.&get)tie; !'C\t }ltithildfearefullCbUnlltC ofthe bloodpfChrifr, whi~h.fit_fr hatl<nor tenance.randothcrw.hi~s!fo forire hedl:trc\lt a fdt the painesofhell. &t yet)tJ thefe p>1nes lbarpc edge vnto the l:a.w, .~nd inakletlrlili-f6 there is a diflerence : and it i§the will of God; wound 'the h.eart Ytiy dccpe ;·•ancLas!dltO'ng that his·children intheir conyerfion fi1all fom~ <orrafiue t(> torment them,:anol roJre!urll!nd -of.them feele mo•e, and_fomele£fe. t'Fccki><t_ gpaw.v.~<lO:thcir c<UifcienceS. 'And.w'<cfeeoby i))l his death-b;;.d,tP.mphinqi)\, .llfa, 38··1-3>•~t• cxperieM~ ,..that· aoo.tdh~or. achit«llll'ia! IIWls that' the L.ordbre.~th hi< bo,nes li~-a L)'on '· .tball Q!ldy;i§g&,Well eafecl .of.tbe i:Ol'!uprirum-riti Js 'hecouldnotJPeaf<!bJ re'Afon ofp•ine.; but chott<~ed. i11 it'p<icking_of~l)_e;pointOfa fn\\lllll~i;i inhi<t.hY,••f !ik!•or~ne, -and·rpo~rqtd_lik[ 4Doue: , dl~ ,')S l:>y'th~Jau))cing~[a,gr~anafcrvv.l)]()ie~ Iob<i.•••' /obfalth,that!G]ojliJ huen<111it,..~n4 h•thfothim (oreif_.I;>Qqlly his Spirit:Jiiaue wroughr:i&~ciil lo ''l·•• "'•m<rktt•fooo~a~, ,~,_a th" ehear>'DINt.of.the fotfQW.f!lr{JJJnein any frilal!.me~Gire,:enough AlmiJhiJ"'"!P'~qiltll antJth~tJ~' poi{ffl.ifthem c noUna~·grcat rneafUJ:e.a~yli>l.J ilcflre,;>J'.d!PI;;me h4thdnm~evp·hiFffiirit, D<iiiil ·bcwailetlihis,e- :) w. caufo,.oo-complaine ' ''?tld in that>%tlare P(,l,t lo !tat~ in many!'fahnes,but efpedally in the-~.3C.. W'i~~t:d .w~dt•a gbdly{on.o.w!for youdult;>it is llf.,lme, where hee beginoeth OfrJ:hismanoero: a.g<>odJ.o:ken ofthe grlc.edf.God.inyoit> "'· O•tofrbe d<ep; ,pl1ctt hau<, i.;(~H~""" th"' 1 \0 . • Tim•l.h. Sure1y;1:11is·is.agreat c6mf~ you ·L~rd:which. i~ as though hee lhould: fay:;..0 giue ((le;-God make ine ch.1rikefull fo.,;ir; And my poorefouk&Jf not Aattedowne~ ·vexe .ndt I pray you more plainely ihew me thc>1bt'e of. thy felfe out pf. meafure 'the< bbrdett of thy yourlifetiH thishoure, tbat>I andoail.dfh~• Illay limresprclfctho;e fore indeede; but bee thou t~ke warhingBy it••o J. "' .. , .,., b not tor all that.ijuite ouer-wheltned ,:th.o.lllaf.t e•ftb, T!hot which lruly.<foe gqG:if.vpto o- _thmfrdciwn~ fo.Iow into the depth~f<le~pes, ther rncn.I Will neuer coMcale, rh'Ot,g_h:ivbe~ that thou hadfr:rreedecry aloud to bee, lieard tomy perperualllhlme:r.ks(l was.cooccilieJ ofhi.n which·dwellerh in rh~ highefr hcighr. : and borne in finne, fo my,paremshrwjllft ln~t and the euer-burnin~ hell 'fir~ is notfarre froll! vp ju ignorance, and neiler !hewed- ~e liny ' that Lake whither thineiniquities haueplun- D tbamc,andinifory by ,Godslaw: ·and-<Niued ged thee, fathat thou maid! receiue asit were along time, euen as aman in adead ·fieepe o~ the Ecch? of their cryes ani;! defperate howtrance, truth l'liued·as though there hngs,whtch bee there cafr outof a!\ hot>eof.e• were neither heauen.nor_hell, ncirbltrGoo nor uer commingforth. Butthe Lord whic~ brindiuell. And thediuellhimfc:Ife (as I oowpcrgeth forth euetltO the borders of hell h>s bc(l c~iue) did .ofren pcrfwade my fecure confci-• btloued when they forget themfclues, kR<>W• ente that I wos the childe ofGod and·fhould cthalfuhow·welltobringthem bocke againe. befimedaswellas'the befrman i~ the'w~>rld: Goenofurtherthcndownward,butlifnp~hy , andiyeelded to his perfwalion, ;>nd did ve- _ heart togetherwiththine <ye, and feeke vpto rilnl).inl<:e it : fo that when the Preacher tor rhe Lord, to reach Ynto thee his merciful! a.nd wickednelfe and fecuritie denounced Gods he!pin~hand. . iu~g~l]len!s and hell fire, I haue f~id "momy Ag;une, urthe Scrtptures wee findeexam. ne•ghboors,that I hoped Ilbould lie faued, and pies ofmen conuerred vnto the Lord without hee lbould goe to hdl : and whenI was asked a_ny yehement forrow of their linnes. What whether I couldkeepe all rhecommandemecrs angililh of~onfcience. had the thie.fe vpon the ofthe l~w;I faid th'!t;{ could : and.oeing asked cro{l(: forh1sformer hfe mh1s prefent conue~- whether I neuer_linned, I faid I-tho11ght rhar fion atthe hoJlre of Death I How was Ly~•• othcrwhllcs I dtd; .bnt for them which were d1fmayed and cafr down m refpett of her Wlcbut fcwe , I hoped God would hauc mercie, Kk 3 aOd /