Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

r rUl Vialog~ei/Jfthe \>nd~rle.m~eicuf~, and all mynei'ghbours 11. Tim. Isthatenoughthinkeyou? l"':ere:glad•of my companie, they ·fpoke well " Euftb. What lacketh? 'Ofmi: J·and' I was t~l\I:R for an honeft man, ' Tim. The fauour aud mercy·of God, that !whrn.~~lindeede.befoieGod;I w•n-vilebcall: ma,y cleane forfake you. .' · •land! thi::childe ofw_totli,"infpiredrwiththe fpiE•fo~•. Najr,that I will neuergrant: for I am ritofcllcdiuell coilrinually. Well,afier I heard ccrtainelie perfwadedofthe fauour of God,<" 1theLawpreathed;:andifaw ll; rememb'red mauen to the faluation of my JOule. . ny f"-"l!efull iodgemej\rs of'God' vponfmen, . :r;,... ,Ofhew methat, th~t ist.he thing I 'whom l in reafon thooshr \vere .as.go'od men earnell:ly delire, to be affured ofGods fpeciall as I,, then l beganr6eonfider mindt>w"'ell:atc; goodne!fe,euen py your experience. · ' 'aDribl peJaei11e my1innes, and my curfedne!fe, "Eufib; According as God·hath giuen me to andY-I>t>na'"'ime aboueall other,' vh"e' curfe of feele the fame,fo will he fhew 'it you. And firll: · tlte law, made rrie inwardly afraid 1 and my flelh ofall,the dealing ofGodtoward~me is agood thenbogan ro·tml.lble ai1d qu~k<> :then I c9uld argumeM ll>mt1 In thefirll: Commanderr.ent no_t Qei:p_ein the nigt\t fea£on, I was afraid of .God. hath commanded me to take him to be;. euerything. Ifl houfo,. ~thought ,,, my God,and-in·the-Lords pra-ier, he teachhh the houf~wouldfallb'nmyhead : ' ifabroad, I meetocallhiml!ather: hee hath created the thought ieuery crannieP(•thc eanh..would o• B worldgenerally,_andeuerycreature particular- ~nir felfi:.wide, and·f>vallow-me·.Martedate· ly for man;andfo for me, 1o-ferue for my corn. u.ery,flraw, ondaNj)emoel!illg of:a11ie: my moditie,necefsirie, and ad'mot;ition. Alfo hee mcato\vasloathfoinevntO me, and-Ithought hathmademeeforhis owneimage, hauing a I wasnot worthybffo good acteatureofGod, teafonable foule,bodie,fhape, where he might a~dthatGod mighr;5ufr[y turne ittomy bane : haue made me aToad, a Serpent, aSwine, de. the griefe of mx hfarC for my life pa.i1 made formed,framicke. Moreouer,he hath wonderme!h.edab.vundanq: ef teares : and vpon that fiilly preferued mee in my infancie, childhood I rem1:mbrec:\in'D~•;d,l>falme•,that hifl'teares youth , middle age hitherto from manifold~ were hisdrinke,and that he did wethis bedde d~~gersand perils : all which do'e·confirme in With eeares1 And noW•the diuell ohahged both me a perfwafion ofGods fatherly loue: &that his eoate ana hisnote, :and in fe:irefull-inanner I fhould not doubt hereof: where I mighthaue cri_«l:itl'my cares, that I·was a reprobate, liis beene borne of T•rkes; loe it-was the will of childe.: that noneof God~children were as I God that I fhould bee borne.of Chrillian pa. am.that,this griefe of.lny foulc wasrhe-begin· rents 1 and beeJ:>ro~ght into.Gods Church by ningofhe~. A.ndthe,greaterwasmypaine,be. Baptdine, whtchtsthe Sacrament of adopt(,. >•utiwcturfi not open my mindevnto any for C on,and requirethfaith, aswelloftheremifsion fcare the.y,fhould hauemocked mee, and haue of!DY linnes,as offant\ilication, and holine!fe made a iefiofit. WhertfQ!:el was faineto goe robe wrought·ofGod in mce by his grac.e ancL to a godly learned Preacher'< I fhe:wed·mine eholy fpirit ' wher~ I migl)t'haue beene borne O:atF vnto him ; after I had continued with him in an ign<)rant'timeand religion, God would 'the (paceoftwo orthreedaies,I receiued~om. that I fhouldbe borrie in thcfc daies,and in this fori both by the promifes ofmercie, whicl1 he countrie, wherelsmor~kn_owledge reuealed, Jlfewed mdnthe booke ofGod,and by hisferthen euerwas here, or tn many places elfe is. ue'\t,godly,a!'d effi:auall prayers:and I thanke Where I might haue beeue of a corrupt iudge. God·euer lince I haue had fome alfurance (in ment, and inrangltd wirhmany·crrourscfPafpite ofihe diueI!) t11at I doe apperraineto the pillrie, andofthcFamilie of Loue , and ofthe kingdome ofheauen, and am nowa member fchif~e ofBro,.nt, by G?ds g?iodnes myiudge· of Ie(us <;brill:,and fhall fo continue foicuer. ment ts reformed, and lie hath ned mine Tim. ,Howknowyou tlia1 God hathforgieyestofee, and my heart toe ehisfm- )ICn yo.tlr finne? · · cere truth. By all which thirtgs I onlirme e•f!b. Becaufe I am a finner, and he is both myfaith ofthis, that God alwaies hath beene, ableanil>wi!ling to.forgiueme. D is>,.and will be for euermy Father, andat my Tim, ,r grant that beeis ableto forgiue you, departingforthof this worldWJII giue mce the bmhow know you that he will? y6ukmow •orowneofeuerlalling glorie. Secondly, when your finnes arc very great. as man is euermore doubting of the promifes euftb. I grant: but Chrill:s pJifsion is farre of God beetheyneuerfo cerraine, Godofhis - greatc.r: and ~!though my linneswereasredas infinite mercie to ' preuent all occalions 'O.f skarlet and as purple, yet fhall they be as white doubtings, promifethto giue his fpirit~s as fnow,and as foft as wooll. a ple3ge, pawne,- or earne!f-penme v~to hl~ Tim, Oh but you haue finnedvery often. children of their adoptton, and elellton to eufib. Tell mec not I pray you whatihaue ·faluatio~. Now linceit plcafcd God to call done,but what I will doe. . . mce from hypoc;ifie to bee a member of his '- Tim. Wharwillyoudoe ( Church, Ifeelethatinmy felfewhichlneuer E•feb•• By Godsgrace it is my fullpurpofe, feltorheardofbefore. In timespall:, I came and my earndl praicr to God is , hereafter to to praicrs,and to the preachingofGods word; take better hecde, and to amend my former euen as a :Beare commeth to , the !take; life. · now the word of God is meate and drinkS to