Perkins - BX9318 P47 1626 v1

386 ~:!J'ta!og'ue~the . . . l ofthe fir.ll: bmnt was pall:, and my mm?e-was A fufJiGJent,but that workes mull: be10yned with • more<jUlCt. And tlle goodneffc of mtfat~r f~ttht6mllification,··bU\ true fairh·is onelyrhe : and hrs old kmdneff~ cam~ vnto my ~ememgrft<ifGod,and ismighiy in operation, euer brance , eitherby mmc·<>w~courage )\~tby work~1g·1 b_eing fi1Hofvertue: tt' re~tifth man tbe comfort of another. l}~d I beleeue<l·that and be~~ftethhim 'ifrefil, alteretnhitn, chan~ my father would notpnt mce away or··drll:<oy geth h1m,& rurnerh him altogether,iriio anew me: and hee hoped that I ~ou!ddoe llO·more creature and conuerfatiou; fo<hara mau ihall fo.. And vpon that I gate me home agal_nc dii'- fee!e his heart cleane changed, &far btherwife ma1ed, bnt nor altogethe• faithlfffc: 'tho. ol~ dtfpofed theu before, and harh'power ro Ioue kmdnes wonld nor let me defpatre , howber£ that whtch before:he could not·but hafe:& de~ all rhe world could not Ie,c'mine heartr:U: reJl, lightcth in t'hatwliith before lie abHorred and vntill the pair.le had becne pall:,and vn,ilnIrhad hatctli that which before hce could no; but heard the voice ofmy father, that all Is forloue. ,And it fetteth ~hefou!eat liberty &magotten. '· • i .. . kethherfreetofol!owthewillofGod and is · Tim81h. S'eeing that youhaue th_usplain~ly toth~ foule as healih to the body. Aft~r thata and trucl¥ 01ewed the weakencffe of yo.lll's,;md man•!S pined with long ficknes, the legges can' confequentlyofall mens faith, ihew me,I ptay norbeare him, he cannot liftvp-his h,ands to fOU,how by the weakenf\S of faith a Ch•iilian B he!J?ehim ,histalleis.orrupt, fugar is bitterin 1s not r.ather difcomforred then comforted, his month, his ll:omacke longeth after lluband affirred ofhis faluation. ~erfiuae.and fwaih,atwhicha whole !lomacke E•fi~. God dorh not fo much regard the Jsreadytocall his gorge: when health corn. quantity ofhis graces as the rruth of tlicm,aee meth ihe chaugeth and altereth him cleane giapprooueth a little faith ifit be a true faith:yea, uerh him ll:rength in all his members, lull 'and it faith in vs were no more bur a graine of muwill to doe of his owne accord thatwhich beltcrd-fced(which isthe1eall ofall other feeds) fore he could not doe, neither could fuffcrthat it fhou!d be elfeel:ual!, and .God would haue any man fi1ould exhort him to doe, and hatll refpeel: vnto it. The poore difeafed begger now lull:inwholfomc things, and his members with a lame hand, hauing the palfie alfo, is aare free and at liberty, andhaue·power to doe blc nctierthe!es to reach out the fame and reall things of his owne accord which belOng to ceiue aua!mes ofa king: and fo in like mana found a"d whole man to do.Ancl faith work· .nera weake and languiihiogfaith is fuffickriteth_in the fame manner,. as a treebrings forth ly able to reach out it felfe, and to apprehend fruJt ofh1s owneaccord.: and as a man neede the infinite mercies of our heauenly King not bid atree bring forth fruit, fo is ther< no offi:ted vnto vs in Chrill:. Faith in the 3• ofJohn C law put to him thaf beleeuerh and is iuflified is comparedvnto theeie ofthe Ifraelite,which !through faith, to force him toobedience, ney. although it were ofdimme fight, orlooked a· ther is it needful.For the law iswritten &grafquint, yet could neuer fo little behold the uen in the heart,his pleafure is daily therein, & brafen ferpent, jr was fufficient to cure the as without commandemcmt euen ofhism\'nGa- !lings ofthe fiery {erpents,and to fauc life. turcheeaterh,dnukcth,ICeth,heareth,talketll, Tim. Seeing that you facisfic meein euery goeth: euen fo ofhis O\~/ne nature withoutany point fo fully; fhewme I pray you, whether a compulfion ofthe laW, hee bringeth forrh good man may be wicked al1'd haue faith, and whe. works: andas·awhole man when he< isarhirll ther faith emring expellethwkkedne!fe. For I tardeth but fordiinke, and when he hungrcth haue heard fome fay, that a man might beabrdeth but for meate , and then drinketh and !eene the word of God, and bee neuer the eateth naturally: enen fo is thefaithfnU euerabetterin his life or ho!ierrhenbcforehe was. thirll:, and an hungied afrer the will ofGod, Euf<b. Man/ there are which when they and tarricth but. fo~ an occafion: andwhenfoeheare or reade of faith, at once they confent uer an occafionlS gmen, heworkethnatnrally thereunto and hane a ccrtaine imagination and the will ofGod. Forthisb!efsingisginen them opinion off.1ith: as 'llhen a man tclleth a ll:ory, D .that troll in Chri!is blood, that they thirfi and or a thing done in a ll:range land that pertaihung~r to.doGodsw!ll. He that hath notthrs neth not to rhem at all,which yet they beleeue falth,rs but an vnprolitable bab!cr of fa~thaHd and tell as a.tme thing, and this imagination cor workes, and neither wotteth what he bableth, opinionthey call faiDh. Thereforeasfooneas norwherennto hrs wor?s tend. Forhee feethey hauethis imagination en: opinion in their,nor the workmg of hearts, they fay verily, this doCl:n<1e feemerh the Spmt m hJS heart , but l~terpreteth the true,! beleeue it is euen fo : then theythinke Scnprnres whtch fpeake of farth and workes that theright faith isrhere,butafterwardwhen after hisow~e blind reafon, and foolitnfanta• they feele in themfelues no manner ofworking fies,not haurng any expmence mh1mfelfe. ofthe Spirit, neither the terrible fentence of . Tr?mh.Euery member of ChnHscongregathe Law,& the horriblccaptiuity vnder Satan, non IS afinner,& ilnneth dady,fome more ar:d. .neither can perceiue any alteration in themfome!e!fe: for IllS wntten,x.loh.x.8.lfl!llr[4J· felues,& that any good·worksfollow,but findc U;e h<~ntno jinnt/(PtdeceiHe oHr ftlweJ, ~?dihetruth they are altogether as before, &abide in their i4 nor in vs. And Paul, Rom-7.19,,o..Thatgood o!d.ell:ate, rhen thinke they that faith is not which [..,oHid,rhar doe 1nor: b ..rrh.e <HrHWIJJch I U'IHJd